Places (GEO)

The Status of the Toponyms

The field 'Status' gives a short identification of the kind of place a toponym refers to. For each toponym the original expression(s) are listed as they occur in the sources. Some English terms such as 'area', 'building', 'camp', 'canal', 'city', 'district', 'quarter', 'street', or 'village' have been added in order to group semantically similar expressions. In the following list the terms used in the database are grouped, partly alphabetically, partly thematically. Terms not occurring in the database are not listed.

Semantic Category Status term Meaning
area: ager field
area: agros field
area: ampelikon chorion vineyard
area: ampelikos topos vineyard
area: ampelon vineyard
area: ampelos vineyard
area: area  
area: aroura area of 100 square cubits
area: arourai areas of 100 square cubits (pl.)
area: aule courtyard
area: basilike ge royal land
area: boskema pasture
area: chersos dry land
area: chora land
area: chorion vineyard
area: choros land
area: chthon land
area: daphnon laurel grove
area: decuria measure of land
area: dekania measure of land
area: dorea estate granted
area: drymos copse, thicket, papyrus swamp
area: edaphos land
area: edaphe land (pl.)
area: eidos land
area: ekas division of land
area: elaion olive-yard
area: episemon marked group of fields
area: ge land, estate
area: ge epeiros land above inundation level
area: ge sitophoros wheat growing land
area: geidion plot of land
area: geidia plots of land (pl.)
area: georgion cultivated field
area: georgia cultivated fields (pl.)
area: gyos field
area: halonia threshing-floor
area: kalamia reed land
area: kepion small garden
area: kepos garden
area: kepos phoinikonos palm-garden
area: koilas deep valley
area: koite parcel, plot of land
area: koitai parcels, plots of land (pl.)
area: ktema property, often a vineyard
area: ktema ampelikon vineyard property
area: ktesis property, land
area: lachania culture of pot-herbs, vegetable garden
area: lakkos cistern, pit, reservoir
area: locus place
area: mai (mȝy.t) new land, alluvial land, island
area: mandra enclosed space
area: mechane irrigation machine > area of land irrigated by a machine
area: mechanai irrigation machines > areas of land irrigated by a machine (pl.)
area: meris division
area: meros 'part'
area: nape woodland vale, valley
area: nesos land not flooded by the Nile
area: organon irrigation machine > area of land irrigated by a machine
area: orgon irrigated field
area: paradeisos garden, orchard
area: pareimene land left in private ownership
area: pedias plain
area: pedion plain
area: pedia plains (pl.)
area: phoinikon palm-grove
area: phrontis portion of land entrusted to a person
area: pittakion public land that is sublet
area: potamia river-land
area: pomarion orchard
area: regio region
area: sechet (sḫ.t) field
area: sphragis governmentally defined and numbered area of land > plot of land
area: ta (tȝ) land
area: tainia spit of land
area: topothesia region, quarter
area: water basin  
building: abet (ʿb.t) chapel
building: adyton innermost sanctuary or shrine
building: atrium house
building: balaneion bath
building: bibliotheke library, archive
building: building  
building: chresterion oracle
building: diaita house, building, farm
building: ekklesia church
building: enoikion dwelling
building: epaulis stable
building: hieron sanctuary
building: hout (ḥw.t) house, sanctuary, temple
building: hout-netjer (ḥw.t-nṯr) temple
building: hypodocheion reservoir, store-house
building: ibion ibis chapel-with-aviary
building: insula block of apartments
building: martyrion shrine of a martyr
building: naos temple, shrine
building: necheb (nḫb) courtyard
building: nosokomeion infirmary, hospital
building: oikia house
building: oikopeda building-site (pl.)
building: oikos house
building: oraculum oracle
building: palatium palace
building: per (pr) house, temple
building: phylake prison
building: pyle gate
building: pylai gate (pl.)
building: stoa roofed colonnade
building: temenos temple precinct
building: templum temple
building: tetrastylon colonnade
building: therma hot bath
building: therma balaneia hot bath
building: thesauros store-house, granary
building: tomb  
building: xenodocheion hostel
camp, station, fortress: allage change of horses, stage
camp, station, fortress: burgus fort
camp, station, fortress: camp  
camp, station, fortress: castellum small camp
camp, station, fortress: castra camp
camp, station, fortress: charax palisaded camp
camp, station, fortress: kastron camp
camp, station, fortress: mansio stopping place
camp, station, fortress: migdol tower
camp, station, fortress: mone stopping place, station
camp, station, fortress: mutatio change of horses, stage
camp, station, fortress: parembole encampment
camp, station, fortress: phrourion fort, garrison
camp, station, fortress: phylake guard
camp, station, fortress: praesidium garrison
camp, station, fortress: pyrgos tower
camp, station, fortress: reset (rs.t) fortress
camp, station, fortress: skenai tents
camp, station, fortress: skope lookout-place, watch-tower
camp, station, fortress: skopelos lookout-place
camp, station, fortress: statio (στατίων) station
camp, station, fortress: station station
camp, station, fortress: stratopedon camp
camp, station, fortress: stratopeda camps (pl.)
camp, station, fortress: teichos fortification
canal, river, lake: amnis river
canal, river, lake: barathra pits, marshes
canal, river, lake: canal  
canal, river, lake: catarract  
canal, river, lake: cheimarrous torrent, brook
canal, river, lake: choma bank, dike
canal, river, lake: dioryx canal
canal, river, lake: ekregma outlet of a lake
canal, river, lake: emblema sluice gate
canal, river, lake: fossa gully
canal, river, lake: flumen stream
canal, river, lake: fluviolus little river
canal, river, lake: fluvius river
canal, river, lake: gephyra bridge, dike
canal, river, lake: heni (ḥny.t) canal
canal, river, lake: hexathyros installation of six sluices
canal, river, lake: hydragogos aqueduct, irrigation channel
canal, river, lake: im (ym) sea
canal, river, lake: ir (yr) river
canal, river, lake: kremaste a 'hung' conduit
canal, river, lake: lacus lake
canal, river, lake: lake  
canal, river, lake: lakkos pond
canal, river, lake: limne lake
canal, river, lake: mou (mw) canal, river, catarract
canal, river, lake: oreine 'mountainous' canal at the edge of the desert, desert canal
canal, river, lake: ostium Nile mouth
canal, river, lake: ouhemet (wḥm.t) inner-dike
canal, river, lake: perichoma embankment, dike enclosing an area
canal, river, lake: pharanx ravine, valley, dry riverbed
canal, river, lake: plote navigable canal
canal, river, lake: potamos river, stream, Nile branch
canal, river, lake: pseudostomon Nile mouth
canal, river, lake: river  
canal, river, lake: rivus brook
canal, river, lake: shi (šy) lake
canal, river, lake: solen channel, gutter
canal, river, lake: stoma Nile mouth
canal, river, lake: stomion Nile mouth
canal, river, lake: teni (tny) dike
canal, river, lake: thyrai sluice gate (pl.)
canal, river, lake: torrens torrent
canal, river, lake: wadi dry riverbed
city: asty city
city: city  
city: civitas city
city: colonia colony
city: demi (dmỉ) city, town
city: demi aa (dmỉ ʿȝ) large city, town
city: emporion trading-station
city: kallipolis fair city
city: megalopolis great city
city: metropolis 'mother-city', main town, nome capital
city: municipium town
city: nout (nwt) city
city: oppidum town
city: polichnion small polis
city: polis city, town
city: polydrion small polis
city: urbs city
demos, phyle, tribus (division of citizens): demos division of citizens
demos, phyle, tribus (division of citizens): phyle division of citizens
demos, phyle, tribus (division of citizens): tribus division of citizens
district: denit (dnỉ.t) meris
district: dioikesis  
district: district  
district: eparchia < eparchos / praefectus
district: hyparcheia < hyparchos
district: keh (qḥ) district, nomos
district: komogrammateia < komogrammateus, kome
district: limiton border-province
district: meris division
district: nomarchia < nomarches, nomos
district: nomos  
district: ou (w) agricultural territory
district: pagarchia < pagarches, pagus
district: paratome quarter, district
district: paroikia community of christians organized as geographical unit
district: pars division
district: pehou (pḥw) low-lying land, swamp land
district: praefectura  
district: provincia  
district: satrapia  
district: shedit (šdy.t) district
district: tesh (tš) nomos
district: toparchia < toparches, topos
district: topothesia region, quarter
ethnicon: ethnicon  
federation: federation  
federation: politeuma  
federation: systema  
harbour: harbour  
harbour: hormos anchorage
harbour: limen harbour
harbour: oryktos artificial, dug out harbour
harbour: portus harbour
island (in the sea / on the Nile / in a lake): island  
island (in the sea / on the Nile / in a lake): insula island
island (in the sea / on the Nile / in a lake): insulae islands (pl.)
island (in the sea / on the Nile / in a lake): mai (mȝy.t) island
island (in the sea / on the Nile / in a lake): nesidion small island
island (in the sea / on the Nile / in a lake): nesidia small island (pl.)
island (in the sea / on the Nile / in a lake): nesion small island
island (in the sea / on the Nile / in a lake): nesos island
island (in the sea / on the Nile / in a lake): nesoi islands (pl.)
kleros (allotment of land): kleros allotment of land
kleros (allotment of land): kleronomia property
kleros (allotment of land): prosthema additional plot of land
monasterion, hermitage: monasterion  
monasterion, hermitage: hagios topos holy place
monasterion, hermitage: hermitage  
monasterion, hermitage: kellion  
monasterion, hermitage: koinobion  
monasterion, hermitage: mone  
monasterion, hermitage: oikos Theou house of God
monasterion, hermitage: oros mountain
monasterion, hermitage: petra rock
monasterion, hermitage: topos holy place
mountain: mons mountain
mountain: mountain  
mountain: oros mountain
mountain: ore mountains (pl.)
mountain: saltus woodland
nesos (island, land not flooded by the Nile) (see also under 'area', 'island', 'topos', 'village'): nesos island, land not flooded by the Nile
nesos (island, land not flooded by the Nile) (see also under 'area', 'island', 'topos', 'village'): mai (mȝy.t) island, land not flooded by the Nile
oasis: oasis  
ousia (property, estate): ousia property, estate
pass: pylai pass (pl.)
people: ethnos  
people: gens  
people: people  
people: tribe  
quarry, mine: latomia stone-quarry
quarry, mine: metallon mine
quarry, mine: metalla mines (pl.)
quarry, mine: mine  
quarry, mine: quarry  
quarter, street, road: agora market
quarter, street, road: agyia street, highway
quarter, street, road: amphodarchia < amphodon
quarter, street, road: amphodon street, block of houses, quarter
quarter, street, road: amphodion  
quarter, street, road: campus open field
quarter, street, road: chefeteh (ḫftḥ) dromos
quarter, street, road: cher (ẖr) street
quarter, street, road: dromos public walk, temple alley
quarter, street, road: emporion trading-station
quarter, street, road: epoikion  
quarter, street, road: forum market
quarter, street, road: gramma quarter
quarter, street, road: hodos road
quarter, street, road: iouit (ỉwy.t) quarter
quarter, street, road: laura street, avenue, passage
quarter, street, road: meros 'part'
quarter, street, road: p mit (pȝ myt) road
quarter, street, road: parembole quarter
quarter, street, road: plateia avenue, street
quarter, street, road: quarter  
quarter, street, road: proastion suburb
quarter, street, road: road  
quarter, street, road: ryme street
quarter, street, road: ryme demosia public street
quarter, street, road: rymion small street
quarter, street, road: street  
quarter, street, road: t mi.t (tȝ my.t) road
region: chora  
region: patre fatherland
region: patria fatherland
region: region  
region: ta (tȝ) land
sea, promontory, beach, peninsula: sea  
sea, promontory, beach, peninsula: aigialos beach, shore land of a lake
sea, promontory, beach, peninsula: akron cape, promontory
sea, promontory, beach, peninsula: akra cape, promontory (pl.)
sea, promontory, beach, peninsula: akroterion cape, promontory
sea, promontory, beach, peninsula: akte promontory
sea, promontory, beach, peninsula: beach  
sea, promontory, beach, peninsula: chersonesos peninsula
sea, promontory, beach, peninsula: fretum gulf
sea, promontory, beach, peninsula: im (ym) sea
sea, promontory, beach, peninsula: kolpos gulf
sea, promontory, beach, peninsula: mare sea
sea, promontory, beach, peninsula: pelagos sea
sea, promontory, beach, peninsula: peninsula  
sea, promontory, beach, peninsula: pontos sea
sea, promontory, beach, peninsula: promontory  
sea, promontory, beach, peninsula: promuntorium promontory
sea, promontory, beach, peninsula: sinus gulf
sea, promontory, beach, peninsula: skopia lookout-place, height
sea, promontory, beach, peninsula: thalassa sea
topos (place): topion small place
topos (place): topos place
topos (place): topoi places (pl.)
topos (place): kastron camp
topos (place): locus place
topos (place): nesos island
village: chorion place, estate
village: demi (dmỉ) village
village: demi mai (dmỉ m3y) new village
village: demi of Souchos (dmỉ n Sbk) village / kome of Sobek
village: epoikion farmstead, village
village: forum market
village: kastron camp
village: kome village
village: ktema property
village: metropolis 'mother-city', main town
village: nesos island
village: parembole encampment
village: polis city
village: skenai tents (pl.)
village: tamieia store-house
village: topoi 'places'
village: viculus small vicus
village: vicus village, hamlet
village: village  
well, water supply: castellum water reservoir
well, water supply: fons well
well, water supply: hydregos water-conduit
well, water supply: hydreuma 'something which collects water, a pool or reservoir'
well, water supply: kastellon water reservoir
well, water supply: krene well, spring, fountain
well, water supply: pege fount, source
well, water supply: pmoun < p3 mw n, 'the water of'
well, water supply: phrear well
well, water supply: tchon water supply?
well, water supply: water supply  
well, water supply: well