DemLü: search results

Number of results matching your search: 4

DL 26.105Keenan, J., Fayyum Agriculture at the End of the Ayyubid Era: Nabulsi's Survey, in: Bowman, Alan K. / Rogan, E. (ed.), Agriculture in Egypt. From Pharaonic to Modern Times (PSBA 96), 1999, p. 287-299.
DL 25.109Hughes, G. / Jasnow, R. / Keenan, J., Oriental Institute Hawara Papyri. Demotic and Greek Texts from an Egyptian Family Archive in the Fayum (Fourth to Third Century B.C.) (OIP 113), 1997.
DL 19/20.76Keenan, J., The 'New Papyrology' and Ancient Social History, in: AHB 5 (1991), p. 159-169.
DL 5.10Keenan, J., Two Papyri from the University of California Collection, in: Kiessling, E. / Rupprecht, H. (ed.): Akten des XIII Internationalen Papyrologenkongresses, Marburg/Lahn, 2.-6. August 1971 (MBPF 66), 1974, p. 207-214, mit 2 Taf..