Flavius Iosephos, Bellum Iudaicum

» 11 attestation(s) of Egyptian (and for some authors and works also other) toponyms

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AuthorDateAttested NamePlace
Flavius Iosephos, Bellum Iudaicum, 1, 14, 2 (277)AD 75 - 79ῬινοκόρουραNorthern Sinai - Rinokoloura (El-Arish)
Flavius Iosephos, Bellum Iudaicum, 1, 9, 4 (190) [a]AD 75 - 79τὸ ΠηλούσιονL14? - Pelousion (Tell el-Farama)
Flavius Iosephos, Bellum Iudaicum, 1, 9, 4 (190) [b]AD 75 - 79ἡ Ὀνίου προσαγορευομένη χώραL13 - Oniou Chora
Flavius Iosephos, Bellum Iudaicum, 4, 11, 5 (660)AD 75 - 79ΠηλούσιονL14? - Pelousion (Tell el-Farama)
Flavius Iosephos, Bellum Iudaicum, 4, 11, 5 (661) [a]AD 75 - 79τὸ ΠηλούσιονL14? - Pelousion (Tell el-Farama)
Flavius Iosephos, Bellum Iudaicum, 4, 11, 5 (661) [b]AD 75 - 79ΚάσιοςNorthern Sinai - Kasion (El-Qels)
Flavius Iosephos, Bellum Iudaicum, 4, 11, 5 (661) [c]AD 75 - 79ὈστρακίνηNorthern Sinai - Ostrakine (El-Felusiyat)
Flavius Iosephos, Bellum Iudaicum, 4, 11, 5 (662)AD 75 - 79ῬινοκόρουραNorthern Sinai - Rinokoloura (El-Arish)
Flavius Iosephos, Bellum Iudaicum, 4, 9, 9 (551) [a]AD 75 - 79ΒήθηλαPalestina - Bethel (Beitin)
Flavius Iosephos, Bellum Iudaicum, 4, 9, 9 (551) [b]AD 75 - 79ἘφραίμPalestina - Apheraima (El-Tayyibe)
Flavius Iosephos, Bellum Iudaicum, 7, 10, 2 (421)AD 75 - 79ἡ Ὀνίου καλουμένηL13 - Oniou Chora