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TM GeoRef id TM Geo id Publication and line TM id TM Authorwork id Date [▲] Provenance Language [▲] Attested Name [▲] Name Standard [▲] TM Geo id Full name Administrative situation Status Detail Biblio Note
45747 2774 Epiphanios, Ancoratus, 106, 8139AD 374Greekἐν ἈντινόουἈντινόου139U15 - Antinoopolis (El-Sheikh Ibada)(polis) + gen.
45748 100 Epiphanios, Ancoratus, 106, 9 [a]139AD 374Greekἐν ἈλεξανδρείᾳἈλεξάνδρεια139L00 - Alexandria
45749 697 Epiphanios, Ancoratus, 106, 9 [b]139AD 374Greekπαρὰ ΓαζαίοιςΓαζαῖος139Palestina - Gazaethnicon (group)
45750 1662 Epiphanios, Ancoratus, 106, 9 [c]139AD 374Greekπαρὰ ΠηλουσιώταιςΠηλουσιώτης139L14? - Pelousion (Tell el-Farama)ethnicon (group)
21460 2052 Epiphanios, Ancoratus, 112, 3 [a]139AD 374Greekἕως τἠς χώρας ῬινοκουρούρωνῬινοκούρουρος139Northern Sinai - Rinokoloura (El-Arish)ethnicon (group)'And to Sem the firstborn fell the region from Persis and Bactria till India in length, in breadth from India till the region (chora) of (the) Rinokourouroi; the (region) of (the) Rinokourouroi itself lies between Egypt and Palestine, opposite the Red Sea.'
234503 2052 Epiphanios, Ancoratus, 112, 3 [b]139AD 374Greekαὕτη ἡ ῬινοκουρούρωνῬινοκούρουρος139Northern Sinai - Rinokoloura (El-Arish)ethnicon (group)'And to Sem the firstborn fell the region from Persis and Bactria till India in length, in breadth from India till the region (chora) of (the) Rinokourouroi; the (region) of (the) Rinokourouroi itself lies between Egypt and Palestine, opposite the Red Sea.'
45746 49 Epiphanios, Ancoratus, 112, 3 [c]139AD 374GreekΑἰγύπτουΑἴγυπτος139Egypt'And to Sem the firstborn fell the region from Persis and Bactria till India in length, in breadth from India till the region (chora) of (the) Rinokourouroi; the (region) of (the) Rinokourouroi itself lies between Egypt and Palestine, opposite the Red Sea.'
45752 3632 Epiphanios, Ancoratus, 112, 3 [d]139AD 374Greekἀντικρὺ τῆς Ἐρυθρᾶς θάλασσηςἡ Ἐρυθρὰ θάλασσα139Red Seathalassa'And to Sem the firstborn fell the region from Persis and Bactria till India in length, in breadth from India till the region (chora) of (the) Rinokourouroi; the (region) of (the) Rinokourouroi itself lies between Egypt and Palestine, opposite the Red Sea.'
45751 2052 Epiphanios, Ancoratus, 112, 4 [a]139AD 374Greekἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς ῬινοκουρούρωνῬινοκούρουρος139Northern Sinai - Rinokoloura (El-Arish)ethnicon (group)
234504 2052 Epiphanios, Ancoratus, 112, 4 [b]139AD 374Greekἕως ῬινοκουρούρωνῬινοκούρουρος139Northern Sinai - Rinokoloura (El-Arish)ethnicon (group)
45754 51 Epiphanios, Ancoratus, 113, 3 [a]139AD 374GreekΑἰθίοπεςΑἰθίοψ139Aethiopia - Aethiopiaethnicon (group)'Cham, the second son (sc. of Noah) had children and children of children, 32 in number, with a similar distribution of languages: Aethiopians, Trogodytai, Angaioi, Taienoi, Sabinoi, Ichthyophagoi, Hellanikoi, Egyptians, Phoenicians, ...'
45755 2481 Epiphanios, Ancoratus, 113, 3 [b]139AD 374GreekΤρωγλοδύταιΤρωγλοδύτης139Eastern desert - Trogodytikeethnicon (group)'Cham, the second son (sc. of Noah) had children and children of children, 32 in number, with a similar distribution of languages: Aethiopians, Trogodytai, Angaioi, Taienoi, Sabinoi, Ichthyophagoi, Hellanikoi, Egyptians, Phoenicians, ...'
45756 4681 Epiphanios, Ancoratus, 113, 3 [c]139AD 374GreekἸχθυοφάγοιἸχθυοφάγος139Eastern desert - Ichthyophagoiethnicon (group)'Cham, the second son (sc. of Noah) had children and children of children, 32 in number, with a similar distribution of languages: Aethiopians, Trogodytai, Angaioi, Taienoi, Sabinoi, Ichthyophagoi, Hellanikoi, Egyptians, Phoenicians, ...'
45753 49 Epiphanios, Ancoratus, 113, 3 [d]139AD 374GreekΑἰγύπτιοιΑἰγύπτιος139Egyptethnicon (group)'Cham, the second son (sc. of Noah) had children and children of children, 32 in number, with a similar distribution of languages: Aethiopians, Trogodytai, Angaioi, Taienoi, Sabinoi, Ichthyophagoi, Hellanikoi, Egyptians, Phoenicians, ...'the ms. also have 'Αἰγύπτιοι' in 113, 2 (the children of Sem), but no doubt that is an incorrect duplicate of this passage