Egypt, 00c - Kaminoi

» 99 attestation(s) in texts for Kaminoi
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BGU 3 802, col. 10, 11AD 42 Aug 13 after
BGU 3 802, col. 11, 13AD 42 Aug 13 after
BGU 3 802, col. 14, 6AD 42 Aug 13 after
BGU 3 802, col. 15, 24AD 42 Aug 13 after
BGU 3 802, col. 17, 2AD 42 Aug 13 after
BGU 3 802, col. 18, 9AD 42 Aug 13 after
BGU 3 802, col. 19, 12AD 42 Aug 13 after
BGU 3 802, col. 20, 26AD 42 Aug 13 after
BGU 3 802, col. 21, 26AD 42 Aug 13 after
BGU 3 802, col. 5, 9AD 42 Aug 13 after
BGU 3 802, col. 6, 11AD 42 Aug 13 after
BGU 3 802, col. 8, 1AD 42 Aug 13 after
BGU 3 802, col. 9, 4AD 42 Aug 13 after
CPR 19 20, 4AD 500 - 599
CPR 4 172AD 700 - 799
CPR 4 172AD 700 - 799
O. Mich. 1 417, 4AD 288 Dec 27 - 289 Jan 25
O. Mich. 1 420, 3AD 290 Feb 13?
O. Mich. 1 438, 4AD 293 Mar 29
O. Wilcken 2 1101, 2AD 189 Oct 22
O. Wilcken 2 1105, 2AD 192 Jun 4
O. Wilcken 2 1107, 2AD 192 Jun 6
O. Wilcken 2 1116, 2AD 198 Aug 29 - 199 Aug 29
O. Wilcken 2 1117, 2AD 199 Jul 26
P. Berl. Cohen 17AD 100 - 199
P. Berl. Cohen 17AD 100 - 199
P. Berl. Leihg. 2 26, 13AD 167 Dec 25
P. Berl. Leihg. 2 26, 15AD 167 Dec 25
P. Berl. Leihg. 2 26, 38 (B 4)AD 167 Dec 25
P. Berl. Leihg. 2 26, 48 (B 14)AD 167 Dec 25
P. Berl. Leihg. 2 26, 9AD 167 Dec 25
P. Berl. Zill. 8, 7AD 662 Jul 16
P. Cairo Zen. 3 59530, 3BC 263 - 229
P. Cairo Zen. 4 59787, 60BC 263 - 229
P. Enteux. 38, 2BC 221 Feb 27
P. Enteux. 38, 7BC 221 Feb 27
P. Enteux. 60, 2BC 218 Jan 13
P. Horak 66, 8AD 700 - 799
P. Iand. 8 147 VoBC 199 - 100
P. Iand. 8 147 Vo, 1BC 199 - 100
P. Iand. 8 147 Vo, 7BC 199 - 100
P. IFAO 3 42, 11AD 100 - 299
P. Laur. 1 8, 17AD 100 - 125
P. Lille Gr. 1 9BC 299 - 200
P. Lond. 1 p. 222-223 no. 113 (10) Ro, 6AD 639 Aug 30 - 640 Aug 28
P. Lond. 5 1786, 6AD 610 about
P. Merton 3 108, 2AD 69 - 79
P. Messeri 37 Ro, 6AD 300 - 399
P. Petrie 2 28 + P. Petrie Cahier 133 - 135, col. 10, 9BC 230 - 224 about
P. Petrie 2 28 + P. Petrie Cahier 133 - 135, col. 4, 7BC 230 - 224 about