DemLü: search results

Number of results matching your search: 6

DL 25.93Gallo, P., Ostraca demotici e ieratici dall'archivio bilingue di Narmouthis II (nn. 34-99) (QMM 3), 1997.
DL 22.49Gallo, P. / Masson, O., Une stèle «hellénomemphite» de l’ex-collection Nahman, in: BIFAO 93 (1993), p. 265-276, Taf. I-IV.
DL 19/20.52Gallo, P., The Wandering Personnel of the Temple of Narmuthis in the Faiyum and Some Toponyms of the Meris of Polemon, in: Johnson, J. (ed.): Life in a Multi-Cultural Society. Egypt from Cambyses to Constantine and Beyond (SAOC 51), 1992, p. 119-131, Fig. 12.1-12.2 .
DL 18.46Gallo, P., Ostraca demotici da Medinet Madi, in: EVO 12 (1989), p. 99-123 mit 3 Taf..
DL 16.34Gallo, P., Some Demotic Architectural Terms, in: Vleeming, S. (ed.): Aspects of Demotic Lexicography. Acts of the Second International Conference for Demotic Studies Leiden, 19-21 September 1984 (StudDem 1), 1987, p. 35-39.
DL 16.33Gallo, P., A proposito del termine demotica ©≈j.t e dell'eventuale corrispondenza greca ijbiwvn, in: EVO 9 (1986), p. 45-48.