Geographical data dump

This returns a selection of the geographical data stored in the Trismegistos database. Use the checkboxes below to customize your response file.

The Trismegistos team firmly believes in open data, that's why we teamed up with DARIAH-BE to offer you a range of options to process and handle our datasets. For now you have the option to download the data as CSV or JSON. Beneath the form, you will find a brief description of each offered data field and a short word on both.

Nomos Code?
Latin Name
Standard Name
Full Name
Greek Unicode
Egyptian Unicode
Coptic Unicode
Begin Date
Begin Date (Formatted)
End Date
End Date (Formatted)
Geographical Coordinates

Data description

Here you can read a brief description of the offered fields. However, be warned that our gnomes are mining more data as we speak, meaning that a dump file may be outdated next month and that not all fields in the current dump file hold a value for all places.

Name Always filled in Description
TM Geo ID Contains a unique Trismegistos Geo identifier for a specific place. This TM Geo ID is also used by the URI (e.g., for Alexandria with TM Geo ID 100).
Country The modern country a place is in.
Region This field is based on the regions from antiquity in the 3rd century BC.
Nomos Code For Egyptian places the Nomoi are presented by using U for upper-Egypt or L for lower-Egypt. The letter is followed with the traditional numbering for each Nomoi. Regions in the Fayum are indicated by 00
Standard name This is the standard notation for a given place proposed by the Trismegistos team.
Full name Calculated combination of Country, region or Nomos code and the standard name.
Status Describes the type of a toponym, i.e. a village, mountain, river...etc. followed by the Latin or Greek term.
Ethnicon The derived adjective of a certain toponym.
Location A field containing our current information of a certain place.
Latin name If present, this field contains the Latin notation in unescaped unicode for a specific place.
ISO-language-code: 215
Greek Unicode If present, this field contains the Greek notation in unescaped unicode for a specific place.
ISO-language-code: 200
Egyptian Unicode If present, this field contains the Demotic notation in unescaped unicode for a specific place.
ISO-language-code: 070
Coptic Unicode If present, this field contains the Coptic notation in unescaped unicode for a specific place.
ISO-language-code: 204
Begin Date The earliest known date a certain place is attested. If there are no attestations for a given place, you will find 0.
Begin Date Formatted A field derived from Begin Date, presenting the data in a more human-understandable string.
End Date The last known date a certain place is attested. If there are no attestations for a given place, you will find 0.
End Date Formatted A field derived from End Date, presenting the data in a more human-understandable string.
Province Contains the Roman province containing a specific place. This field is based on the Roman provinciae from 200 A.D.
Geographical Coordinates A field containing the latitude and longitude for a place. Numbers are presented as an array containing floats.
(e.g.: 12.5,42.5)

Offered data formats


  • The CSV option returns a comma separated file with headers on the first row. These headers are considered the titles of each row.
  • CSV-files hold one item per line, thus each new line refers to a distinct place.
  • CSV-files are super-easy to parse with Python, and can easily be imported in applications such as Tableau or MYSQL.
  • Based on the data available to us in January 2018 you can expect a response file of about 10MB when all fields are requested.
  • Example:
    "2036","Egypt","00","","Πύρρεια","","","BC 299","Aegyptus","";
    "16","Jordan","Syria","","Ἄβελλα","","","BC 259","Arabia","";
    "14","Greece","Thracia","","Ἄβδερα","","","AD 900","Thracia","40.95,24.983333";
    "44","Turkey","Pisidia","","Ἄδαδα","","","BC 299","Lycia et Pamphylia","37.58177625,30.98634825";
    "48","Turkey","Troas","","Ἀδραμύττιον","","","AD 300","Asia","";


  • The JSON option returns a validated JSON file.
  • A JSON file contains a set of keys and values. In the example below the URI value for place 2036 can be accessed by ["features"]["0"]["uri"]
  • In similar ways you can retrieve nested content, i.e. in the example below you can access "name": "Ἄβελλα", by going to ["features"]["1"]["names"]["greek"]["name"]
  • JSON files can be parsed in Python with the help of modules such as json or simplejson.
  • JSON can easily be integrated with JavaScript-applications
  • Based on the data available to us in December 2018 you can expect a response file of about 40MB when all fields are requested.
  • Example:
        "type": "FeatureCollection",
        "features": [
                "type": "Feature",
                "title": "Pyrreia",
                "uri": "",
                "id": "2036",
                "names": {
                    "greek": {
                        "name": "Πύρρεια",
                        "language": "200"
                "properties": {
                    "status": "village: kome",
                    "country": "Egypt",
                    "provincia": "Aegyptus",
                    "region": "00",
                    "nomos_code": "00b",
                    "full_name": "Egypt, 00b - Pyrreia",
                    "begin_date": "-299",
                    "begin_date_format": "BC 299",
                    "end_date": "343",
                    "end_date_format": "AD 343"
                "type": "Feature",
                "title": "Abella",
                "uri": "",
                "id": "16",
                "names": {
                    "greek": {
                        "name": "Ἄβελλα",
                        "language": "200"
                "properties": {
                    "status": "city",
                    "country": "Jordan",
                    "provincia": "Arabia",
                    "region": "Syria",
                    "nomos_code": "Syria",
                    "full_name": "Jordan, Syria - Abella",
                    "begin_date": "-259",
                    "begin_date_format": "BC 259",
                    "end_date": "-259",
                    "end_date_format": "BC 259"

Terms of Service:

The data is offered under a CC BY SA license.

Contact information:

if you encounter difficulties using this tool.