georefID: 230819
Trismegistos Places » Leuke Kome » toponyms in Strabon, Geographia

Arabia - Leuke Kome (Aynuna)

Attestation 163 of 607 Back to list

Strabon, Geographia

Passus 16, 4, 23 [c] (C 781): ἡ Λευκὴ κώμη

Date: AD 15 - 23 about?
Status: kome + attributive element
Details: 'This was caused by the treachery of Syllaios, who said that there was no way for an army to go to Leuke Kome by land; and yet camel-traders travel back and forth from Petra to this place in safety and ease, and in such numbers of men and camels that they differ in no respect from an army.'