select * from demlu where demlu_id = 8592 order by erschjahr desc

DL 32.26

DemLü ID: 8592
Full Information: Dijkstra, Jitse H. F., Structuring Graffiti: the Case of the Temple of Isis at Aswan, in: Preys, R. (ed.): 7. Ägyptologische Tempeltagung: Structuring Religion, Leuven 28. September – 1. Oktober 2005 (Königtum, Staat und Gesellschaft Früher Hochkulturen 3,2), 2009, p. 77-93.
Summary DemLü: Description of the graffiti of the temple of Isis in Assuan(including Demotic ones) and their importance for the reconstruction of the architectural history.
Author summary: Mark Depauw