georefID: 231720
Trismegistos Places » Portus Itius » toponyms in Strabon, Geographia

Gallia - Portus Itius

Attestation 607 of 607 Back to list

Strabon, Geographia

Passus 4, 5, 2 [b] (C 199): τὸ Ἴτιον

Date: AD 15 - 23 about?
Status: naustathmos (§ 2)
Details: '... but from the coast of those Morini who have a common boundary with the Menapii. On their coast, also, is Itium, which the Deified Caesar used as a naval station (naustathmos) when he set sail for the island. He put to sea by night and landed on the following day about the fourth hour, thus having completed three hundred and twenty stadia in his voyage across'
Bibliography: CIL XIII.1.2, 1904, p. 561