georefID: 41496
Trismegistos Places » Kanopos » toponyms in Strabon, Geographia

L03? - Kanopos (Abuqir)

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Strabon, Geographia

Passus 17, 1, 04 [d] (C 788): Κάνωβος

Date: AD 15 - 23 about?
Details: 'The Nile flows from the Aethiopian boundaries towards the north in a straight line to the district (chorion) called Delta, and then, being "split at the head", as Platon says, the Nile makes this place as it were the vertex of a triangle, the sides of the triangle being formed by the streams that split in either direction and extend to the sea - the one on the right to the sea at Pelousion and the other on the left to the sea at Kanopos and the neighbouring Herakleion, as it is called, - and the base by the coast-line between Pelousion and the Herakleion.'