DemLü: search results

Number of results matching your search: 10

DL 26.113Lichtheim, M., Telling it Briefly. A Memoir of my Life, 1999.
DL 27.135Lichtheim, M., Moral Values in Ancient Egypt (OBO 155), 1997.
DL 14.60Lichtheim, M., Zum demotischen Wort “rl, in: GM 87 (1985), p. 53-54.
DL 13.70Lichtheim, M., Demotic Proverbs, in: Thissen, H. / Zauzich, K. (ed.): Grammata Demotika. Festschrift für Erich Lüddeckens zum 15. Juni 1983, 1984, p. 125-140.
DL 13.69Lichtheim, M., Late Egyptian Wisdom Literature in the International Context. A Study of Demotic Instructions (OBO 52), 1983.
DL 12.72Lichtheim, M., On the Participle µ.µr in Demotic, in: Young, D. (ed.): Studies presented to H.J. Polotsky, 1981, p. 463-471.
DL 12.70Lichtheim, M., Ancient Egyptian literature. A book of readings. Vol. III: The Late Period, 1980.
DL 12.71Lichtheim, M., Some Corrections to My Ancient Egyptian Literature, I-III, in: GM 41 (1980), p. 67-74.
DL 10.26Lichtheim, M., Observations on Papyrus Insinger, in: Hornung, E. / Keel, O. (ed.): Studien zu altägyptischen Lebenslehren (OBO 28), 1979, p. 283-305.
DL SupplLichtheim, M., Demotic Ostraca from Medinet Habu (OIP 80), 1957.