georefID: 231760
Trismegistos Places » Ichthyophagoi » toponyms in Epiphanios, De xii gemmis

Eastern desert - Ichthyophagoi

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Epiphanios, De xii gemmis

Passus 20 [b] (p. 748): Ichthyophagus [ethnic]

Date: AD 315 - 403
Nomos: India
Status: ethnicon (group)
Details: 'the Indi used to be divided into nine kingdoms ... the Alabastri, the Homeritai, the Azomiti with the inhabitants of Adoulis, the Bugaei, the Taiani, the Isabeni, the Libeni, the Dibeni with the Ichthyophagoi and the Sirindibeni with the Euilaei, ...'