
Attestation 28 of 312
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Livre du centenaire 1880-1980 (MIFAO 104) p. 195-203 (= P. Lille Dem. 110)

Line Vo col. 1, 1 - 2: Pȝ-dmỉ-n-mȝy nty ỉw=w ḏd n=f Tywnss

Date: BC 229 Oct 19 - 228 Oct 18?
Status: demi n Sobek (village of Souchos)
Topic: economy: agriculture; religion
'village of Souchos The New Village which is called Dionysias; its komogrammateus Semtheus son of Paopis'
Bibliography: CDD T, 2012, p. 89 (bis); Lippert, Soknopaios (Lecce 2013), 2015, p. 161-162