select * from demlu where demlu_id = 5478 order by erschjahr desc

DL Suppl

DemLü ID: 5478
Full Information: Emery, W. B. / Kirwan, L. P., The Excavations and Survey between Wadi Es-Sebua and Adindan 1929-1931, Cairo 1935.
Summary DemLü: Not available: online supplement to the printed Demotistische Literaturübersicht.
Author summary:

1 related text(s) in DAHT :
  1. TM 55316 - Emery / Kirwan, Wadi es-Sebua 1 p. 531 no. 22 & p. 433 no. 85, 2 = Egypt, Abu Simbel, excavations Archaeological Survey of Nubia 1929-1931 cemetery 214 grave 85