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TM number: 56173

Through a cooperation between the project "A Codicological and Sociolinguistical Study of Literary and Subliterary Texts in Ancient Egypt" (Fund for Scientific Research, Flanders; Mark Depauw), the DAHT and the Leuven Database of Ancient Books, further information can be found at the website of the LDAB for this entry; click here.

Quack (ed.), Ägyptische Rituale der griechisch-römischen Zeit p. 121-132
= Enchoria 6 (1976), p. 127-128 descr.
= Dem. Conf. VII (Copenhagen 1999) p. 219-228 descr.
= Widmer, Résurrection d'Osiris - Naissance d'Horus. Les papyrus Berlin P. 6750 et Berlin P. 8765 p. 117-126


  1. Krall, in: Fs. Büdinger, 1898, p. 1-11, esp. p. 1-11 (identity of the author)