select * from demlu where demlu_id = 2610 order by erschjahr desc

DL 25.228

DemLü ID: 2610
Full Information: Westendorf, Wolfhart, Handbuch der altägyptischen Medizin (Handbuch der Orientalistik / Handbook of Oriental Studies. Ägyptologie 36), Leiden / Boston / Köln 1999.
Summary DemLü: This general handbook on Ancient Egyptian Medicine includes a survey of the Demotic medical and paramedical papyri (pp. 53-59), a Demotic ostracon (pp. 63-64), medical passages in Graeco-Demotic magical papyri (pp. 75-76), and unpublished Demotic texts (pp. 79 nos. 8-9). Furthermore the Demotic material is integrated in the discussion of the various topics (see the index of texts on pp. 808ff).
Author summary: Mark Depauw / Friedhelm Hoffmann
Reviews: J. F. Quack, OLZ 94 (1999), 455-462

1 related text(s) in DAHT :
  1. TM 90833 - Westendorf, Handbuch Medizin p. 79 no. 8 descr. = Florence, Istituto Papirologico ’G. Vitelli’ PSI inv. without number