Seals and Stamps
from Graeco-Roman and Byzantine Egypt

SB 12 10913 (cf. JJP, 16/17 (1971), 136) + BL IX

Seal ID: 1079
Publications: SB 12 10913 (cf. JJP, 16/17 (1971), 136) + BL IX
Inventory number: 9756
Online photo:
Description: Seal for tax of 1 and 2%: "a part of the male head turned to the right, surrounded by an inscription, probably in two rows, of which the letters ]πα[ of the inner one remain ( πύλης Σοκνο]πα[ίου ?) ["gate of Soknopaiu"]". Attached to custom house receipt.
Material (seal): Clay/mud
Material (seal matrix):
Type of document sealed: 10.Document with Untersiegelung
Type of recipient sealed:
Date: Roman
Place: Soknopaiu Nesos
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