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AbbreviationTM Abbreviation# editions RangeExample
Khanoussi / Maurin (ed.), Mourir à Dougga. Recueil des inscriptions funéraires convert to TM abbreviation 1616 from number 1 to number 1617 (year 2002) e.g. Khanoussi / Maurin (ed.), Mourir à Dougga. Recueil des inscriptions funéraires 1
Kütter, Graffiti auf römischer Gefässkeramik aus Neuss convert to TM abbreviation 963 from number 1 to number 964 (year 2008) e.g. Kütter, Graffiti auf römischer Gefässkeramik aus Neuss 1
Kent, Corinth 8.3. Inscriptions convert to TM abbreviation 745 from number 1 to number 737 (year 1931-1966) e.g. Kent, Corinth 8.3. Inscriptions 121
Kaibel, Epigrammata Graeca convert to TM abbreviation 616 from number 1 to number 1139 (year 1878) e.g. Kaibel, Epigrammata Graeca 1048
Kokalos convert to TM abbreviation 584 from volume 3 to volume 49 (year 1957-2003) e.g. Kokalos 24 (1978), p. 112-127
Koptoo (online), O Bachit convert to TM abbreviation 483 from number 2 to number 2315 (year 2011) e.g. Koptoo (online), O Bachit 380
Korhonen, Le iscrizioni del Museo Civico di Catania convert to TM abbreviation 476 from number 1 to number 557 (year 2004) e.g. Korhonen, Le iscrizioni del Museo Civico di Catania 250
Kern, Die Inschriften von Magnesia am Maeander convert to TM abbreviation 471 from number 1 to number 400 (year 1900) e.g. Kern, Die Inschriften von Magnesia am Maeander 23
Kölner Jahrbuch convert to TM abbreviation 410 from volume 13 to volume 49 (year 1972-2016) e.g. Kölner Jahrbuch 21 (1988), p. 287-291 no. 2
Knapp, Latin inscriptions from central Spain (LICS) convert to TM abbreviation 374 from number 1 to number 331 (year 1992) e.g. Knapp, Latin inscriptions from central Spain (LICS) 178
Kropp, Defixiones convert to TM abbreviation 363 (year 2008) e.g. Kropp, Defixiones no. 3.2/1
Kraeling (ed.), Gerasa city of the decapolis convert to TM abbreviation 361 from number 1 to number 359 (year 1938) e.g. Kraeling (ed.), Gerasa city of the decapolis 142
Koptoo (online), O DAN kopt convert to TM abbreviation 330 from number 2 to number 845 (no year) e.g. Koptoo (online), O DAN kopt 300
Klio convert to TM abbreviation 326 from volume 1 to volume 98 (year 1901-2013) e.g. Klio 34 (1942), p. 56-57
Kadmos convert to TM abbreviation 312 from volume 7 to volume 61 (year 1968-2022) e.g. Kadmos 30 (1991), p. 173-174 descr.
Kockelmann, Mumienbinden convert to TM abbreviation 304 volume 2 (year 2008) e.g. Kockelmann, Mumienbinden 2 p. 245 no. 1 descr.
König, Itinera Romana convert to TM abbreviation 268 volume 3, from number 1 to number 269 (year 1970) e.g. König, Itinera Romana 3 38
Kovács, Tituli Romani in Hungaria reperti (RIU). Suppl. convert to TM abbreviation 257 from number 1 to number 252 (year 2005) e.g. Kovács, Tituli Romani in Hungaria reperti (RIU). Suppl. 146
Kamel, Coptic funerary stelae convert to TM abbreviation 254 from number 1 to number 253 (year 1987) e.g. Kamel, Coptic funerary stelae 69 descr.
Kalliontzis, Béotie convert to TM abbreviation 236 this abbreviation is not used in TM
Kalliontzis, Contribution à l'épigraphie et à l'histoire de la Béotie hellénistique convert to TM abbreviation 236 this abbreviation is not used in TM
Krause / Jankuhn, Die Runeninschriften im älteren Futhark convert to TM abbreviation 225 from number 1 to number 167 (year 1699-1966) e.g. Krause / Jankuhn, Die Runeninschriften im älteren Futhark 49
Keenan e.a. (ed.), Law and legal practice in Egypt convert to TM abbreviation 223 (year 2014) e.g. Keenan e.a. (ed.), Law and legal practice in Egypt p. 274-275 no. 5.5.4
Kratkie soobščenija instituta archeologii convert to TM abbreviation 208 from volume 6 to volume 204 (year 1956-1991) e.g. Kratkie soobščenija instituta archeologii 95 (1963), p. 13 no. 1
Kamal, Stèles ptolémaïques (CGC) convert to TM abbreviation 205 (year 1905) e.g. Kamal, Stèles ptolémaïques (CGC) p. 183-187 no. 22188
Kassab, Statuettes en terre cuite de Myrina convert to TM abbreviation 203 (year 1988) e.g. Kassab, Statuettes en terre cuite de Myrina p. 23 no. [1] 1-2
Kroll, Athenian bronze allotment plates convert to TM abbreviation 185 from number 1 to number 183 (year 1972) e.g. Kroll, Athenian bronze allotment plates 1
Knipovich / Levi, Inscriptiones Olbiae convert to TM abbreviation 185 from number 1 to number 183 (year 1968) e.g. Knipovich / Levi, Inscriptiones Olbiae 96
Kremer, Antike Grabbauten in Noricum convert to TM abbreviation 179 (year 2001) e.g. Kremer, Antike Grabbauten in Noricum p. 188 no. II 48
Kaimio, The cippus inscriptions of Museo Nazionale di Tarquinia convert to TM abbreviation 179 from number 15 to number 318 (year 2010) e.g. Kaimio, The cippus inscriptions of Museo Nazionale di Tarquinia 15
Kawerau / Rehm, Das Delphinion in Milet (Milet I.3) convert to TM abbreviation 177 from number 31 to number 186 (year 1914) e.g. Kawerau / Rehm, Das Delphinion in Milet (Milet I.3) 139 A
Khanoussi / Maurin (ed.), Dougga, fragments d'histoire convert to TM abbreviation 170 from number 1 to number 162 (year 2000) e.g. Khanoussi / Maurin (ed.), Dougga, fragments d'histoire 49
Kaphtantzes, Historia tes poleos Serron kai tes peripherias convert to TM abbreviation 164 from number 1 to number 740 (year 1967) e.g. Kaphtantzes, Historia tes poleos Serron kai tes peripherias 520
Kotsidu, Time kai doxa convert to TM abbreviation 163 from number 9 to number 362 (year 2000) e.g. Kotsidu, Time kai doxa 26
Kassel / Austin, Poetae comici Graeci (PCG) convert to TM abbreviation 159 from volume 1 to volume 8, from number 13 to number 1155 (year 1984-2001) e.g. Kassel / Austin, Poetae comici Graeci (PCG) 8 1146
Kaltsas, Ethniko Archaiologiko Mouseio. Ta glypta convert to TM abbreviation 157 from number 7 to number 791 (year 2001) e.g. Kaltsas, Ethniko Archaiologiko Mouseio. Ta glypta 369
Kortüm, Portus - Pforzheim convert to TM abbreviation 147 (year 1995) e.g. Kortüm, Portus - Pforzheim p. 125-126 no. 9
Kalinka, Antike Denkmäler in Bulgarien convert to TM abbreviation 138 from number 19 to number 458 (year 1906) e.g. Kalinka, Antike Denkmäler in Bulgarien 63
Kränzl / Weber (ed.), Die römerzeitlichen Inschriften aus Rom und Italien in Österreich convert to TM abbreviation 131 from number 1 to number 133 (year 1997) e.g. Kränzl / Weber (ed.), Die römerzeitlichen Inschriften aus Rom und Italien in Österreich 58
Kazakidi, Eikones en gymnasioi convert to TM abbreviation 126 (year 2015) e.g. Kazakidi, Eikones en gymnasioi 11.E1
Knackfuss / Rehm, Der Südmarkt und die benachbarten Bauanlagen (Milet I.7) convert to TM abbreviation 126 from number 193 to number 305 (year 1924) e.g. Knackfuss / Rehm, Der Südmarkt und die benachbarten Bauanlagen (Milet I.7) 272 a-b
Krause, Apa Abraham von Hermonthis (unpubl. thesis) convert to TM abbreviation 114 from number 1 to number 114 (year 1956) e.g. Krause, Apa Abraham von Hermonthis (unpubl. thesis) 1
Kaplony-Heckel, Ägyptische Handschriften convert to TM abbreviation 107 volume 3 (year 1986) e.g. Kaplony-Heckel, Ägyptische Handschriften 3 p. 31-32 no. 43 descr.
Khanoussi / Mastino (ed.), Uchi Maius 1. Scavi e ricerche epigrafiche in Tunisia convert to TM abbreviation 101 from number 1 to number 41 (year 1997) e.g. Khanoussi / Mastino (ed.), Uchi Maius 1. Scavi e ricerche epigrafiche in Tunisia 10 Ruggeri
Kropp, Ausgewählte Koptische Zaubertexte convert to TM abbreviation 95 from volume 1 to volume 3, from number 1 to number 76 (year 1931) e.g. Kropp, Ausgewählte Koptische Zaubertexte 2 63 a
Kontorini, Anekdotes epigraphes Rhodou convert to TM abbreviation 82 volume 2 (year 1989) e.g. Kontorini, Anekdotes epigraphes Rhodou 2 p. 47 no. 3
Keil / Premerstein (ed.), Bericht über eine Reise in Lydien und der südlichen Aiolis convert to TM abbreviation 79 from number 17 to number 209 (year 1908) e.g. Keil / Premerstein (ed.), Bericht über eine Reise in Lydien und der südlichen Aiolis 103
Keil / Premerstein, Bericht über eine dritte Reise in Lydien convert to TM abbreviation 77 from number 14 to number 181 (year 1914) e.g. Keil / Premerstein, Bericht über eine dritte Reise in Lydien 49
Kazı sonuçları toplantısı convert to TM abbreviation 75 from volume 8.2 to volume 34.3 (year 1986-2013) e.g. Kazı sonuçları toplantısı 8.2 p. 236
Kretika Chronika convert to TM abbreviation 75 from volume 2 to volume 30 (year 1948-1990) e.g. Kretika Chronika 14 (1960), p. 462 no. 1