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TM 991138 = ZPE 227 (2023), p. 14-18; Greek; , papyrus; Italy (?); BC01
TM 997556 = ZPE 227 (2023), p. 149-152 = Oxford, Ashmolean Museum O. Gr. 498 [sic?]; Greek; writing exercise, alphabetical word list (recto) and moralising sententia (verso), pottery, ostracon; Egypt; AD03
TM 997609 = Zawadzky, Der Kommentar Cyrills von Alexandrien zum 2. Korintherbrief p. 5-9 = Athos, Monastery of Great Lavra Pantokratoros 28; Greek; catena on Paulus, parchment; Greece (?); AD08
TM 997611 = Journal of Roman Archaeology (JRA) 36 (2023), p. 1-22 = Hornachuelos, Noguera, excavations 2016; Latin; , pottery, vessel: amphora; Spain, Hispania - Hornachuelos; AD02 - AD03
TM 997987 = CPR 31 22 = Vienna, Nationalbibliothek K. O. 815; Coptic; Homily?, pottery, ostracon; Egypt; AD07 - AD08
TM 997988 = CPR 31 23 = Vienna, Nationalbibliothek K. O. 821; Coptic; Homily?, pottery, ostracon; Egypt; AD07 - AD08
TM 998044 = Stadler, Théologie et culte au temple de Soknopaios p. 51 descr. = Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung P. 14939 + Paris, Sorbonne, Institut de Papyrologie 2760; Hieratic; , papyrus; 00a - Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh) (?); AD01 - AD02
TM 998063 = Papyri Copticae magicae (PCM) 1 13 = now lost (destroyed by fire in 1904)?; Coptic (Sahidic dialect?); magical, papyrus; U04b - Thebes; AD07 - AD08
TM 998072 = ZPE 228 (2023), p. 26 no. 6 Vo descr. = Cologne, Papyrussammlung P. 20969 a Vo + Cologne, Papyrussammlung P. 20973 r Vo; Greek; verses with abecedarium, papyrus; U20 - Herakleopolites (?); BC02 - BC01
TM 998073 = Pharaonen, Mönche und Gelehrte. Fs. Heike Behlmer p. 163-196 = Cambridge, University Library Plumley 8; Coptic (Sahidic dialect); hermeneia psalter, parchment; Egypt;
TM 998074 = Pharaonen, Mönche und Gelehrte. Fs. Heike Behlmer p. 1064-1072 = Heidelberg, Institut für Papyrologie P. Kopt. 436; Coptic (Sahidic dialect); , parchment; Egypt;
TM 998099 = Parola del Passato 76 (2021), 2, p. 472-487 = Milan, Università Statale 1242 Vo; Greek; Philosophical treatise, probably Epicurean, papyrus; 00c - Narmouthis (Medinet Madi);
TM 998100 = Byzantinische Zeitschrift 117 (2024), p. 183-192 = Oxford, Bodleian Library MS. Gr. liturg. f. 2 P; Greek; , papyrus; U13 - Apa Apollo Monasterion (Deir el-Bala’izah);
TM 998116 = Aegyptus 103 (2023), p. 157-167 = El-Scheikh Ibada (Antinoopolis), excavations 2005; storehouse of the Italian Archaeological Mission, PSI Ant. inv. 1026; Coptic; Passion of Saint Pantaleon (Martyrium Sancti Pantaleonis), papyrus; U15 - Antinoopolis (El-Sheikh Ibada);
TM 998361 = SB 30 17296 (18); Greek; alphabet? school exercise? / Schreibübung (?), pottery, ostracon; Tunisia, Africa - Gerbes (Djerba);
TM 998491 = Comptes rendus de l‘Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres (CRAIBL) (2018), p. 1107-1119 = Sanaa, National Museum DAM 01-29.1; Arabic; , parchment; Saudi Arabia - Arabia;
TM 998493 = Pylon 5 (2024) [Lougovaya], § 1-18 = Dublin, Chester Beatty Library W. 142 . 2; Greek; maths table, wood, wax tablet; Egypt; AD06
TM 998498 = Cronache Ercolanesi 16 (1986), p. 152 = Naples, Biblioteca Nazionale 107906 /461; Greek; , papyrus; Italy (?); BC01
TM 998554 = ZPE 229 (2024), p. 23-25 = Hamburg, Bibliothek gr. 365; Greek; literary: Xenophon, Memorabilia, papyrus; 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) (?);
TM 998556 = ZPE 229 (2024), p. 68-74 = Hamburg, Bibliothek gr. 1011; Greek; literary: Infancy gospel of Thomas, papyrus; Egypt;
TM 998570 = P. Harris 3 241 = Birmingham, Cadbury Research Library P. Harris 473; Greek; literary: Homerus, Ilias, papyrus; Egypt;
TM 998571 = P. Harris 3 242 = Birmingham, Cadbury Research Library P. Harris 409 a; Greek; literary: Xenophon, Memorabilia, papyrus; Egypt;
TM 998572 = P. Harris 3 243 = Birmingham, Cadbury Research Library P. Harris 293 a; Greek; list of months, papyrus; Egypt;
TM 998720 = Capasso / Davoli (ed.), Soknopaiou Nesos project II p. 107 no. OSN I G 15 = Egypt, Dimeh, Italian excavations no. ST14/908/4250; Greek; writing exercise: alphabet, pottery, ostracon; 00a - Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh); BC01
TM 998736 = Capasso / Davoli (ed.), Soknopaiou Nesos project II p. 126-127 no. PSN I D 4 = Egypt, Dimeh, Italian excavations no. ST03/6/105 + ST03/6/108; Demotic; a mythological narrative?, papyrus; 00a - Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh); BC01 - AD03
TM 999560 = P. Moscow Copt. 89 = Moscow, Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts without number?; Greek; , stone?; Egypt;