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Aelianus, De natura animalium

TM Author id: 22 (Aelianus)

more info: Wikipedia, Pinakes, Perseus Catalog, TLG Canon (register), Wikidata, CIRIS, VIAF, Perseus Scaife Viewer, TM Real

lived AD 175 - 235 about (often approximation)
ethnic: of Praeneste (TM Geo 14344)
sex: man
language: Greek
genre: history
biblio: RE Aelianus 11; EANS s.v. Claudius Aelianus of Praeneste

Works not attested in TM Texts and only known from manuscripts postdating AD 800 or from references in other authors not yet processed in TM: Varia historia; Epistulae rusticae; Fragmenta.

TM Authorwork id: 505 (De natura animalium)

more info: ToposText, Wikidata, GLAUx, TLG

attestations in this work: TM Places (Egypt, 12), TM People (Egypt, 1)

written AD 170 - 230language: Greek
edition: Loeb

Stable URI (with TM Authorwork ID):
Selection: De natura animalium (see entire workscloud for this author)

There are no attestations of this work in manuscripts or inscriptions pre-dating AD 800 (or quotes from them have not yet been processed by TM).