TexRelations Matcher API Documentation


The goal of this API is to connect different partner projects working on the Antiquity.

How to use this API

This API has three ways to return data, by default it will return JSON responses with the IDs of related texts. You can however make the API return a URI or XML-formatted response

JSON responses

This is the default way for the API to return data. You can find the API endpoint at the TexRelations section of our Data Services. Unless you provide it with an ID, the response is:

  "message": "No search string given, please provide valid search parameters.",
  "more info": "You can find the documentation at https://www.trismegistos.org/dataservices/texrelations/documentation"

You can provide IDs by adding a number to the URL; e.g. https://www.trismegistos.org/dataservices/texrelations/9. This search parameter will look for all partner IDs that are related to the TM ID: 9
The provided response is:

        "TM_ID": [
        "EDB": null
        "EDH": null
        "EDCS": null
        "EDR": null
        "HE": null
        "UOXF": null
        "RIB": null
        "PHI": null
        "LUPA": null
        "ISic": null
        "IRT": null
        "IGCyR": null
        "Orient": null
        "cisp": null
        "DeM": null
        "PSI": null
        "PapNav-Duke": null
        "Lexicological_lep": null
        "Berliner_papyri": null
        "Bremen_papyri": null
        "chartes": null
        "HispEpOl": null
        "NaBuCCo": null
        "Ashmolion_latin_inscriptions": null
        "PUG": null
        "IIP": null
        "Dresden_papyri": null
        "GVCYR": null
        "Vindolanda": null
        "Ghent_papyri": null
        "Köln_papyri": null
        "DDBDP": [
        "HGV": [
        "CACHKaRN": null
        "PapNav-Stanford": null
        "PapNav-Fordham": null
        "PapNav-Berenike": null
        "PapNav-Oslo": null
        "PapNav-Toronto": null
        "PapNav-Lund": null
        "PapNav-Hermitage": null
        "PapNav-Wisconsin": null
        "PapNav-UTS": null
        "PapNav-UPenn": null
        "PSR": null
        "PTS": null
        "PapNav-Perkins": null
        "PapNav-Petra": null
        "PapNav-Princeton": null
        "Achemenet": null
        "tir": null
        "DaSi": null
        "¨PetRaE": null
        "DBMNT": null
        "BritishMuseum-Ostraca": null
        "BritishMuseum-Papyri": null
        "PNCOL": null
        "PapPal": null
        "PapNav-SAC": null
        "PapNav-Pull": null
        "Runenprojekt_Kiel": null
        "Penn_Museum": null
        "SAAO": null
        "CDLI": null
        "OCIANA": null

In the above response you can find all three different datatypes:

  • null: the partner in the key has no ID related to your requested TM ID
  • string: the partner has only one ID related to your requested TM ID
  • array: the partner has multiple IDs related to your requested TM ID

In both cases of the above, there was only one TM ID that matched the requested ID. There are however cases where the ID of a parnter can be matched against multiple TM IDs. In this case the API provides only the found TM IDs and a warning as the last key-value pair. This happens when a partner has 1 ID for multiple texts; whereas Trismegistos holds multiple IDs (one per text.). This was a conscious choice to prevent false matches with partners who follow the same or another strategy.

You can see this example for id rom.mil.rec;1;78 from source ddbdp; the API-call for this record is: https://www.trismegistos.org/dataservices/texrelations/rom.mil.rec;1;78?source=ddbdp.

The response given by this source consists of two parts. Firstly it provides all related Trismegistos IDs under the TM key. The second part is a warning message explaining why this may occur.

URI responses

URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) responses are returned by modifying the API call to https://www.trismegistos.org/dataservices/texrelations/uri/, followed by the same way you would perform a request to the default-endpoint. The returned data is a JSON object, which has the same properties as the JSON object returned by the default-endpoint.

XML responses

The API supports XML responses by querying the endpoint at https://www.trismegistos.org/dataservices/texrelations/xml. Unlike the URI and JSON responses this methode does not return 'null' values. Each item that matches your request is presented as the child of a Trismegistos ID. Example:

<tmid id="93">
    <link cp="DDBDP">p.lond;3;1206</link>
    <link cp="HGV">93</link>


In this case the Trismegistos ID 93 has two children, one where the source is DDBDP and one where the source is HGV. If there are multiple children of a given TM ID from one source, then each child is presented separately. Example:

<tmid id="745515">
    <link cp="EDCS">67200274</link>
    <link cp="EDCS">67300005</link>


Fair use of this API


Complete list of covered projects

Homepage URL-parameter JSON-Key
Trismegistos None TM_ID
Epigraphic Database Bari edbEDB
Epigraphic Database Heidelberg edhEDH
Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby edcsEDCS
Epigraphic Database Roma edrEDR
Hesperia heHE
Last Statues of Antiquity lsaUOXF
Roman Inscriptions of Britain ribRIB
PHI Greek Inscriptions phiPHI
Ubi Erat Lupa lupaLUPA
Inscriptions of Sicily isicISic
Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania irtIRT
Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica igcyrIGCyR
Arabic Papyrological Database apdOrient
Celtic Inscribed Stones cispCISP
The Deir el-Medina Database demDeM
PSIOnline psiPSI
Papyri.info: Duke collection. dukePapNav-Duke
Lexicon Leponticum lexlepLexicological_lep
Berliner Papyrusdatenbank berlpapBerliner_papyri
Die Bremer Papyri brempapBremen_papyri
Chartes.it charteschartes
Hispania Epigraphica hispHispEpOl
NaBuCCo nabuccoNaBuCCo
Ashmolean Latin Inscriptions ashmolianAshmolean_latin_inscriptions
Papiri dell'Università di Genova pugPUG
Inscriptions of Israel / Palestine iipIIP
SLUB Dresden dresdenDresden_papyri
Greek Verse Inscriptions of Cyrenaica gvcyrGVCYR
Vindolanda Tablets Online II vindolandaVindolanda
Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent ghentGhent_papyri
Kölner Papyri cologneKöln_papyri
Papyrological Navigator ddbdpDDBDP
Cachette de Karnak cachkarnCACHKaRN
Papyrological Navigator: Stanford stanfordPapNav-Stanford
Papyrological Navigator: Fordham fordhamPapNav-Fordham
Papyrological Navigator: Berenike berenikePapNav-Berenike
Papyrological Navigator: Oslo osloPapNav-Oslo
Papyrological Navigator: Toronto torontoPapNav-Toronto
Papyrological Navigator: Lund lundPapNav-Lund
Papyrological Navigator: Hermitage hermitagePapNav-Hermitage
Papyrological Navigator: Wisconsin wisconsinPapNav-Wisconsin
Papyrological Navigator: UTS utsPapNav-UTS
Papyrological Navigator: UPENN upennPapNav-UPenn
Papyrological Navigator: PSR psrPSR
Papyrological Navigator: PTS ptsPTS
Papyrological Navigator: Perkins perkinsPapNav-Perkins
Papyrological Navigator: Petra petraPapNav-Petra
Papyrological Navigator: Princeton princetonPapNav-Princeton
ACHEMENET achemenetAchemenet
Thesaurus Inscriptionum Raeticarum tirtir
Digital Archive for the Study of pre-Islamic Arabian Inscriptions dasiDaSi
PETRAE petraePetRaE
Database of Medieval Nubian Texts dbmntDBMNT
British Museum: Papyrus collection bmBritishMuseum
Papyri.info: Columbia pncolPNCOL
PapPal pappalPapPal
Papyri.info: Sacramentos pnsacPapNav-SAC
Papyri.info: Pullman pnpullPapNav-Pull
Runenprojekt Kiel runenprojektRunenprojekt_Kiel
Penn Museum pennPenn_Museum
State Archives of Assyria Online (URI's not working) saaoSAAO
Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative cdliCDLI
Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia ocianaOCIANA
Österreichische Nationalbibliothek onbONB
Das Altägyptische Totentbuch tbpTBP
Earlier Latin Manuscripts claCLA
New Testament Virtual Manuscript Room ntvmrNTVMR
FerCan fercanFerCan
Vindolanda vindolanda2Vindolanda2
The Leon Levy Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Library dssDSS
The Center For The Study of New Testament Manuscripts csntmCSNTM
Metropolitan Museum of Art themetMET
Institut de Papyrologie de la Sorbonne sorbonneSorbonne
Spurlock Museum of World Cultures at ILLINOIS spurlockSpurlock
e-codices e-codicesE-Codices
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München koptooKoptoo
MISHA - Maison Interuniversitaire des Sciences de l'Homme bipabBIPAB
Bodmer Lab bodmerBodmer_Papyri
Universitätsbibliothek Graz uni_grazUni_Graz
Harvard Library harvard_libraryHarvard_Library
AMS Historica amsAMS_Historica
Suhu: The Inscriptions of Suhu online Project suhuSuhu
The Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period rinapRINAP
The Royal Inscriptions of Babylonia online (RIBo) Project riboRIBo
Inscriptiones Graecae igIG
Wikipedia wikipediaWikipedia
MertensPack mertenspackMertensPack
RuneS runesRuneS
Archaeological Atlas of Coptic Literature pathsPATHs(CLM)
Philippoi philippoiPhilippoi
Stanford Digital Forma Urbis Romae Project formaurbisFormaUrbis
Death on the Nile dotnDotN
Museum of London molMOL
Erfgoedinzicht erfgoedinzichterfgoedinzicht
British Library british_librarybritish_library
The Morgan Library & Museum mlmMLM
Papyrological Navigator: Yale pnyalePapNav-YALE
Museo Egizio tpopTPOP
Papyrological Navigator: Leiden pnleidenPapNav-Leiden
Ogham in 3D oghamOgham 3D
Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua (MAMA) XI mamaMAMA IX
College of Arts and Sciences: Department of Classics adraADRA
Kyprianos kypKyprianos
Ancient Inscriptions of the Northern Black Sea iospeIOSPE
Im Dialog mit der Antike – Inscriptiones Antiquae iaInscriptiones_Antiquae
Papyrological Navigator: New York University nyuPapNav-NYU
Inscriptions of Aphrodisias Project iaphIAPH
Livius.org Articles on ancient history liviusLivius
Attic Inscriptions Online (AIO) aioatticinscriptions
Das Württembergische Urkundenbuch Online wubwubonline
Anglo-Saxons.net saxonssaxons
Relicta.org cppCPP
Bibliothèque de Genève - Manuscrits et archives privées genevebibGeneve
Attalus.org attalusAttalus
Ethnic Relations and Migration in the Ancient World agrwAGRW
Collection of Greek Ritual Norms cgrnCGRN
Practicalities of Hellenistic Ruler Cults phrcPHRC
ToposText topostextToposText
Wikidata wikidataWikidata
The Demotic Palaeographical Database Project dpdpDPDP
Louvre louvreLouvre
The Corpus of Anglo Saxon Stone Sculpture casssCASSS
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum cilCIL
Database of Mycenaean at Oslo damosdamos
Papyrological Navigator: Berkeley berkeleyPapNav-Berkeley
Bibliotheca Alexandrina Antiquities Museum bibalexBibAlex
Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften tlaTLA
Inscriptions of Aphrodisias Project alaALA
Perseids glauxGLAUx
Papyrus Projekt papyproPapyrus_Projekt
The Global Egyptian Museum gemGEM
Innovating Knowledge ikInnovating_knowledge
Sibacatalog pulPUL
DEChriM 4care4CARE/DEChriM
NYU Excavations at Amheida amhNYU_Amheida
Trinity College Dublin tcdTrinity_college
Grammateus grammateusgrammateus
Recueil informatisé des inscriptions gauloises riig RIIG
Mnamon - Ancient writing systems in the Mediterranean mnamonMnamon
Epigraphica Romana epromEpRom
University of Oxford oxfordOxford
Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica ircyrIRCyr
DimeData p._dimedataP._DimeData
Musisque Deoque mqdqMQDQ
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum Squeezes cilsCILs
The Ancient Graffiti Project agpAGP
Hamburg Klein Asien hkHamburg_KA
American Academy Rome aarAAR
Ohio Knowledge Bank okbOhio_KB
Carmina Latina Epigraphica Online cleoCLEO
Arachne arachneArachne
PPRET Les Préfets du Prétoire de l'Empire Tardif ppretPPRET
Chester Beatty online collections cbChester_Beatty
Digital Bodleian bodleianBodleian
Greek Economic Inscriptions geiGEI
Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica (2nd edition) igcyr2IGCyr_2nd_ed
University College London l_uclLUCL
Duke Papyri duke_papDuke_pap


1) LSA remark: Searching for an LSA resource requires the use of a padded integer; so to find the records related to LSA-23, the searchvalue needs to be: LSA-0023. The total length of the padded integer needs to be 4, so IDs starting from 1000 and up won't need padding.

Word of thanks

Special thanks goes to Pietro Liuzzo who hosted a eXist-db solution during the development of the Trismegistos TexRelations API and gave access to his XML files.

We also wish to thank our partner projects for providing open access to their data and the entire Trismegistos team for adding new matches to this database on a daily basis.

Report mistakes & bug reports.

Thank you for taking the time to report bugs or mistakes. To help us fix the issue please provide the following details:

  • Your web browser.
  • Your API-call.
  • The error message you got.