select * from demlu where demlu_id = 2470 order by erschjahr desc

DL 27.246

DemLü ID: 2470
Full Information: Verhoeven, Ursula, Untersuchungen zur späthieratischen Buchschrift (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 99), Leuven 2001.
Summary DemLü: Extensive palaeographical study of the non-documentary hieratic from ca. 1000-200 BC, including the copies of stelae from P. Rylands 9. The resulting diachronic tables suggest new dates for texts that have been interpreted as rendering Demotic language, such as the ›Late Hieratic Wisdom Text‹ (pp. 319-328; late 26th dyn.) and P. Vandier (pp. 329-337; 600±25 BC).
Author summary: Mark Depauw / Friedhelm Hoffmann