georefID: 240337
Trismegistos Places » Syrakousai » toponyms in Theokritos, Anthologia Graeca

Sicilia - Syrakousai (Siracusa)

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Theokritos, Anthologia Graeca

Passus 9, 434, 2: Συρακόσιος [ethnic]

Date: BC 310 - 250
Status: ethnicon (group)
Details: 'The Chian is another man, but I, Theokritos, who wrote these poems, am one of the great populace of Syrakousai, (the) son of Praxagoras and renowned Philinna; and the Muse I have adopted is no alien.'
Bibliography: Hopkinson, Theocritus (Loeb), 2015, p. 6-7 no. 8