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TM GeoRef id TM Geo id Publication and line TM id TM Authorwork id Date [▲] Provenance Language [▲] Attested Name [▲] Name Standard [▲] TM Geo id Full name Administrative situation Status Detail Biblio Note
231590 3341 Gregorius of Tours, Historia Francorum, 10, 021185AD 572LatinSessioniciSessionicus1185Gallia - Augusta Suessionum (Soissons)ethnicon'Now as I have said the legates were Bodigisel, son of Mummolinus of Sessionas, and ...'
231591 3341 Gregorius of Tours, Historia Francorum, 10, 181185AD 572LatinSessionasSessionas1185Gallia - Augusta Suessionum (Soissons)'the other six remained in Sessionas'
206712 24451 Gregorius of Tours, Historia Francorum, 10, 271185AD 572LatinTornacensis (read: Tornacenses)Tornacensis1185Gallia - Turnacum (Tournai)ethnicon (group)'Among the Francs of Turnacum a great feud arose because the son of one often angrily rebuked the son of another who had married his sister, for leaving his wife and visiting a prostitute.'
231566 3341 Gregorius of Tours, Historia Francorum, 2, 27 [a]1185AD 572Latincivitatem SexonasSexonas1185Gallia - Augusta Suessionum (Soissons)civitas'After these events Childeric died and Clovis his son reigned in his stead. In the fifth year of his reign Siagrius, king of the Romans, son of Egidius, had his seat in the city (civitas) of Sessionas which Egidius, who has been mentioned before, once held.'
231567 3341 Gregorius of Tours, Historia Francorum, 2, 27 [b]1185AD 572LatinSexonasSexonas1185Gallia - Augusta Suessionum (Soissons)'On hearing this the king said to the messenger: "Follow us as far as Sessionas, because all that has been taken is to be divided there and when the lot assigns me that dish I will do what the father asks." Then when he came to Sessionas and all the booty was set in their midst, the king said: ...'
231568 3341 Gregorius of Tours, Historia Francorum, 2, 27 [c]1185AD 572LatinSexonasSexonas1185Gallia - Augusta Suessionum (Soissons)'On hearing this the king said to the messenger: "Follow us as far as Sessionas, because all that has been taken is to be divided there and when the lot assigns me that dish I will do what the father asks." Then when he came to Sessionas and all the booty was set in their midst, the king said: ...'
231569 3341 Gregorius of Tours, Historia Francorum, 2, 27 [d]1185AD 572LatinSexonasSexonas1185Gallia - Augusta Suessionum (Soissons)'"This," said he, "'is what you did at Sessionas to the vase."'
241448 50329 Gregorius of Tours, Historia Francorum, 2, 401185AD 572Latinper Scaldem fluviumScaldis1185Gallia - Scaldis (Schelde)fluvius"Hear what has happened. When I," said he, "was sailing down the river Scaldis Cloderic, son of my kinsman, was in pursuit of his own father asserting that I wished him killed.'
243738 24462 Gregorius of Tours, Historia Francorum, 2, 5 [a]1185AD 572Latinapud Tungrus oppidumTungrus1185Gallia - Aduatuca (Tongeren)oppidum (apposition)'In that time (sc. during the incursion of the Huns) in the town Tungrus lived bishop Aravatius, a man of extraordinary holyness ... When he went to the city Traiectum, ...'
243737 3352 Gregorius of Tours, Historia Francorum, 2, 5 [b]1185AD 572Latinad Treiectinsem urbemTreiectinsis urbs1185Gallia - Mosae Traiectum (Maastricht)urbs + adj. congr.'In that time (sc. during the incursion of the Huns) there was in the town Tungrus bishop Aravatius, a man extraordinary holyness ... When he went to the city Traiectum, ...'
231571 3341 Gregorius of Tours, Historia Francorum, 4, 191185AD 572LatinSessionas civitatemSessionas1185Gallia - Augusta Suessionum (Soissons)civitas'King Clothar burried him (sc. bishop Medardus) with the highest honour near the city (civitas) of Sessionas and started to build a basilica above his tomb, ...'
231570 3341 Gregorius of Tours, Historia Francorum, 4, 211185AD 572LatinSessionasSessionas1185Gallia - Augusta Suessionum (Soissons)'Laboring under this pain he breathed his last, and his four sons carried him with great honor to Sessionas and buried him in the church of Saint Medardus.'
231572 3341 Gregorius of Tours, Historia Francorum, 4, 221185AD 572LatinSessionasSessionas1185Gallia - Augusta Suessionum (Soissons)'A decision by lot gave ... to Chilperic the kingdom of Clothar his father, and he had Sessionas as seat, ...'
231573 3341 Gregorius of Tours, Historia Francorum, 4, 231185AD 572LatinSessionas civitatemSessionas1185Gallia - Augusta Suessionum (Soissons)civitas'Sigibert ... occupied the city (civitas) of Sessionas, ...'
206708 24451 Gregorius of Tours, Historia Francorum, 4, 501185AD 572LatinThornacinsisThornacinsis1185Gallia - Turnacum (Tournai)adjective'within the walls of Turnacum'
206709 24451 Gregorius of Tours, Historia Francorum, 4, 51 [a]1185AD 572LatinThornacoThornacum1185Gallia - Turnacum (Tournai)'Then he left Turnacum with his wife and children and clothed Sigibert and buried him in the village of Lambrus (Lambres).'
231574 3341 Gregorius of Tours, Historia Francorum, 4, 51 [b]1185AD 572LatinSessionasSessionas1185Gallia - Augusta Suessionum (Soissons)civitas'Then he left Turnacum with his wife and children and clothed Sigibert and buried him in the village of Lambrus (Lambres). Whence he was later transferred to Sessionas to the church of the holy Medardus which he had built, and was buried there by the side of his father Clothar.'
231575 3341 Gregorius of Tours, Historia Francorum, 5, 021185AD 572LatinSessionasSessionas1185Gallia - Augusta Suessionum (Soissons)'But after a few days he returned to Sessionas, taking Merovech with him.'
231576 3341 Gregorius of Tours, Historia Francorum, 5, 03 [a]1185AD 572LatinSessionas urbeSessionas1185Gallia - Augusta Suessionum (Soissons)urbs'..., some men in group came from Campania to the city (urbs) of Sessionas, ...
231577 3341 Gregorius of Tours, Historia Francorum, 5, 03 [b]1185AD 572LatinSessionasSessionas1185Gallia - Augusta Suessionum (Soissons)'...; and he chased the others and entered Sessionas.'
231578 3341 Gregorius of Tours, Historia Francorum, 5, 03 [c]1185AD 572Latinin territurio SessionicoSessionicus1185Gallia - Augusta Suessionum (Soissons)territorium + adj. congr.'in the territory of Sessionas'
231579 3341 Gregorius of Tours, Historia Francorum, 5, 03 [d]1185AD 572Latinin SessionicoSessionicus1185Gallia - Augusta Suessionum (Soissons)adjective'the possessions that he had in (the territory) of Sessionas'
231580 3341 Gregorius of Tours, Historia Francorum, 5, 171185AD 572LatinSessionasSessionas1185Gallia - Augusta Suessionum (Soissons)'... near Sessionas ...'
206710 24451 Gregorius of Tours, Historia Francorum, 5, 221185AD 572LatinTornacumTornacum1185Gallia - Turnacum (Tournai)'He was born when king Chilperik was besieged by his brother in Turnacum.'
231581 3341 Gregorius of Tours, Historia Francorum, 5, 341185AD 572LatinSessionasSessionas1185Gallia - Augusta Suessionum (Soissons)'Clodobert they placed on a litter and took him to St. Medardus' church in Sessionas, and threw themselves down at the holy tomb and made vows for him, but being already breathless and weak he died at midnight.'
206711 24451 Gregorius of Tours, Historia Francorum, 5, 491185AD 572Latinpago Tornacensipagus Tornacensis1185Gallia - Turnacum (Tournai)pagus + adj. congr.'But his wife was captured and sent into exile in the pagus Tornacensis.'
231582 3341 Gregorius of Tours, Historia Francorum, 6, 141185AD 572LatinSessionas civitatemSessionas1185Gallia - Augusta Suessionum (Soissons)civitas'At the city (civitas) of Sessionas on the day of holy Easter the heavens were seen to be on fire, and there appeared to be two fires, one greater and the other less.'
231583 3341 Gregorius of Tours, Historia Francorum, 6, 211185AD 572Latinurbis SessionicaeSessionicus1185Gallia - Augusta Suessionum (Soissons)urbs + adj. congr.'the walls of the city of Sessionas collapsed'
231584 3341 Gregorius of Tours, Historia Francorum, 6, 341185AD 572Latinin pago SessionicoSessionicus1185Gallia - Augusta Suessionum (Soissons)pagus + adj. congr.'... when he arrived in the pagus of Sessionas ...'
231588 3341 Gregorius of Tours, Historia Francorum, 9, 091185AD 572LatinSessionicae civitatisSessionicus1185Gallia - Augusta Suessionum (Soissons)civitas + adj. congr.'along the street (plateia) of the city of Sessionas'
231585 3341 Gregorius of Tours, Historia Francorum, 9, 36 [a]1185AD 572LatinSessionasSessionas1185Gallia - Augusta Suessionum (Soissons)pagus(Title:) 'Childebert sends Theodobert to Sessionas.'
231586 3341 Gregorius of Tours, Historia Francorum, 9, 36 [b]1185AD 572LatinSessionasSessionas1185Gallia - Augusta Suessionum (Soissons)pagus(Subtitle:) 'King Childebert sends Theodobert his son to Sessionas.'
231587 3341 Gregorius of Tours, Historia Francorum, 9, 36 [c]1185AD 572Latinin urbe SessionicaSessionicus1185Gallia - Augusta Suessionum (Soissons)urbs + adj. congr.'Then the stronger men who were in the city (urbs) of Sessionas or Meldensis, came to him ...'
231589 3341 Gregorius of Tours, Historia Francorum, 9, 371185AD 572Latinurbem SessionasSessionas1185Gallia - Augusta Suessionum (Soissons)urbs'There was near the city (urbs) of Sessionas in these days bishop Droctigysilus, ...'