DemLü: search results

Number of results matching your search: 49

DL 34.315
DL 34.314
DL 34.313
DL 32.89Tait, W., Pa-di-pep tells Pharaoh the Story of the Condemnation of Djed-her: Fragments of Demotic Narrative in the British Museum, in: Enchoria 31 (2008-2009), p. 113-143.
DL 29.370Tait, W., A Papyrus bearing a Shrine Plan and a Book of the Dead, in: Hoffmann, F. / Thissen, H. (ed.): Res Severa Verum Gaudium. Festschrift für Karl-Theodor Zauzich zum 65. Geburtstag am 8. Juni 2004 (StudDem 6), 2004, p. 573-582.
DL 30.187Tait, W., A Note on Demotic Inscriptions from the Temple of Tutu, in: Hope, C. / Bowen, G. (ed.): Dakhleh Oasis Project: Preliminary Reports on the 1994-1995 to 1998-1999 Field Seasons (Dakhleh Oasis Project. Monographs 11), 2002, p. 297-298.
DL 30.12Bagnall, R. / Worp, K. / Tait, W., An Inscribed Pedestal from the Temple of Tutu, in: Hope, C. / Bowen, G. (ed.): Dakhleh Oasis Project: Preliminary Reports on the 1994-1995 to 1998-1999 Field Seasons (Dakhleh Oasis Project. Monographs 11), 2002, p. 49-51.
DL 28.145Tait, W., Papyri, Digitisation, and the Web: Accessibility and Management of Collections, in: Manusc.Orient. 8, 2 (2002), p. 61-67.
DL 28.144Tait, W., Demotica selecta 2000, in: AfP 47 (2001), p. 278-283.
DL 27.227Tait, W., Demotic Literature in the Petrie Museum, in: Andorlini, I. / Bastianini, G. / Manfredi, M. / Menci, G. (ed.): Atti del XXII Congresso internazionale di papirologia. Firenze 23-29 agosto 1998. Vol. II, 2001, p. 1229 -1233.
DL 27.226Tait, W., Demotic Literature, in: OEAE 1 (2001), p. 378-381.
DL 27.228Tait, W., Exuberance and Accessibility: Notes on Written Demotic and the Egyptian Scribal Tradition, in: Gagos, T. / Bagnall, R. (ed.): Essays and Texts in Honor of J. David Thomas (ASP 42), 2001, p. 31-39.
DL 27.231Tait, W., Setna Khaemwase Cycle, in: OEAE 3 (2001), p. 271.
DL 27.230Tait, W., Carlsberg 450-5. Fragments of Demotic Word-Lists, in: Frandsen, P. / Ryholt, K. (ed.): The Carlsberg Papyri 3: A Miscellany of Demotic Texts and Studies (CNI Publ 22), 2000, p. 83-93.
DL 27.229Tait, W., P. Carlsberg 433 and 434. Two Versions of the Text of P. Spiegelberg, in: Frandsen, P. / Ryholt, K. (ed.): The Carlsberg Papyri 3: A Miscellany of Demotic Texts and Studies (CNI Publ 22), 2000, p. 59-82.
DL 27.225Tait, W., Demotica selecta 1999, in: AfP 46 (2000), p. 277-284.
DL 26.187Tait, W., Demotica selecta 1998, in: AfP 45 (1999), p. 209-213.
DL 25.196Tait, W. / Thomas, J., Greek and Demotic Accounts on a Papyrus at the Bodleian Library Oxford, in: Verhoogt, A. / Vleeming, S. (ed.): The Two Faces of Graeco-Roman Egypt. Greek and Demotic and Greek-Demotic Texts and Studies Presented to P. W. Pestman (PLBat 30), 1998, p. 93-125.
DL 25.195Tait, W., Aspects of Demotic Education, in: Kramer, B. (ed.): Akten des 21. Internationalen Papyrologenkongresses, Berlin, 13.-19. 8. 1995. Band II (AfP. Beihefte 3), 1997, p. 931-938.
DL 24.38Tait, W., Demotic literature: forms and genres, in: Loprieno, A. (ed.): Ancient Egyptian Literature. History and Forms (PdÄ 10), 1996, p. 175-187.
DL 23.77Tait, W., Theban Magic, in: Vleeming, S. (ed.): Hundred-Gated Thebes. Acts of a Colloquium on Thebes and the Theban Area in the Graeco-Roman Period (PLBat 27), 1995, p. 169-182.
DL 23.76Tait, W., Egyptian Fiction in Demotic and Greek, in: Morgan, J. / Stoneman, R. (ed.): Greek Fiction. The Greek Novel in Context, 1994, p. 203-222.
DL 22.119Quirke, S. / Tait, W., Egyptian Manuscripts in the Wellcome Collection, in: JEA 80 (1994), p. 145-158, Taf. XIII-XXVII.
DL 22.133Tait, W., Some Notes on Demotic Scribal Training in the Roman Period, in: Bülow-Jacobsen, A. (ed.): Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Papyrologists, Copenhagen, 23-29 August, 1992, 1994, p. 188-192.
DL 22.132Tait, W., Some aspects of the Demotic self-dedication texts of the Ptolemaic period , in: EVO 17 (1994) (Acta Demotica), p. 281.
DL 19/20.133Tait, W., Demotic Literature and Egyptian Society, in: Johnson, J. (ed.): Life in a Multi-Cultural Society. Egypt from Cambyses to Constantine and Beyond (SAOC 51), 1992, p. 303-310.
DL 19/20.132 [1]Tait, W., Annexe, in: Frandsen, P. (ed.): The Carlsberg Papyri I: Demotic Texts from the Collection (CNI Publ 15), 1991, p. 13-17.
DL 19/20.132 [2]Tait, W., P. Carlsberg 207: Two columns of a Setna-Text, in: Frandsen, P. (ed.): The Carlsberg Papyri I: Demotic Texts from the Collection (CNI Publ 15), 1991, p. 19-46, Taf. 1-3.
DL 19/20.132 [3]Tait, W., P. Carlsberg 230: Eleven fragments from a Demotic herbal, in: Frandsen, P. (ed.): The Carlsberg Papyri I: Demotic Texts from the Collection (CNI Publ 15), 1991, p. 47-92, Taf. 4-6.
DL 19/20.132 [4]Tait, W., P. Carlsberg 236: Another fragment from a Demotic legal manual, in: Frandsen, P. (ed.): The Carlsberg Papyri I: Demotic Texts from the Collection (CNI Publ 15), 1991, p. 93-101, Taf. 7.
DL 19/20.132 [5]Tait, W., Handlist of published Carlsberg Papyri, in: Frandsen, P. (ed.): The Carlsberg Papyri I: Demotic Texts from the Collection (CNI Publ 15), 1991, p. 129-140, Taf. 10.
DL 17.79Tait, W., Rush and Reed: the Pens of Egyptian and Greek Scribes, in: Mandilaras, B. (ed.): Proceedings of the XVIII International Congress of Papyrology, Athens 25-31 May 1986. Volume II, 1988, p. 477-481.
DL 16.74Tait, W., Approaches to Demotic Lexicography, in: Vleeming, S. (ed.): Aspects of Demotic Lexicography. Acts of the Second International Conference for Demotic Studies Leiden, 19-21 September 1984 (StudDem 1), 1987, p. 95-108.
DL 16.73Tait, W., Guidelines and Borders in Demotic Papyri, in: Bierbrier, M. (ed.): Papyrus: Structure and Usage (BMOP 60), 1986, p. 63-89, mit 5 Taf..
DL 13.116Tait, W., A New Fragment of A Ptolemaic Priestly Decree at Durham, in: JEA 70 (1984), p. 149-150, mit Taf. XXVI.
DL 13.108Smith, H. / Tait, W., A Proposal to Undertake Tax-Administration for a District Official, in: Enchoria 12 (1984), p. 43-49, mit Taf. 4.
DL 13.115Tait, W., A Demotic List of Temple and Court Occupations: P.Carlsberg 23, in: Thissen, H. / Zauzich, K. (ed.): Grammata Demotika. Festschrift für Erich Lüddeckens zum 15. Juni 1983, 1984, p. 211-233.
DL 13.107Smith, H. / Tait, W., Saqqâra Demotic papyri I (P. Dem. Saq. I) (TExc 5), 1983.
DL 12.77Lüddeckens, E. / Tait, W. / Thomas, J., Urkunde über den Verkauf eines Grundstückes aus Dime, in: Festschrift zum 100-jährigen Bestehen der Papyrussammlung der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek. Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer (P. Rainer Cent.), 1983, p. 174-180, Taf. 3-5.
DL 12.147Tait, W., The Transliteration of Demotic, in: Enchoria 11 (1982), p. 67-76.
DL 12.146Tait, W., A Demotic Word-List from Tebtunis: P.Carlsberg 41A, in: JEA 68 (1982), p. 210-227, Taf. XXI-XXII.
DL 12.142Smith, H. / Tait, W., Demotic Letter, in: London, E. (ed.): Papyri, Greek and Egyptian, edited by various hands in honour of Eric Gardner Turner on the occasion of his seventieth birthday (P. Turner) (Graeco-Roman Memoirs 68), 1981, p. 75-79, Taf. VI.
DL 16.13Bülow-Jacobsen, A. / Lüddeckens, E. / Tait, W., Papyri Graecae Haunienses. Fasciculus secundus (P. Haun. II, 13 - 44). Letters and Mummy Labels from Roman Egypt (PTA 29), 1981.
DL 10.14 [h]Tait, W., Demotic Literary Texts, in: Enchoria 8 (1978) (Sonderband: 1. Internationales Demotisten-Colloquium. Berlin, 26.-28. September 1977), p. 37-38.
DL 8.34Tait, W., Papyri from Tebtunis in Egyptian and in Greek (P.Tebt.Tait) (TExc 3rd memoir), 1977.
DL 7.35Tait, W., The Fable of Sight and Hearing in the Demotic Kufi Text, in: AcOr 37 (1976), p. 27-44.
DL 6.37Tait, W., A Fragment of A Table of Consuls from Tebtunis, in: Proceedings of The XIV International Congress of Papyrologists. Oxford, 24-31 July 1974 (Graeco-Roman Memoirs 61), 1975, p. 299-304.
DL 6.39 [d]Tait, W., The Physical Characteristics of The Papyri, in: Proceedings of The XIV International Congress of Papyrologists. Oxford, 24-31 July 1974 (Graeco-Roman Memoirs 61), 1975, p. 262-264.
DL 6.36Tait, W., A Duplicate Version of the Demotic Kufi Text, in: AcOr 36 (1974), p. 23-37, mit 1 Taf..