georefID: 230416
Trismegistos Places » Indikon Pelagos » toponyms in Strabon, Geographia

Indikon Pelagos

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Strabon, Geographia

Passus 2, 5, 12 [i] (C 118): ἡ Ἰνδική [ethnic]

Date: AD 15 - 23 about?
Status: (thalassa) + adj. congr.
Details: 'At any rate, when Gallus was praefectus of Egypt, I accompanietd him and ascended the Nile as far as Syene and the frontiers of Aethiopia, and I learned that as many as one hundred and twenty vessels were sailing from Myos Hormos to India, whereas formerly, under the Ptolemaeic kings, only a very few ventured to undertake the voyage and to carry on traffic in Indian merchandise.'