select * from demlu where demlu_id = 5936 order by erschjahr desc

DL Suppl

DemLü ID: 5936
Full Information: Wagner, Guy, Elephantine XIII: Les papyrus et les ostraca grecs d'Elephantine (P. et O.Eleph. DAIK) (Archäologische Veröffentlichungen. Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Kairo 70), Mainz 1998.
Summary DemLü: Not available: online supplement to the printed Demotistische Literaturübersicht.
Author summary:

11 related text(s) in DAHT :
  1. TM 29847 - O. Eleph. DAIK 121 = Egypt, Elephantine, excavations DAIK no. O. 17
  2. TM 26307 - O. Eleph. DAIK 125 = Egypt, Elephantine, excavations DAIK no. O. 212
  3. TM 74470 - O. Eleph. DAIK 279 = Egypt, Elephantine, excavations DAIK no. O. 1807
  4. TM 74471 - O. Eleph. DAIK 280 = Egypt, Elephantine, excavations DAIK no. O. 1819
  5. TM 74472 - O. Eleph. DAIK 281 = Egypt, Elephantine, excavations DAIK no. O. 1008
  6. TM 74473 - O. Eleph. DAIK 282 = Egypt, Elephantine, excavations DAIK no. O. 1814
  7. TM 74474 - O. Eleph. DAIK 283 = Egypt, Elephantine, excavations DAIK no. O. 1042
  8. TM 74475 - O. Eleph. DAIK 284 = Egypt, Elephantine, excavations DAIK no. O. 18202 (Temporary)
  9. TM 74476 - O. Eleph. DAIK 285 = Egypt, Elephantine, excavations DAIK no. O. 1821
  10. TM 74477 - O. Eleph. DAIK 286 = Egypt, Elephantine, excavations DAIK no. Ω 1527
  11. TM 74480 - O. Eleph. DAIK 336 descr. = Egypt, Elephantine, excavations DAIK no. O. 1664