select * from demlu where demlu_id = 2757 order by erschjahr desc

DL 27.260

DemLü ID: 2757
Full Information: Zauzich, Karl-Theodor, Die demotischen Orakelfragen - eine Zwischenbilanz, in: Frandsen, P. / Ryholt, K. (ed.): The Carlsberg Papyri 3: A Miscellany of Demotic Texts and Studies (Carsten Niebuhr Institute Publications 22), 2000, p. 1-25.
Summary DemLü: Re-edition of six oracle questions previously published by Erichsen and publication of five new examples from Copenhagen and Berlin. A checklist of the 49 oracle questions known so far is provided, with many suggestions for new readings and interpretations, analysis of the gods invoked, provenance and subject, and a bibliography.
Author summary: Mark Depauw / Friedhelm Hoffmann
Reviews: G. Vittmann, WZKM 91 (2001), 373-377 / M. Depauw, CdÉ 79 (2004), 139-140 / J. G. Manning, BiOr 64 (2007), Sp. 623-625

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