select * from demlu where demlu_id = 8354 order by erschjahr desc

DL 31.88

DemLü ID: 8354
Full Information: Mueller, Katja, Settlements of the Ptolemies. City foundations and new settlement in the Hellenistic world (Studia Hellenistica 43), Leuven 2006.
Summary DemLü: Demotic can especially be found in the section dealing with dynastic toponyms in the Ptolemaic empire (pp. 9-39 & 200-211).
Author summary: Friedhelm Hoffmann / Mark Depauw
Reviews: L. E. Tacoma, BiOr 65 (2008) Sp. 653-656

1 related text(s) in DAHT :
  1. TM 115644 - Mueller, Settlements of the Ptolemies p. 28 descr. = Giessen, Universitätsbibliothek P. Giss. Bibl. 101 fr. S.*