select * from demlu where demlu_id = 6775 order by erschjahr desc

DL Suppl

DemLü ID: 6775
Full Information: Revillout, Eugène, Le nouveau papyrus moral de Leide, in: Revue égyptologique 10 (1902), p. 1-34.
Summary DemLü: Not available: online supplement to the printed Demotistische Literaturübersicht.
Author summary:

1 related text(s) in DAHT :
  1. TM 55918 - Revue égyptologique 10 (1902), p. 2-34 = Cairo, National Library of Egypt (Dar al-Kutub) F-G + Heidelberg, Institut für Papyrologie P. Dem. 683 A-D + Leiden, National Museum of Antiquities F 1895 / 5 . 1 (P. Insinger) Ro + Paris, Académie des Inscriptions et des Belles Lettres Fonds Seymour de Ricci Objet 193-200 Complément + Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Museum E 16333 A + Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Museum E 16334 A + Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Museum E 16335