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TM GeoRef id TM Geo id Publication and line TM id TM Authorwork id Date [▲] Provenance Language [▲] Attested Name [▲] Name Standard [▲] TM Geo id Full name Administrative situation Status Detail Biblio Note
230833 2481 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 1, 3 (C 2)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΤρωγλοδύταςΤρωγλοδύτης371Eastern desert - Trogodytikeethnicon (group)'In the first place, Homeros declares that ... for instance, he expressly mentions Libya and Aethiopia and Sidonioi and Eremboi - and by Eremboi he probably means Arabian Trogodytai - whereas ...'
41408 3943 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 2, 22 [a] (C 29) & passim371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτοῦ Νείλουὁ Νεῖλος371Nile
41403 49 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 2, 22 [b] (C 29) & passim371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekκατʼ ΑἴγυπτονΑἴγυπτος371Egypt
41407 3943 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 2, 22 [c] (C 29)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΑἴγυπτονΑἴγυπτος371Nilepotamos'a river Aigyptos' (sc. the Nile)
41406 576 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 2, 22 [d] (C 30)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΘῆβας ΑἰγυπτίαςΘῆβαι371U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east)'Egyptian Thebai'
41404 49 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 2, 22 [e] (C 30) & passim371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΑἰγυπτίαςΑἰγύπτιος371Egyptadjective
41405 1752 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 2, 22 [f] (C 30)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΦάρονΦάρος371L00 - Pharos
41402 1752 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 2, 23 [a] (C 30)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπερὶ τῆς νήσου τῆς Φαρίαςἡ νῆσος τῆς Φαρίας371L00 - Pharosnesos + gen.Cribiore, ZPE 213 (2020), p. 99
41409 544 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 2, 23 [b] (C 30)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὑπὸ τῷ Δέλτατὸ Δέλτα371L - Delta
41410 4819 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 2, 23 [c] (C 30)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὴν Κάτω χώραν προσαγορευομένηνἡ Κάτω χώρα371L - Kato Chorachora
41411 11117 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 2, 24 [a] (C 30) & passim371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμεταξὺ τοῦ Αἰγυπτίου πέλαγουςτὸ Αἰγύπτιον πέλαγος371Egyptian Seapelagos + adj. congr.'The same mistake is made by those who say that Homeros is not acquainted with the isthmus that lies between the Egyptian Sea and the Arabian Gulf, ...'
41412 3632 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 2, 24 [b] (C 30) & passim371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμεταξὺ ... τοῦ Ἀραβικοῦ κόλπουὁ Ἀραβικὸς κόλπος371Red Seakolpos + adj. congr.'The same mistake is made by those who say that Homeros is not acquainted with the isthmus that lies between the Egyptian Sea and the Arabian Gulf, ...'
41414 1662 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 2, 28 (C 35)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekκατὰ ΠηλούσιονΠηλούσιον371L14? - Pelousion (Tell el-Farama)
41417 576 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 2, 29 (C 35)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὰς μὲν Αἰγυπτίους Θήβαςαἱ ... Θῆβαι371U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east)'Egyptian Thebai'
41521 1752 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 2, 30 (C 37)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπερὶ τῆς Φάρουἡ Φάρος371L00 - Pharos
21703 1014 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 2, 31 [a] (C 38)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekκατὰ τὸ Κάσιοντὸ Κάσιον371Northern Sinai - Kasion (El-Qels)
41418 1662 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 2, 31 [b] (C 38)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekκατὰ ... τὸ Πηλούσιοντὸ Πηλούσιον371L14? - Pelousion (Tell el-Farama)
41419 576 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 2, 32 [a] (C 40)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekταῖς ΘῆβαιςΘῆβαι371U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east)
41420 2207 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 2, 32 [b] (C 40)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekκατὰ ΣυηνηνΣυηνη371U01 - Syene (Assuan)
41421 1767 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 2, 32 [c] (C 40)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekκατὰ ... τὰς ΦιλαςΦιλαι371U01 - Philai
41422 11123 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 2, 32 [d] (C 40)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekκατὰ τὴν ἈρδανίδαἈρδανίς371Marmarica - Ardanis (Mersa el-Melah)
41423 3668 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 2, 32 [e] (C 40)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὑπὲρ ΠαραιτονίουΠαραιτόνιον371Western coast - Paraitonion (Mersa Matruh)
41424 11141 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 2, 32 [f] (C 40)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΜενέλαοςΜενέλαος371Marmarica - Menelaos (Mersa Lahora)limen (§32)
230834 2481 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 2, 34 (C 42)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΤρωγλοδύταςΤρωγλοδύτης371Eastern desert - Trogodytikeethnicon (group)'Most scholars, indeed, derive the name Eremboi from 'eran embainein' / 'to go into the earth', a name which later peoples changed to Trogodytai for the sake of greater clearness. Now these Trogodytai are that tribe of Arabians who live on the side of the Arabian Gulf next to Egypt and Aethiopia.'
41425 149 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 3, 04 [a] (C 49)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπερὶ τὸ ἱερὸν τοῦ Ἄμμωνοςτὸ ἱερὸν τοῦ Ἄμμωνος371Western desert, Ammoniake - Ammonos Hieron (Siwa)hieron
41426 1662 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 3, 04 [b] (C 50)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπερὶ τὸ Πηλούσιοντὸ Πηλούσιον371L14? - Pelousion (Tell el-Farama)
21704 1014 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 3, 04 [c] (C 50)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπερὶ ... τὸ Κάσιον ὄροςτὸ Κάσιον ὄρος371Northern Sinai - Kasion (El-Qels)oros
21301 2125 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 3, 04 [d] (C 50)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπερὶ ... τὴν Σιρβωνίδα λίμνηνἡ Σιρβωνὶς λίμνη371Northern Sinai - Serbonis (Sabkhat Bardawil)limne
21878 713 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 3, 04 [e] (C 50)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπερὶ ... τὰ Γέρρα καλούμενατὰ Γέρρα371Northern Sinai - Gerra (Mahammediya)
41427 1384 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 3, 04 [f] (C 50)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτῆς καλουμένης Μοιριδος λίμνηςἡ καλουμένη Μοιρις λίμνη37100 - Moiris (Birket Qarun)limne
21705 1014 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 3, 13 [a] (C 55)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸ Κάσιοντὸ Κάσιον371Northern Sinai - Kasion (El-Qels)
21879 713 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 3, 13 [b] (C 55)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὰ καλούμενα Γέ́ρρατὰ ... Γέρρα371Northern Sinai - Gerra (Mahammediya)
41522 1752 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 3, 17 [a] (C 58)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ δὲ Φάροςἡ ... Φάρος371L00 - Pharos
41428 1662 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 3, 17 [b] (C 58)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπερὶ ΠηλούσιονΠηλούσιον371L14? - Pelousion (Tell el-Farama)
21706 1014 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 3, 17 [c] (C 58)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπερὶ ... τὸ Κάσιον ὄροςτὸ Κάσιον ὄρος371Northern Sinai - Kasion (El-Qels)oros
41429 3460 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 4, 1 [a] (C 62) & passim371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekδία ΜεροηςΜεροη371Meroe (Begrawiya)
41430 100 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 4, 1 [b] (C 62)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekδία ... ἈλεξανδρείαςἈλεξάνδρεια371L00 - Alexandria
41434 100 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 4, 2 (C 63)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμέχρι ἈλεξανδρείαςἈλεξάνδρεια371L00 - Alexandria
21342 616 Strabon, Geographia, 1, 4, 7 (C 65)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμεταξὺ ... τοῦ Ἐκρήγματοςτὸ Ἔκρηγμα371Northern Sinai - Ekregma
41441 1662 Strabon, Geographia, 11, 1, 5 [a] (C 491)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἀπὸ ΠηλουσίουΠηλούσιον371L14? - Pelousion (Tell el-Farama)'Poseidonios states that the isthmus is fifteen hundred stadia across, as wide as the isthmus from Pelousion to the Red (Sea).'
41442 3632 Strabon, Geographia, 11, 1, 5 [b] (C 491)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐς τὴν Ἐρυθράνἡ Ἐρυθρά371Red Sea(thalassa)'Poseidonios states that the isthmus is fifteen hundred stadia across, as wide as the isthmus from Pelousion to the Red (Sea).'
41524 1752 Strabon, Geographia, 12, 2, 4 (C 536)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὴν Φάρονἡ Φάρος371L00 - Pharos
121313 4780 Strabon, Geographia, 12, 3, 37 [a] (C 560)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτά Κάρανατά Κάρανα371Armenia - Karana'... a portion to Ateporix, a dynast of the family of tetrarchs of Galatia; but now that Ateporix has died, this portion, which is not large, is subject to the Romans, being called a province (eparchia) (and this litte state is a political organisation of itself, the people having incorporated Karana into it, from which fact its country (chora) is called Karanitis), ...'
121314 4780 Strabon, Geographia, 12, 3, 37 [b] (C 560)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἠ χώρα Καρανῖτις λέγεταιΚαρανῖτις371Armenia - Karanaadjective'... a portion to Ateporix, a dynast of the family of tetrarchs of Galatia; but now that Ateporix has died, this portion, which is not large, is subject to the Romans, being called a province (eparchia) (and this litte state is a political organisation of itself, the people having incorporated Karana into it, from which fact its country (chora) is called Karanitis), ...'
239778 1106 Strabon, Geographia, 12, 4, 9 (C 566)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὁ ΠρουσιεύςΠρουσιεύς371Bithynia - Kios (Gemlik)ethnicon'Bithynia has produced men notable for their learning: ... Asklepiades the physician (iatros) of Prousias'
239779 1611 Strabon, Geographia, 13, 1, 19 (C 589)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐκ ΠαρίουΠάριον371Mysia - Parion (Kemer)'Now Neoptolemos, called the Glossographer, a notable man, was from Parion'
239780 100 Strabon, Geographia, 13, 1, 36 (C 599)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἈλεξανδρίνηνἈλεξανδρῖνος371L00 - Alexandriaethnicon'Demetrios cites also Hestiaia of Alexandria as a witness, a woman who wrote a ork on Homeros' Ilias and inquired whether the war took place round the present Ilion and the Trojan plain, ...'
135064 2314 Strabon, Geographia, 14, 1, 30 (C 644)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΤήιοςΤήιος371Ionia - Teos (Sığacık)ethnicon'Teos ... As I have already said, Apellikon also was a Teios; and Hekataios the historian was from the same city.'PP X, 2002, no. E0001 (p. 295)
117263 1482 Strabon, Geographia, 14, 1, 48 [a] (C 651)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΝυσαεῖςΝυσαεύς371Caria - Nysa (Sultanhisar)ethnicon'Famous men born at Nysa are: Apollonios the Stoic philosopher, best of the disciples of Panaitios; and Menekrates, pupil of Aristarchos; and Aristodemos, his son, whose entire course, in his extreme old age, I in my youth took at Nysa; ...'PP VI 16871; PP X, 2002, no. E1913
117264 1482 Strabon, Geographia, 14, 1, 48 [b] (C 651)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐν τῇ ΝύσῃΝῦσα371Caria - Nysa (Sultanhisar)'Famous men born at Nysa are: Apollonios the Stoic philosopher, best of the disciples of Panaitios; and Menekrates, pupil of Aristarchos; and Aristodemos, his son, whose entire course, in his extreme old age, I in my youth took at Nysa; ...'
240093 1121 Strabon, Geographia, 14, 2, 15 [a] (C 656)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΚνίδοςΚνίδος371Caria - Knidos (Tekir)
240094 1121 Strabon, Geographia, 14, 2, 15 [b] (C 656)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΚνίδιοιΚνίδιος371Caria - Knidos (Tekir)ethnicon'Notable Knidioi were: first Eudoxos the mathematician, one of the comrades of Platon; then Agatharchides, one of the Peripatetics, a historian; and, in my own time, Theopompos, the friend of the deified Caesar, being a man of great influence with him, and his son Artemidoros. Thence, also, came Ktesias, who served Artaxerxes as physican and wrote the works entitled Assyrica and Persica.'
240095 2269 Strabon, Geographia, 14, 5, 12-15 (C 673-675)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ δὲ Τάρσοςἡ ... Τάρσος371Cilicia - Tarsos (Gözlü Kule)polis (§ 12)'As for Tarsos, it lies in a plain; ...'
240096 2269 Strabon, Geographia, 14, 5, 15 [a] (C 675)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΤαρσέωνΤαρσεύς371Cilicia - Tarsos (Gözlü Kule)ethnicon (group)'But it is Rome that is best able to tell us the number of learned men from thic city (sc. Tarsos); for it is full of Tarseis and Alexandreis.
240097 100 Strabon, Geographia, 14, 5, 15 [b] (C 675)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἈλεξανδρέωνἈλεξανδρεύς371L00 - Alexandriaethnicon (group)'But it is Rome that is best able to tell us the number of learned men from thic city (sc. Tarsos); for it is full of Tarseis and Alexandreis.
41443 11131 Strabon, Geographia, 14, 5, 3 (C 670)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἀπὸ τοῦ Πηλουσιακοῦ στόματοςτὸ Πηλουσιακὸν στόμα371L14? - Pelousiakon Stomastoma + adj. congr.
240098 2162 Strabon, Geographia, 14, 5, 8 [a] (C 671)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΣόλοιΣόλοι371Cilicia - Soloi (Viranşehir)polis (§ 8)
240099 2162 Strabon, Geographia, 14, 5, 8 [b](C 671)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΠομπηιόπολινΠομπηιόπολις371Cilicia - Soloi (Viranşehir)polis + gen.
41925 3552 Strabon, Geographia, 14, 6, 3 (C 682)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἈφροδίσιονἈφροδίσιον371Cyprus - Aphrodision (Liastrika)'Then one comes to Aphrodision, where the island is narrow, for the passage across to Salamis is only seventy stadia.'
240100 1109 Strabon, Geographia, 14, 6, 3 (C 682-683)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekεἰς ΚίτιονΚίτιον371Cyprus - Kition (Larnaka)
41444 544 Strabon, Geographia, 15, 1, 33 (C 701)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτοῦ κατʼ Αἴγυπτον Δέλτατὸ ... Δέλτα371L - Delta
21425 2052 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 1, 12 [a] (C 741)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπερὶ ῬινοκόλουραῬινοκόλουρα371Northern Sinai - Rinokoloura (El-Arish)
21707 1014 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 1, 12 [b] (C 741-742)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπερὶ ... τὸ Κάσιον ὄροςτὸ Κάσιον ὄρος371Northern Sinai - Kasion (El-Qels)oros
21354 398 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 1, 12 [c] (C 741)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὰ Βάραθρατὰ Βάραθρα371Northern Sinai - Barathra [near lake Serbonis]
41445 1662 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 2, 21 (C 756)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμέχρι ΠηλουσίουΠηλούσιον371L14? - Pelousion (Tell el-Farama)
21708 1014 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 2, 26 (C 758)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπερὶ τὸ Κάσιοντὸ Κάσιον371Northern Sinai - Kasion (El-Qels)
21709 1014 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 2, 28 [a] (C 759)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekεἰς τὸ Κάσιοντὸ Κάσιον371Northern Sinai - Kasion (El-Qels)
41446 1662 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 2, 28 [b] (C 759)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπρὸς ΠηλουσίῳΠηλούσιον371L14? - Pelousion (Tell el-Farama)
41448 829 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 2, 30 [a] (C 759)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekκατὰ τὴν Ἡρώων πόλινἡ Ἡρώων πόλις371L08 - Heroopolispolis + gen.
41447 1662 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 2, 30 [b] (C 759)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐκ ΠηλουσίουΠηλούσιον371L14? - Pelousion (Tell el-Farama)
41449 697 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 2, 31 [a] (C 759)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμετὰ δὲ ΓάζανΓάζα371Palestina - Gaza
41450 2044 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 2, 31 [b] (C 759)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekῬαφίαῬαφία371Palestina - Raphia (Rafah)
21426 2052 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 2, 31 [c] (C 759)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekῬινοκόλουραῬινοκόλουρα371Northern Sinai - Rinokoloura (El-Arish)
41451 697 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 2, 32 [a] (C 759)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἀπὸ ΓάζαςΓάζα371Palestina - Gaza
21303 2125 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 2, 32 [b] (C 760)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὴν Σιρβωνίδα λίμνηνἡ Σιρβωνὶς λίμνη371Northern Sinai - Serbonis (Sabkhat Bardawil)limne
21343 616 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 2, 32 [c] (C 760)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμέχρι τοῦ Ἐκρήγματοςτὸ Ἔκρηγμα371Northern Sinai - Ekregma
21710 1014 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 2, 32 [d] (C 760)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐπὶ τὸ Κάσιοντὸ Κάσιον371Northern Sinai - Kasion (El-Qels)
40879 1662 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 2, 32 [e] (C 760)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐπὶ τὸ Πηλούσιοντὸ Πηλούσιον371L14? - Pelousion (Tell el-Farama)
41652 1014 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 2, 33 [a] (C 760)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸ Κάσιοντὸ Κάσιον371Northern Sinai - Kasion (El-Qels)
41653 1662 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 2, 33 [b] (C 760)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐπὶ ΠηλούσιονΠηλούσιον371L14? - Pelousion (Tell el-Farama)
21880 713 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 2, 33 [c] (C 760)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὰ Γέ́ρρατὰ Γέρρα371Northern Sinai - Gerra (Mahammediya)
21922 487 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 2, 33 [d] (C 760)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὁ Χαβρίου λεγόμενος χάραξὁ Χαβρίου λεγόμενος χάραξ371Northern Sinai - Chabriou Charaxcharax + gen.
41452 2687 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 2, 33 [e] (C 760)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὰ πρὸς τῷ Πηλουσίῳ Βάραθρατὰ πρὸς τῷ Πηλουσίῳ Βάραθρα371L14? - Barathra [near Pelousion]
21711 1014 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 2, 34 [a] (C 760)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπρὸς τῷ Κασίῳτὸ Κάσιον371Northern Sinai - Kasion (El-Qels)
21304 2125 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 2, 34 [b] (C 760)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ Σιρβωνίςἡ Σιρβωνίς371Northern Sinai - Serbonis (Sabkhat Bardawil)
21306 2125 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 2, 42 (C 763)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ δὲ Σιρβωνὶς λίμνηἡ ... Σιρβωνὶς λίμνη371Northern Sinai - Serbonis (Sabkhat Bardawil)limne
237051 3632 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 02 [a] (C 767)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτοῦ Ἀραβίου κόλπουὁ Ἀράβιὸς κόλπος371Red Seakolpos'But I return to Eratosthenes, who next sets forth his opinions concerning Arabia. He says conserning the northerly, or desert, part of Arbia, which lies between Arabia Felix and Koile Syria and Iudaea, extending as far as the recess (mychos) of the Arabian Gulf, that from the City of Heroes / Heroopolis, which forms a recess (mychos) of the Arabian Gulf near the Nile, the distance in the direction of the Petra of the Nabataeans to Babylon is five thousand six hundred stadia, ...'
41453 829 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 02 [b] (C 767)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἀπὸ Ἡρώων πόλεωςἩρώων πόλις371L08 - Heroopolispolis + gen.'But I return to Eratosthenes, who next sets forth his opinions concerning Arabia. He says conserning the northerly, or desert, part of Arbia, which lies between Arabia Felix and Koile Syria and Iudaea, extending as far as the recess (mychos) of the Arabian Gulf, that from the City of Heroes / Heroopolis, which forms a recess (mychos) of the Arabian Gulf near the Nile, the distance in the direction of the Petra of the Nabataeans to Babylon is five thousand six hundred stadia, ...'
41454 544 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 03 (C 768)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτοῦ κατʼ Αἴγυπτον Δέλτατὸ ...Δέλτα371L - Delta'The four jurisdictions cover more territory than the Egyptian Delta.'
41456 2481 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 04 [a] (C 768)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekκατὰ τὴν Τρωγλοδυτικήνἡ Τρωγλοδυτική371Eastern desert - Trogodytike(ge) + adj. congr.'and the part opposite the Troglodytic country (which is on the right as one sails from Heroopolis), as far as Ptolemais and the country where elephants are captured, extends ...'
41455 829 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 04 [b] (C 768)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἀπὸ Ἡρώων πόλεωςἩρώων πόλις371L08 - Heroopolispolis + gen.'and the part opposite the Troglodytic country (which is on the right as one sails from Heroopolis), as far as Ptolemais and the country where elephants are captured, extends ...'
41457 3190 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 04 [c] (C 768)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμέχρι μὲν ΠτολεμαίδοςΠτολεμαίς371Ptolemais Theron (Trinkatat?)'and the part opposite the Troglodytic country (which is on the right as one sails from Heroopolis), as far as Ptolemais and the country where elephants are captured, extends ...'
41458 4004 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 04 [d] (C 768-769)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἄκρα ... Δειρη καλουμένηΔειρη371Deire (Gebel Segan)akra; polichnion'The straits are formed toward Aethiopia by a promontory called Deire, and by a town bearing the same name, which is inhabited by the Ichthyophagoi.'
41459 4681 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 04 [e] (C 769)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἸχθυοφάγοιἸχθυοφάγος371Eastern desert - Ichthyophagoiethnicon (group)'The straits are formed toward Aethiopia by a promontory called Deire, and by a town bearing the same name, which is inhabited by the Ichthyophagoi.'
230836 2481 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 04 [f] (C 769)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὴν Τρωγλοδυτικήνἡ Τρωγλοδυτική371Eastern desert - Trogodytike(ge) + adj. congr.'And here, it is said, there is a pillar of Sesostris the Egyptian, which tells in hieroglyphics of his passage across the gulf; for manifestly he was the first man to subdue the countries of the Aethiopians and the Trogodytes; and he then crossed into Arabia, and thence invaded the whole of Asia.'
41460 4004 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 05 [a] (C 769)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτῇ Δειρῃἡ Δειρη371Deire (Gebel Segan)'Artemidoros says that the promontory on the Arabian side opposite to Deire is called Akila; and that the males in the neighbourhood of Deire have their sexual glands mutilated.'
41461 11785 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 05 [b] (C 769)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἈκίλανἈκίλα371Arabia - Akila'Artemidoros says that the promontory on the Arabian side opposite to Deire is called Akila; and that the males in the neighbourhood of Deire have their sexual glands mutilated.'
41462 829 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 05 [c] (C 769)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἀπὸ δὲ Ἡρώων πόλεωςἩρώων πόλις371L08 - Heroopolispolis + gen.'As one sails from Heroopolis along the Troglodytic country, one comes to a city Philotera, which was named after the sister of the second Ptolemaios, having been founded by Satyros, who had been sent for the purpose of investigating the Troglodytic country and the hunting of elephants. Then to another city, Arsinoe.'
230821 2481 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 05 [d] (C 769)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekκατὰ τὴν Τρωγλοδυτικήνἡ Τρωγλοδυτική371Eastern desert - Trogodytike(ge) + adj. congr.'As one sails from Heroopolis along the Troglodytic country, one comes to a city Philotera, which was named after the sister of the second Ptolemaios, having been founded by Satyros, who had been sent for the purpose of investigating the Troglodytic country and the hunting of elephants. Then to another city, Arsinoe.'
41463 1777 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 05 [e] (C 769)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΦιλωτέρανΦιλωτέρα371Eastern desert - Philoterapolis (§ 5)'As one sails from Heroopolis along the Troglodytic country, one comes to a city Philotera, which was named after the sister of the second Ptolemaios, having been founded by Satyros, who had been sent for the purpose of investigating the Troglodytic country and the hunting of elephants. Then to another city, Arsinoe.'
230822 2481 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 05 [f] (C 769)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτῆς Τρωγλοδυτικῆςἡ Τρωγλοδυτική371Eastern desert - Trogodytike(ge) + adj. congr.'As one sails from Heroopolis along the Troglodytic country, one comes to a city Philotera, which was named after the sister of the second Ptolemaios, having been founded by Satyros, who had been sent for the purpose of investigating the Troglodytic country and the hunting of elephants. Then to another city, Arsinoe.'
41464 3661 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 05 [g] (C 769)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἈρσινόηνἈρσινόη371Eastern desert - Arsinoe [Olbia]polis (§ 5)'As one sails from Heroopolis along the Troglodytic country, one comes to a city Philotera, .... Then to another city, Arsinoe. Then the springs of hot water, salty and bitter, which flow down a high rock and empty into the sea. Near by, in a plain, is a mountain that is red as ruddle. The one comes to Myos Hormos, which is also called Aphrodite's Harbour'
41465 3156 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 05 [h] (C 769)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΜυὸς Ὅρμον ὃν καὶ Ἀφροδίτης ὍρμονΜυὸς Ὅρμος ὃς καὶ Ἀφροδίτης Ὅρμος371Eastern desert - Myos Hormos (Quseir el-Qadim)hormos + gen.; limen (§5)'Then to another city, Arsinoe. Then the springs of hot water, salty and bitter, which flow down a high rock and empty into the sea. Near by, in a plain, is a mountain that is red as ruddle. Then one comes to Myos Hormos, which is also called Aphrodite's Harbour; it is a large harbour with a winding entrance, off which lie three islands; two of these are densely shaded with olive trees, while the third is less so and is full of guinea-fowls. Then, next, one comes to the Akathartos Kolpos, ...'
41466 8355 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 05 [i] (C 769)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸν Ἀκάθαρτον κόλπονὁ Ἀκάθαρτος κόλπος371Akathartos KolposkolposThen one comes to Myos Hormos, which is also called Aphrodite's Harbour; ... Then, next, one comes to the Akathartos Kolpos, which also lies opposite the Thebais, like Myos Hormos, and is really 'akathartos', for it is roughened by reefs and submarine rocks, and, most of the time, by tempestuous winds. And here, deep inland on the recess of the gulf, lies a city Berenike.'
41467 2982 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 05 [j] (C 769)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekκατὰ τὴν Θηβαίδαἡ Θηβαίς371U - ThebaisThen one comes to Myos Hormos, which is also called Aphrodite's Harbour; ... Then, next, one comes to the Akathartos Kolpos, which also lies opposite the Thebais, like Myos Hormos, and is really 'akathartos', for it is roughened by reefs and submarine rocks, and, most of the time, by tempestuous winds. And here, deep inland on the recess of the gulf, lies a city Berenike.'
230817 3156 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 05 [k] (C 769)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸν Μυὸς Ὅρμονὁ Μυὸς Ὅρμος371Eastern desert - Myos Hormos (Quseir el-Qadim)hormos + gen.Then one comes to Myos Hormos, which is also called Aphrodite's Harbour; ... Then, next, one comes to the Akathartos Kolpos, which also lies opposite the Thebais, like Myos Hormos, and is really 'akathartos', for it is roughened by reefs and submarine rocks, and, most of the time, by tempestuous winds. And here, deep inland on the recess of the gulf, lies a city Berenike.'
41468 416 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 05 [l] (C 770)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΒερενίκηνΒερενίκη371Eastern desert - Berenike (Bender el-Kebir)polis (§ 5)Then one comes to Myos Hormos, which is also called Aphrodite's Harbour; ... Then, next, one comes to the Akathartos Kolpos, which also lies opposite the Thebais, like Myos Hormos, and is really 'akathartos', for it is roughened by reefs and submarine rocks, and, most of the time, by tempestuous winds. And here, deep inland on the recess of the gulf, lies a city Berenike.'
41469 6148 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 06 (C 770)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ Ὀφιώδης καλουμένη νῆσοςὈφιώδης371Ophiodes (Geziret Seberget)nesos (apposition)'After the gulf, one comes to the island Ophiodes, so called from the fact in the case; but it was freed from the serpents by the king, both because of their destruction of the people who landed there and on account of the topazes found there.'
41470 4681 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 07 [a] (C 770)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἸχθυοφάγωνἸχθυοφάγος371Eastern desert - Ichthyophagoiethnicon (group)'After this island one comes to many tribes of Ichthyophagoi and Nomades. And then to the Harbour of Soteira, ...'
41936 7472 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 07 [b] (C 770)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekοἱ Ταῦροιοἱ Ταῦροι371Tauroioros'Then one comes to the Tauroi, two mountains which from a distance present the outlines of the animals.'
41937 3190 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 07 [c] (C 770)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ Πτολεμαὶς πρὸς τῇ θήρᾳ τῶν ἐλεφάντωνἡ Πτολεμαὶς πρὸς τῇ θήρᾳ τῶν ἐλεφάντων371Ptolemais Theron (Trinkatat?)'Then to an island planted with olive trees and subject to inundation; and after this to Ptolemais, near the hunting-grounds for elephants, a (city) founded by Eumedes, who had been sent to the hunting grounds by Philadelphos; Eumedes secretely enclosed a kind of peninsula with a ditch and wall, and then, by courteous treatment of those who tried to hinder the work, actually won them over as friends instead of foes.'
41938 8715 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 08 [a] (C 770-771)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτοῦ Ἀσταβορα καλουμένου ποταμοῦὁ Ἀσταβορας καλούμενος ποταμός371Astaboras (Atbarah)potamos'In the interval there empties a branch of the Astaboras river, as it is called, which, having its source in a lake, empties a part of its waters (sc. into the Gulf), but for the most part joins the Nile.'
41939 4164 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 08 [b] (C 770)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἘλαίαἘλαία371Elaialimen (§8)'... And then to a harbour called Elaia and to the island of Straton (Stratonos Nesos). And then to a harbour called Saba and to a hunting-ground for elephants of the same name.'
41940 7289 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 08 [c] (C 770)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ Στράτωνος Νῆσοςἡ Στράτωνος Νῆσος371Stratonos Nesosnesos + gen.'... And then to a harbour called Elaia and to the island of Straton (Stratonos Nesos). And then to a harbour called Saba and to a hunting-ground for elephants of the same name.'
41941 3460 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 08 [d] (C 771)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ Μεροηἡ Μεροη371Meroe (Begrawiya)'The country deep in the interior is called Tenessis; and it is occupied by the Egyptians who went there as exiles from Psammetichos. They are called Sembritae, as being foreigners. They are governed by a queen, to whom also Meroe, an island in the Nile near that region, is subject; and above the island, at no great distance, is another island in the river, a settlement of these same exiles. The journey from Meroe to this sea (sc. the Red Sea), for a well-girded traveller, requires fifteen days. Near Meroe is the confluence of the Astaboras and the Astapos, as also of the Astastobas with the Nile.'
41942 8735 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 08 [e] (C 771)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτοῦ Ἀσταπουὁ Ἀσταπος371Astapous'Near Meroe is the confluence of the Astaboras and the Astapos, as also of the Astastobas with the Nile.'
41943 8717 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 08 [f] (C 771)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτοῦ Ἀστασοβαὁ Ἀστασοβας371Astasobas'Near Meroe is the confluence of the Astaboras and the Astapos, as also of the Astastobas with the Nile.'
41944 11241 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 09 [a] (C 771)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekοἱ ῬιζοφάγοιῬιζοφάγοι371Rizophagoiethnicon (group)'Along these rivers live the Rizophagoi and the Eleioi, who are so called because they cut roots from the adjacent marsh, crush them with stones, form them into cakes, and then heat the cakes in the sun's rays and use them for food.'
237052 4164 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 09 [b] (C 771)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἜλειοιἜλειος371Elaiaethnicon (group)'Along these rivers live the Rizophagoi and the Eleioi, who are so called because they cut roots from the adjacent marsh, crush them with stones, form them into cakes, and then heat the cakes in the sun's rays and use them for food.'
41945 4164 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 09 [c] (C 771)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμετὰ δὲ τῆν Ἐλαίανἡ Ἐλαία371Elaia'After Elaia one comes to the Lookouts of Demetrios (Demetriou Skopiai) and the Altars of Konon (Kononos Bomoi); and in the interior grows an abundance of Indian reeds; and the country is called the country of Korakios.'
41946 4031 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 09 [d] (C 771)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekαἱ Δημητρίου σκοπιαίαἱ Δημητρίου σκοπιαί371Demetriou Skopiaiskopiai + gen.'After Elaia one comes to the Lookouts of Demetrios (Demetriou Skopiai) and the Altars of Konon (Kononos Bomoi); and in the interior grows an abundance of Indian reeds; and the country is called the country of Korakios.'
41947 5319 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 09 [e] (C 771)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΒωμοί ΚόνωνοςΒωμοί Κόνωνος371Kononos Bomoi'After Elaia one comes to the Lookouts of Demetrios (Demetriou Skopiai) and the Altars of Konon (Kononos Bomoi); and in the interior grows an abundance of Indian reeds; and the country is called the country of Korakios.'
41948 4195 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 09 [f] (C 771)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἙνδέραἙνδέρα371Hendera (Enderta)'Deep in the interior was a place called Endera, a settlement of naked people, who use bows made of reeds and arrows hardened by fire; and generally they shoot wild animals from trees, but sometimes from the ground; ...'
230818 5319 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 09 [g] (C 771)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμετὰ δὲ τοὺς Κόνωνος Βωμούςοἱ Κόνωνος Βωμοί371Kononos Bomoi'After the Altars of Konon (Kononos Bomoi) one comes to the Melinos Harbour, above which lie a Fortress of Koraos, as it is called, and a Hunting-ground of Koraos and another fortress and several hunging-grounds. And then to the Harbour of Antiphilos (Antiphilou Limen), and, ...'
41949 5747 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 09 [h] (C 771)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὁ Μήλινος λιμήνὁ Μήλινος λιμήν371Melinoslimen (apposition)'After the Altars of Konon (Kononos Bomoi) one comes to the Melinos Harbour, above which lie a Fortress of Koraos, as it is called, and a Hunting-ground of Koraos and another fortress and several hunging-grounds. And then to the Harbour of Antiphilos (Antiphilou Limen), and, ...'
230816 53073 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 09 [i] (C 771)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὀ Ἀντιφίλου λιμήνὀ Ἀντιφίλου λιμήν371Antiphilou Limenlimen + gen.'And then to the Harbour of Antiphilos (Antiphilou Limen), and, above this, to the Kreophagoi, of whom the males have their sexual glands mutilated and the women are excised in the Jewish fashion.'
41950 5389 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 10 [a] (C 771)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekοἱ Κυναμολγοί, ὑπὸ δὲ τῶν ἐντοπίων Ἆγριοι καλούμενοιοἱ Κυναμολγοί, ὑπὸ δὲ τῶν ἐντοπίων Ἆγριοι καλούμενοι371Kynamolgoi'Also above these, approximately towards the south, are the Kynamolgoi, by the natives called Agrioi, who have long hair and long beards and raise good-sized dogs. ...'
41927 53073 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 10 [b] (C 771)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτῷ δʼ Ἀντιφίλου λιμένιτὸ ... Ἀντιφίλου λιμήν371Antiphilou Limenlimen + gen.'Next after the Harbour of Antiphilos (Antiphilou Limen) one comes to a harbour (limen) called (the) Grove of the Koloboi (Kolobon Alsos), and to Berenike, a Sabaean city, and to Sabai, a good-sized city; and then to the Grove of Eumenes (Eumenous Alsos). Above the grove lie a city Darada and the hunting-ground for elephants called "The one near the well"; they are inhabited by the Elephantophagoi, who engage in the chase of elephants.'
230815 5286 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 10 [c] (C 771)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekλιμὴν καλούμενος Κολοβῶν ἅλσοςλιμὴν καλούμενος Κολοβῶν ἅλσος371Kolobon Alsoslimen (§10)'Next after the Harbour of Antiphilos (Antiphilou Limen) one comes to a harbour (limen) called (the) Grove of the Koloboi (Kolobon Alsos), and to Berenike, a Sabaean city, and to Sabai, a good-sized city; and then to the Grove of Eumenes (Eumenous Alsos). Above the grove lie a city Darada and the hunting-ground for elephants called "The one near the well"; they are inhabited by the Elephantophagoi, who engage in the chase of elephants.'
41924 423 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 10 [d] (C 771)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΒερενίκη πόλις ἡ κατὰ ΣαβάςΒερενίκη πόλις ἡ κατὰ Σαβάς371Eastern desert - Berenike kata Sabaspolis (apposition)'Next after the Harbour of Antiphilos (Antiphilou Limen) one comes to a harbour (limen) called (the) Grove of the Koloboi (Kolobon Alsos), and to Berenike, a Sabaean city, and to Sabai, a good-sized city; and then to the Grove of Eumenes (Eumenous Alsos). Above the grove lie a city Darada and the hunting-ground for elephants called "The one near the well"; they are inhabited by the Elephantophagoi, who engage in the chase of elephants.'
41926 3985 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 10 [e] (C 771)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπόλις Δαραδα (var. lect.: Δαραβα)πόλις Δαραδα371Daradapolis (apposition)'Next after the Harbour of Antiphilos (Antiphilou Limen) one comes to a harbour (limen) called (the) Grove of the Koloboi (Kolobon Alsos), and to Berenike, a Sabaean city, and to Sabai, a good-sized city; and then to the Grove of Eumenes (Eumenous Alsos). Above the grove lie a city Darada and the hunting-ground for elephants called "The one near the well"; they are inhabited by the Elephantophagoi, who engage in the chase of elephants.'
41934 11260 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 10 [f] (C 771-772)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἘλεφαντοφάγοιἘλεφαντοφάγοι371Elephantophagoiethnicon (group)'Next after the Harbour of Antiphilos (Antiphilou Limen) one comes to a harbour (limen) called (the) Grove of the Koloboi (Kolobon Alsos), and to Berenike, a Sabaean city, and to Sabai, a good-sized city; and then to the Grove of Eumenes (Eumenous Alsos). Above the grove lie a city Darada and the hunting-ground for elephants called "The one near the well"; they are inhabited by the Elephantophagoi, who engage in the chase of elephants.'
41951 7294 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 11 (C 772)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἔθνος ... ΣτρουθοφάγωνΣτρουθοφάγοι371Strouthophagoiethnos + adj. gen. pl.'Above these is situated a tribe of no large size, that of the Strouthophagoi, in whose country there are birds of the size of deer, which, though unable to fly, rund swiftly, like ostriches. ...'
41929 8376 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 12 (C 772)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἈκριδοφάγοιἈκριδοφάγοι371Akridophagoiethnicon (group)'Neighbouring this people are the Akridophagoi, who are blacker than the rest and shorter in stature and the shortest-lived; for they rarely live beyond forty years, since their flesh is infested with parasites. ...'
41952 4004 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 13 [a] (C 772)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμέχρι Δειρης (var. lect.: Δηρης)Δειρη371Deire (Gebel Segan)'After the Harbour of Eumenes, as far as Deire and the straits opposite the six islands, the country is inhabited by the Ichthyophagoi and the Kreophagoi and the Koloboi, who extend as far as the interior.'
41953 4681 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 13 [b] (C 772-773)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἸχθυοφάγοιἸχθυοφάγος371Eastern desert - Ichthyophagoiethnicon (group)'After the Harbour of Eumenes, as far as Deire and the straits opposite the six islands, the country is inhabited by the Ichthyophagoi and the Kreophagoi and the Koloboi, who extend as far as the interior.'
41954 5284 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 13 [c] (C 772)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΚολοβοίΚολοβοί371Koloboi'After the Harbour of Eumenes, as far as Deire and the straits opposite the six islands, the country is inhabited by the Ichthyophagoi and the Kreophagoi and the Koloboi, who extend as far as the interior.'
41928 8017 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 14 [a] (C 773)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ μὲν Χελωνῶν ... λεγομένηἡ ... Χελωνῶν ... λεγομένη371Chelonon Nesos(nesos) + gen.'Some of the islands, three of them, follow in succession: Tortoise Island (Chelonon Nesos), Seal Island, and Hawk Island, as it is called.'
41955 3662 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 14 [b] (C 773)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἈρσινόηἈρσινόη371Arsinoe (Ras Dumeira)polis (§ 14); limen (§ 14)'Then one comes to Arsinoe, a city (polis) and harbour (limen); and, after these, to Deire; and above these lies a hunting-ground for elephants.'
41956 4004 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 14 [c] (C 773)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ Δειρηἡ Δειρη371Deire (Gebel Segan)'Then one comes to Arsinoe, a city (polis) and harbour (limen); and, after these, to Deire; and above these lies a hunting-ground for elephants.'
41957 4681 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 14 [d] (C 773)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἸχθυοφάγωνἸχθυοφάγος371Eastern desert - Ichthyophagoiethnicon (group)'The next country after Deire produces aromatics, the first that produces myrrh (this country belongs to the Ichthyophagoi and Kreophagoi), and it also produces both persea and the Egyptian sykaminos.'
41958 11249 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 14 [e] (C 774)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμέχρι τῆς Κινναμωμοφόρουἡ Κινναμωμοφόρος371Kinnamomophoros Chora'And one comes to several river-lands in succession that produce frankincense along the rivers, and to rivers that extend as far as the Cinnamon-bearing country; and the river which bounds this country produces also the flowering rush in very greet quantities.'
41959 3997 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 14 [f] (C 774)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΔαφνοῦς λιμήνΔαφνοῦς λιμήν371Daphnouslimen (apposition)'Then to another river and to the Daphnous harbour (limen) and to the River-land (potamia) of Apollon, as it is called, which produces, in addition to frankincense, both myrrh and cinnamon'
107300 8618 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 14 [g] (C 774)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekποταμία Ἀπόλλωνος καλουμένηποταμία Ἀπόλλωνος καλουμένη371Apollonos Potamiapotamia'Then to another river and to the Daphnous harbour (limen) and to the River-land (potamia) of Apollon, as it is called, which produces, in addition to frankincense, both myrrh and cinnamon'
41960 4176 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 14 [h] (C 774)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὁ Ἐλέφας τὸ ὄροςὁ Ἐλέφας τὸ ὄρος371Elephas (Ras Filuch)oros'Then to Elephas, the mountain, which juts out into the sea, and to a trench, and, next thereafter, to the large harbour (limen) of Psygmos, and to a watering-place (hydreuma) called the (watering-place) of the Kynokephaloi, and to the last promontory of this coast, the Notou Keras.'
41961 5391 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 14 [i] (C 774)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὕδρευμα τὸ Κυνοκεφάλων καλούμενονὕδρευμα τὸ Κυνοκεφάλων καλούμενον371Kynokephalon Hydreumahydreuma'Then to Elephas, the mountain, which juts out into the sea, and to a trench, and, next thereafter, to the large harbour (limen) of Psygmos, and to a watering-place (hydreuma) called the (watering-place) of the Kynokephaloi, and to the last promontory of this coast, the Notou Keras.'
41962 11223 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 14 [j] (C 774)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸ Νότου Κέραςτὸ Νότου Κέρας371Notou Keras (Ras el-Kheil)akroterion'Then to Elephas, the mountain, which juts out into the sea, and to a trench, and, next thereafter, to the large harbour (limen) of Psygmos, and to a watering-place (hydreuma) called the (watering-place) of the Kynokephaloi, and to the last promontory of this coast, the Notou Keras.'
41964 4004 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 15 [a] (C 774)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἀπὸ ΔειρηςΔειρη371Deire (Gebel Segan)'One comes also to pillars and altars of Pytholaos and Lichas and Pythangelos and Leon and Charimortos along the known coast, extending from Deire as far as Notou Keras, but the distance is unknown.'
41963 11223 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 15 [b] (C 774)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμέχρι Νότου ΚέρωςΝότου Κέρας371Notou Keras (Ras el-Kheil)'One comes also to pillars and altars of Pytholaos and Lichas and Pythangelos and Leon and Charimortos along the known coast, extending from Deire as far as Notou Keras, but the distance is unknown.'
41965 100 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 15 [c] (C 774)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐν ἈλεξανδρειᾳἈλεξάνδρεια371L00 - Alexandria'The latter, the rhinoceros, is but little short of the elephant in size, not, as Artemidoros says, "in length to the tail" (although he says that he saw the animal at Alexandria), ...'
41966 2481 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 17 [a] (C 775-776)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτῶν ΤρωγλοδυτῶνΤρωγλοδύτης371Eastern desert - Trogodytikeethnicon (group)'Now the Troglodytes live a nomadic life; and their several tribes are ruled by tyrants; ...'
41967 1326 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 17 [b] (C 776)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekοἱ δὲ ΜεγάβαροιΜεγάβαροι371Megabarroiethnicon (group)'The Aethiopian Megabarroi have iron knobs on their clubs, and also use spears and shields made of rawhide, but the rest of the Aethiopians use the bow and arrow and lances.'
41968 2481 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 18 [a] (C 776)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπερὶ τῶν ΤρωγλοδυτῶνΤρωγλοδύτης371Eastern desert - Trogodytikeethnicon (group)'After saying all this about the Troglodytes and the neighbouring Aethiopians, Artemidoros returns to the Arabians.'
245176 37065 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 18 [b] (C 776)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἀπὸ τοῦ Ποσειδίουτὸ Ποσείδιον371Sinai - Phoinikon (Ain Musa)'and first, beginning at Poseideion, he describes the Arabians who border on the Arabian Gulf and live opposite the Troglodytes. He says that Poseideion lies farther in than the Aelanites Gulf'
245177 37065 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 18 [c] (C 776)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτοῦ Ποσειδίουτὸ Ποσείδιον371Sinai - Phoinikon (Ain Musa)'and that contiguous to Poseideion there is a grove of palm trees (phoinikon / Phoinikon), which is well supplied with water and is highly valued because all the country around is hot and waterless and shadeless; and that here the fertility of the palms is wonderful; and that a man and a woman have charge of the grove, being appointed to that charge through hereditary right. They wear skins, and live on dates from the palm trees; but on account of the number of wild beasts they build huts in trees and sleep there.'
245178 37065 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 18 [d] (C 776)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekφοινικῶνα or ΦοινικῶναΦοινικών371Sinai - Phoinikon (Ain Musa)'and that contiguous to Poseideion there is a grove of palm trees (phoinikon / Phoinikon), which is well supplied with water and is highly valued because all the country around is hot and waterless and shadeless; and that here the fertility of the palms is wonderful; and that a man and a woman have charge of the grove, being appointed to that charge through hereditary right. They wear skins, and live on dates from the palm trees; but on account of the number of wild beasts they build huts in trees and sleep there.'
107211 3931 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 18 [e] (C 777)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΓαρινδαίωνΓαρινδαῖος371Sinai - Garindaioiethnicon (group)'Then one comes to another coast, which was formerly called the coast of the Maranitai, some of whom were farmers and others tent-dwellers, but is now called the coast of the Garindaioi, who destroyed the Maranitai by treachery; for the Garindaioi attacked them while they were celebrating some quadrennial festival, and not only destroyed all the people at the festival but also overran and exterminated the rest of the tribe.'Dizionario II, p. 79
107246 4001 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 18 [f] (C 777)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΔέβαιΔέβης371Arabia - Debaiethnicon (group)'A river flows through their country that brings down gold-dust, but the inhabitants do not know how to work it. They are called Debai; and some of them are nomads, whereas others are also farmers.'Dizionario II, p. 94
230837 2481 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 22 [a] (C 780)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτῆν τε Τρωγλοδυτικήνἡ ... Τρωγλοδυτική371Eastern desert - Trogodytike(ge) + adj. congr.'He was sent by Augustus Caesar to explore the tribes and the places, not only in Arabia, but also in Aethiopia, since Caesar saw that the Trogodytike which adjoins Egypt, neighbours upon Arabia, and also that the Arabian Gulf, that separates the Arabians from the Trogodytai, is extremely narrow.'
230838 2481 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 22 [b] (C 780)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἀπὸ τῶν ΤρωγλοδυτῶνΤρωγλοδύτης371Eastern desert - Trogodytikeethnicon (group)'He was sent by Augustus Caesar to explore the tribes and the places, not only in Arabia, but also in Aethiopia, since Caesar saw that the Trogodytike which adjoins Egypt, neighbours upon Arabia, and also that the Arabian Gulf, that separates the Arabians from the Trogodytai, is extremely narrow.'
41471 3660 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 23 [a] (C 780)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekκατὰ ΚλεοπατρίδαΚλεοπατρίς371Eastern desert - Arsinoe [Kleopatris]'But Gallus built not less than eighty boats, biremes and triremes and light boats, at Kleopatris, which is near the old canal which extends from the Nile.'
41472 10862 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 23 [b] (C 780)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekεἰς Λευκὴν κώμηνΛευκὴ κώμη371Arabia - Leuke Kome (Aynuna)kome + attributive element; emporion (§23)'After many experiences and hardships he (sc. Gallus) arrived in fourteen days at Leuke Kome in the land of the Nabataeans, a large emporion, although he had lost many of his boats, ...'
230819 10862 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 23 [c] (C 781)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekεἰς τὴν Λευκὴν κώμηνἡ Λευκὴ κώμη371Arabia - Leuke Kome (Aynuna)kome + attributive element'This was caused by the treachery of Syllaios, who said that there was no way for an army to go to Leuke Kome by land; and yet camel-traders travel back and forth from Petra to this place in safety and ease, and in such numbers of men and camels that they differ in no respect from an army.'
230820 10862 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 24 [a] (C 781)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekεἰς γοὐν τὴν Λευκὴν κώμηνἡ Λευκὴ κώμη371Arabia - Leuke Kome (Aynuna)kome + attributive element'However, Gallus put in at Leuke Kome, his army now being sorely tried both with scurvy and with lameness in the leg, ...'
230823 10862 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 24 [b] (C 781)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐκ μὲν οὖν τῆς Λευκῆς κώμηςἡ Λευκὴ κώμη371Arabia - Leuke Kome (Aynuna)kome + attributive element'Now the loads of aromatics are conveyed from Leuke Kome to Petra, and thence to Rinokoloura, which is in Phoenicia near Egypt, and thence to the other peoples'
21427 2052 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 24 [c] (C 781)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekεἰς ῬινοκόλουραῬινοκόλουρα371Northern Sinai - Rinokoloura (El-Arish)'Now the loads of aromatics are conveyed from Leuke Kome to Petra, and thence to Rinokoloura, which is in Phoenicia near Egypt, and thence to the other peoples'
41473 100 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 24 [d] (C 781)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekεἰς τὴν Ἀλεξάνδρειανἡ Ἀλεξάνδρεια371L00 - Alexandria'but at present time they are for the most part transported by the Nile to Alexandria; and they are landed from Arabia and India at Myos Hormos; and then they are conveyed by camels over to Koptos of the Thebais, which is situated on a canal of the Nile, and then to Alexandria.'
41474 3156 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 24 [e] (C 781)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekεἰς Μυὸς ὍρμονΜυὸς Ὅρμος371Eastern desert - Myos Hormos (Quseir el-Qadim)hormos + gen.'but at present time they are for the most part transported by the Nile to Alexandria; and they are landed from Arabia and India at Myos Hormos; and then they are conveyed by camels over to Koptos of the Thebais, which is situated on a canal of the Nile, and then to Alexandria.'
41475 1159 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 24 [f] (C 781)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekεἰς ΚοπτονΚοπτος371U05 - Koptos (Qift)Thebais'but at present time they are for the most part transported by the Nile to Alexandria; and they are landed from Arabia and India at Myos Hormos; and then they are conveyed by camels over to Koptos of the Thebais, which is situated on a canal of the Nile, and then to Alexandria.'
41476 2982 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 24 [g] (C 781)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτῆς Θηβαίδοςἡ Θηβαίς371U - Thebais'but at present time they are for the most part transported by the Nile to Alexandria; and they are landed from Arabia and India at Myos Hormos; and then they are conveyed by camels over to Koptos of the Thebais, which is situated on a canal of the Nile, and then to Alexandria.'
230824 100 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 24 [h] (C 781)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekεἰς ἈλεξάνδρειανἈλεξάνδρεια371L00 - Alexandria'but at present time they are for the most part transported by the Nile to Alexandria; and they are landed from Arabia and India at Myos Hormos; and then they are conveyed by camels over to Koptos of the Thebais, which is situated on a canal of the Nile, and then to Alexandria.'
237053 10862 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 24 [i] (C 781)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐκ τῆς Λευκῆς κώμηςἡ Λευκὴ κώμη371Arabia - Leuke Kome (Aynuna)kome + attributive element'Again Gallus moved his army from Leuke Kome and marched through regions of such a kind that water had to be carried by camels, because of the baseness of the guides'
230835 2481 Strabon, Geographia, 16, 4, 27 (C 784)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτοὺς ΤρωγλοδύταςΤρωγλοδύτης371Eastern desert - Trogodytikeethnicon (group)'but, secondly, the inquiry about the Eremboi is more doubtful, whether one should suspect that the Trogodytai are meant, as do those who force the etymology of Eremboi from 'eran embainein', that is, 'go into the earth', or the Arabians.'
41477 49 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 01 [a] - 54 (C 785-821) passim371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτῆς Αἰγύπτουἡ Αἴγυπτος371Egypt'Since, in my description of Arabia, I have also included the gulfs ... and at the same time have gone the rounds of certain parts both of Egypt and of Aethiopia, I mean the countries of the Trogodytai and the peoples situated in order thereafter as far as the Kinnamomophoros / Cinnamon-bearing country, ...'
230839 2481 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 01 [b] (C 786)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτῶν ΤρωγλοδυτῶνΤρωγλοδύτης371Eastern desert - Trogodytikeethnicon (group)'Since, in my description of Arabia, I have also included the gulfs ... and at the same time have gone the rounds of certain parts both of Egypt and of Aethiopia, I mean the countries of the Trogodytai and the peoples situated in order thereafter as far as the Kinnamomophoros / Cinnamon-bearing country, ...'
41507 11249 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 01 [c] (C 785) & passim371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτῆς Κινναμωμοφόρουἡ Κινναμωμοφόρος371Kinnamomophoros Chora'Since, in my description of Arabia, I have also included the gulfs ... and at the same time have gone the rounds of certain parts both of Egypt and of Aethiopia, I mean the countries of the Trogodytai and the peoples situated in order thereafter as far as the Kinnamomophoros / Cinnamon-bearing country, ...'
41478 3943 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 01 [d] (C 785) & passim371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπερὶ τὸν Νεῖλονὁ Νεῖλος371Nile
41479 3460 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 02 [a] (C 786) & passim371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἀπὸ ΜεροηςΜεροη371Meroe (Begrawiya)
41480 2207 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 02 [b] (C 786)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekκατὰ ΣυηνηνΣυηνη371U01 - Syene (Assuan)
41481 8715 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 02 [c] (C 786)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὁ μὲν Ἀσταβοραςὁ ... Ἀσταβορας371Astaboras (Atbarah)
41482 8735 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 02 [d] (C 786)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἈσταπουςἈσταπους371Astapous
41483 8717 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 02 [e] (C 786)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἈστασοβανἈστασοβας371Astasobas
41484 1326 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 02 [f] (C 786)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΜεγάβαροιΜεγάβαροι371Megabarroiethnicon (group)'The lower parts of the country on either side of Meroe, along the Nile, towards the Red Sea, are inhabited by Megabarroi and Blemmyes, who are subject to the Aethiopians and border on the Egyptians, and, along the sea, by Troglodytes (the Troglodytes opposite Meroe are a ten or twelve day's journey distant from the Nile), but ...'
41485 444 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 02 [g] (C 786)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΒλέμμυεςΒλέμμυς371Eastern desert - Blemmyesethnicon (group)'The lower parts of the country on either side of Meroe, along the Nile, towards the Red Sea, are inhabited by Megabarroi and Blemmyes, who are subject to the Aethiopians and border on the Egyptians, and, along the sea, by Troglodytes (the Troglodytes opposite Meroe are a ten or twelve day's journey distant from the Nile), but ...'
41486 2481 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 02 [h] (C 786)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΤρωγλοδύταιΤρωγλοδύτης371Eastern desert - Trogodytikeethnicon (group)'The lower parts of the country on either side of Meroe, along the Nile, towards the Red Sea, are inhabited by Megabarroi and Blemmyes, who are subject to the Aethiopians and border on the Egyptians, and, along the sea, by Troglodytes (the Troglodytes opposite Meroe are a ten or twelve day's journey distant from the Nile), but ...'
41487 11244 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 02 [i] (C 786)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΝοῦβαιΝοῦβαι371Noubaiethnicon (group)
41488 11131 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 02 [j] (C 786)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἀπὸ τοῦ Πηλουσιακοῦ στόματοςτὸ Πηλουσιακὸν στόμα371L14? - Pelousiakon Stomastoma + adj. congr.
41489 4356 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 02 [k] (C 786)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπρὸς τὸ Κανωβικὸντὸ Κανωβικὸν371L03? - Kanobikon Stoma(stoma) + adj. congr.
41490 2207 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 03 [a] (C 787)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὐπὲρ ΣυηνηςΣυηνη371U01 - Syene (Assuan)
41491 621 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 03 [b] (C 787)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὐπὲρ ... ἘλεφαντίνηςἘλεφαντίνη371U01 - Elephantine (Geziret Assuan)
41492 2982 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 03 [c] (C 787)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ Θηβαίςἡ Θηβαίς371U - Thebais
41493 544 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 03 [d] (C 787) & passim371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐν τῷ Δέλτατὸ Δέλτα371L - Delta
41494 1212 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 03 [e] (C 787)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐν τῷ Λαβυρίνθῳὁ Λαβύρινθος37100a - Labyrinthos
244619 3943 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 04 [a] (C 788)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὁ Νεῖλοςὁ Νεῖλος371Nile'The Nile flows from the Aethiopian boundaries towards the north in a straight line to the district (chorion) called Delta, and then, being "split at the head", as Platon says, the Nile makes this place as it were the vertex of a triangle, the sides of the triangle being formed by the streams that split in either direction and extend to the sea - the one on the right to the sea at Pelousion and the other on the left to the sea at Kanopos and the neighbouring Herakleion, as it is called, - and the base by the coast-line between Pelousion and the Herakleion.'
244618 544 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 04 [b] (C 788)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἕως τοῦ καλουμένου χωρίου ΔέλταΔέλτα371L - Deltachorion'The Nile flows from the Aethiopian boundaries towards the north in a straight line to the district (chorion) called Delta, and then, being "split at the head", as Platon says, the Nile makes this place as it were the vertex of a triangle, the sides of the triangle being formed by the streams that split in either direction and extend to the sea - the one on the right to the sea at Pelousion and the other on the left to the sea at Kanopos and the neighbouring Herakleion, as it is called, - and the base by the coast-line between Pelousion and the Herakleion.'
41495 1662 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 04 [c] (C 788)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekκατὰ ΠηλούσιονΠηλούσιον371L14? - Pelousion (Tell el-Farama)'The Nile flows from the Aethiopian boundaries towards the north in a straight line to the district (chorion) called Delta, and then, being "split at the head", as Platon says, the Nile makes this place as it were the vertex of a triangle, the sides of the triangle being formed by the streams that split in either direction and extend to the sea - the one on the right to the sea at Pelousion and the other on the left to the sea at Kanopos and the neighbouring Herakleion, as it is called, - and the base by the coast-line between Pelousion and the Herakleion.'
41496 1001 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 04 [d] (C 788)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekκατὰ ΚάνωβονΚάνωβος371L03? - Kanopos (Abuqir)'The Nile flows from the Aethiopian boundaries towards the north in a straight line to the district (chorion) called Delta, and then, being "split at the head", as Platon says, the Nile makes this place as it were the vertex of a triangle, the sides of the triangle being formed by the streams that split in either direction and extend to the sea - the one on the right to the sea at Pelousion and the other on the left to the sea at Kanopos and the neighbouring Herakleion, as it is called, - and the base by the coast-line between Pelousion and the Herakleion.'
41497 4346 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 04 [e] (C 788)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekκατὰ ... τὸ πλησίον Ἡρακλεῖον προσαγορευόμενονἩρακλεῖον371L03? - Herakleion'The Nile flows from the Aethiopian boundaries towards the north in a straight line to the district (chorion) called Delta, and then, being "split at the head", as Platon says, the Nile makes this place as it were the vertex of a triangle, the sides of the triangle being formed by the streams that split in either direction and extend to the sea - the one on the right to the sea at Pelousion and the other on the left to the sea at Kanopos and the neighbouring Herakleion, as it is called, - and the base by the coast-line between Pelousion and the Herakleion.'
107538 4006 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 04 [f] (C 788)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΔέλταΔέλτα371L - Delta (El-Warraq)kome (§ 4)'An island, therefore has been formed by the sea and the two streams of the river; and it is called Delta on account of the similarity of its shape; and the district at the vertex has been given the same name (sc. Delta) because it is the beginning of the above-mentioned figure; and the village there is also called Delta'Dizionario II, p. 95 (2)
41498 11131 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 04 [g] (C 788)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸ μὲν Πηλουσιακὸντὸ ... Πηλουσιακὸν371L14? - Pelousiakon Stomastoma + adj. congr.'New these are two months of the Nile, of which one is called Pelousiac and the other Kanopic or Herakleiotic; but between these there are five other outlets (ekbolai), those at least that are worth mentioning, and several that are smaller'
41499 4356 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 04 [h] (C 788)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸ δὲ Κανωβικὸν καὶ Ἡρακλειωτικόντὸ ... Κανωβικὸν καὶ Ἡρακλειωτικόν371L03? - Kanobikon Stomastoma + adj. congr.'New these are two months of the Nile, of which one is called Pelousiac and the other Kanopic or Herakleiotic; but between these there are five other outlets (ekbolai), those at least that are worth mentioning, and several that are smaller'
44108 4356 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 04 [i] (C 788)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸ δὲ Κανωβικὸν καὶ Ἡρακλειωτικόντὸ ... Κανωβικὸν καὶ Ἡρακλειωτικόν371L03? - Kanobikon Stomastoma + adj. congr.'New these are two months of the Nile, of which one is called Pelousiac and the other Kanopic or Herakleiotic; but between these there are five other outlets (ekbolai), those at least that are worth mentioning, and several that are smaller'
41500 4819 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 04 [j] (C 788)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὴν Κάτω χώρανἡ Κάτω χώρα371L - Kato Chorachora'Now the island as a whole is as much as three thousand stadia in perimeter; and they also call it, together with the opposite river-lands of the Delta, Lower Egypt'
41501 2713 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 04 [k] (C 789)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸν Ἡρακλειωτικὸν νομόνὁ Ἡρακλειωτικὸς νομός371U20 - Herakleopolitesnomos + adj. congr.'... of which the most noteworthy is that which comprises the Herakleiotic nomos, ...'
41502 332 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 04 [l] (C 789)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸν Ἀρσινοίτην νομόνὁ Ἀρσινοίτης νομός37100 - Arsinoites (Fayum)nomos + adj. congr.'... or except where the river is diverted to a greater extent than usual by a canal into a large lake or a territory which it can water, as, for instance, in the case of the canal which waters the Arsinoites nomos and the lake (limne) of Moiris and of those with spread over the Mareotis.'
41503 1384 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 04 [m] (C 789)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὴν Μοιριδος λίμνηνἡ Μοιριδος λίμνη37100 - Moiris (Birket Qarun)limne'... or except where the river is diverted to a greater extent than usual by a canal into a large lake or a territory which it can water, as, for instance, in the case of the canal which waters the Arsinoites nomos and the lake (limne) of Moiris and of those with spread over the Mareotis.'
41504 3431 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 04 [n] (C 789)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekεἰς τὴν Μαρεῶτινἡ Μαρεῶτις371Western coast - Mareia (Lake Maryut)limne'... or except where the river is diverted to a greater extent than usual by a canal into a large lake or a territory which it can water, as, for instance, in the case of the canal which waters the Arsinoites nomos and the lake (limne) of Moiris and of those with spread over the Mareotis.'
41505 2207 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 04 [o] (C 789)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπερὶ ΣυηνηνΣυηνη371U01 - Syene (Assuan)'This shape of the river-land of which I am speaking, as also of the country, is caused by the mountains on either side, which extend from the places (topoi) near Syene down to the Egyptian sea'
41510 2982 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 05 [a] (C 790)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐν δὲ τῇ Θηβαίδιἡ Θηβαίς371U - Thebais
41508 2207 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 05 [b] (C 790)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπερὶ ΣυηνηνΣυηνη371U01 - Syene (Assuan)
41511 4356 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 05 [c] (C 791)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἀπὸ τοῦ Κανωβικοῦ στόματοςτὸ Κανωβικὸν στόμα371L03? - Kanobikon Stomastoma + adj. congr.
41512 4806 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 05 [d] (C 791)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμέχρι ΚαταβάθμουΚατάβαθμος371Western coast - Katabathmos Megas (Sallum)
41513 100 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 06 [a] - 10 (C 791-795) & passim371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ Ἀλεξάνδρειαἡ Ἀλεξάνδρεια371L00 - Alexandria
41515 1662 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 06 [b] (C 791)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἀπὸ ΠηλουσίουΠηλούσιον371L14? - Pelousion (Tell el-Farama)
41514 4356 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 06 [c] (C 791)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμέχρι μὲν τοῦ Κανωβικοῦ στόματοςτὸ Κανωβικὸν στόμα371L03? - Kanobikon Stomastoma + adj. congr.
41516 1752 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 06 [d] (C 791-792)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐπὶ ΦάρονΦάρος371L00 - Pharos
26458 5517 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 06 [e] (C 791)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΛοχιάςΛοχιάς371L00 - Lochias (Silsileh)akra'Of the extremities of Pharos, the eastern one lies closer to the mainland and to the promontory opposite it ((the) promontory is called Lochias), and this makes the harbour narrow at the mouth'
242771 1121 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 06 [f] (C 791)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΚνίδιοςΚνίδιος371Caria - Knidos (Tekir)ethnicon'Sostratos Knidios'
41519 4281 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 06 [g] (C 792)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekλιμένα τὸν τοῦ Εὐνόστου καλούμενονλιμήν ὁ τοῦ Εὐνόστου καλούμενος371L00 - Eunostou Limenlimen + gen.
41520 11787 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 06 [h] (C 792)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὁ Μέγας ... λιμήνὁ Μέγας ... λιμήν371L00 - Megas Limenlimen + attributive element'For the harbour which affords the entrance on the side of the above-mentioned tower of Pharos is the Great Harbour / Megas Limen, whereas these two lie continuous with that harbout in their innermost recess, being separated from it only by the embankment (choma) called the Heptastadion. The embankment (choma) forms a bridge extending from the mainland to the western portion of the island, ...'
41518 11786 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 06 [i] (C 792)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτῷ Ἑπταστάδιῳ καλουμένῳ χώματιὁ Ἑπταστάδιον καλούμενος χώμα371L00 - Heptastadionchoma'For the harbour which affords the entrance on the side of the above-mentioned tower of Pharos is the Great Harbour / Megas Limen, whereas these two lie continuous with that harbout in their innermost recess, being separated from it only by the embankment (choma) called the Heptastadion. The embankment (choma) forms a bridge extending from the mainland to the western portion of the island, ...'
23972 5179 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 06 [j] (C 792)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὴν προσαγορευομένην ῬακωτινῬακωτις371L00 - Rakotiskome (§ 6)'Now the earlier kings of the Egyptians ... set a guard over this region and ordered it to keep away any who should approach; and they gave them as a place of abode Rakotis, as it is called, which is now that part of the city of the Alexandrians which lies above the ship-houses, but was at that time a village; and they gave over the parts round about the village to herdsmen, who likewise were able to prevent the approach of outsiders. But when Alexander visited the place and saw the advantages of the site, he resolved to fortify the city on the harbour'
41525 3431 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 07 (C 793)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτῆς λίμνης τῆς Μαρείας ἣ καὶ Μαρεῶτις λέγεταιἡ λίμνη ἡ Μάρεια ἣ καὶ Μαρεῶτις371Western coast - Mareia (Lake Maryut)limne
41526 11788 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 08 [a] (C 793)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸ Μουσεῖοντὸ Μουσεῖον371L00 - Mouseion
41527 11789 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 08 [b] (C 794)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸ καλούμενον Σῆματὸ ... Σῆμα371L00 - Sema
41528 11787 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 09 [a] (C 794)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐν τῷ Μεγάλῳ λιμένιὁ Μέγας λιμήν371L00 - Megas Limenlimen + attributive element
41529 1752 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 09 [b] (C 794)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὁ πύργος ὁ Φάροςὁ Φάρος371L00 - Pharospyrgos (apposition)
26459 5517 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 09 [c] (C 794)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐν τῇ Λοχιάδιἡ Λοχιάς371L00 - Lochias (Silsileh)akra
41530 11790 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 09 [d] (C 794)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ Ἀντίρροδοςἡ Ἀντίρροδος371L00 - Antirrodosnesion'as also Antirrodos, an isle lying off the artificial harbour, which has both a royal palace and a small harbour. They so called it as being a rival of Rhodos.'
41531 11791 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 09 [e] (C 794)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸ Ποσείδιοντὸ Ποσείδιον371L00 - Poseidion
41533 11793 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 09 [f] (C 794)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἀπὸ τοῦ Ἐμπορίου καλουμένουτὸ Ἐμπόριον371L00 - Emporionemporion (no toponym)
41532 11792 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 09 [g] (C 794)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΤιμώνιονΤιμώνιον371L00 - Timonion
41534 4708 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 09 [h] (C 794)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸ Καισάριοντὸ Καισάριον371L00 - Kaisareion
41535 11786 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 09 [i] (C 794)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμέχρι τοῦ Ἑπτασταδίουτὸ Ἑπταστάδιον371L00 - Heptastadion
41537 4281 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 10 [a] (C 794)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΕὐνόστου λιμήνΕὐνόστου λιμήν371L00 - Eunostou Limenlimen + gen.'Next, one comes to the Harbour of Eunostos (Eunostou Limen), after the Heptastadion, and, above this, to the artificial harbour (oryktos), which is also called Kibotos; it too has ship-houses.'
41536 11786 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 10 [b] (C 794)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμετὰ τὸ Ἑπταστάδιοντὸ Ἑπταστάδιον371L00 - Heptastadion'Next, one comes to the Harbour of Eunostos (Eunostou Limen), after the Heptastadion, and, above this, to the artificial harbour (oryktos), which is also called Kibotos; it too has ship-houses.'
41538 5227 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 10 [c] (C 795)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΚιβωτόνΚιβωτός371L00 - Kibotosoryktos'Next, one comes to the Harbour of Eunostos (Eunostou Limen), after the Heptastadion, and, above this, to the artificial harbour (oryktos), which is also called Kibotos; it too has ship-houses.'
41539 3431 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 10 [d] (C 795)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμέχρι τῆς λίμνης ... τῆς Μαρεώτιδοςἡ λίμνη ... ἡ Μαρεῶτις371Western coast - Mareia (Lake Maryut)limne
41540 11794 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 10 [e] (C 795)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ Νεκρόπολιςἡ Νεκρόπολις371L00 - Nekropolisproastion
41541 10727 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 10 [f] (C 795)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸ τε Σαράπιοντὸ ... Σαράπιον371L00 - Serapeum
41542 1469 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 10 [g] (C 795)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐν ΝικοπόλειΝικόπολις371L00 - Nikopolis (Sidi Gaber)polis + gen.
41543 11795 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 10 [h] (C 795)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΠανεῖονΠανεῖον371L00 - Paneion
41544 58666 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 10 [i] (C 795)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμέχρι τῆς πύλης τῆς Κανωβικῆςἠ πύλη ἠ Κανωβική371L00 - Kanobike Pylepyle + adj. Alexandria: 'The broad street (plateia) that runs lengthwise extends from Nekropolis past the gymansion to the Kanobic gate'
41588 11798 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 10 [j] (C 795)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμέχρι τῆς διώρυγος τῆς Κανωβικῆςἡ διῶρυξ ἡ Κανωβική371L03? - Kanobike Dioryxdioryx + adj. congr.
41545 100 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 11 [a] (C 796) & passim371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekοἱ ἈλεξανδρεῖςἈλεξανδρεύς371L00 - Alexandriaethnicon (group)'He (sc. Ptolemaios XII), however, was banished by the Alexandrians; ...'
41546 1662 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 11 [b] (C 796)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπρὸς τὸ Πηλούσιοντὸ Πηλούσιον371L14? - Pelousion (Tell el-Farama)
21712 1014 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 11 [c] (C 796)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπρὸς ... τὸ Κάσιον ὄροςτὸ Κάσιον ὄρος371Northern Sinai - Kasion (El-Qels)oros (apposition)
41547 2207 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 12 (C 797)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐν ΣυηνῃΣυηνη371U01 - Syene (Assuan)
230840 2481 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 13 [a] (C 798)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΤρωγλοδυτικῶνΤρωγλοδυτικός371Eastern desert - Trogodytikeadjective'when the commerce with the Indians and the Trogodytai has been increased to so great an extent?'
41548 4806 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 13 [b] (C 798)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἀπὸ τοῦ Καταβάθμουὁ Κατάβαθμος371Western coast - Katabathmos Megas (Sallum)
41549 529 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 13 [c] (C 798)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΚυρηναίαΚυρηναία371Cyrenaica - Cyrenaica'though the (country) next thereafter is Kyrenaia and the neighbouring barbarians, (the) Marmaridai'
41550 1311 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 13 [d] (C 798)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΜαρμαρίδαιΜαρμαρίδης371Marmarica - Marmaricaethnicon (group)
41551 4806 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 14 [a] (C 798)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἀπὸ μὲν οὖν ΚαταβάθμουΚατάβαθμος371Western coast - Katabathmos Megas (Sallum)'Now the run from Katabathmos to Paraitonion, if one sails in a straight course, is nine hundred stadia.'
41552 3668 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 14 [b] (C 798-799)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekεἰς ΠαραιτόνιονΠαραιτόνιον371Western coast - Paraitonion (Mersa Matruh)polis (no toponym)'Now the run from Katabathmos to Paraitonion, if one sails in a straight course, is nine hundred stadia. It is a city and large harbour of about forty stadia. Some call the city Paraitonion, but others Ammonia.'
116052 3668 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 14 [c] (C 799)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἈμμωνίανἈμμωνία371Western coast - Paraitonion (Mersa Matruh)'Now the run from Katabathmos to Paraitonion, if one sails in a straight course, is nine hundred stadia. It is a city and large harbour of about forty stadia. Some call the city Paraitonion, but others Ammonia.'
41553 8341 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 14 [d] (C 799)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἥ τε Αἰγυπτίων κώμηἡ ... Αἰγυπτίων κώμη371Western coast - Aigyption Komekome + adj. gen. pl.'Now the run from Katabathmos to Paraitonion, if one sails in a straight course, is nine hundred stadia. ... In the interval, one comes to the village of (the) Egyptians, to the promontory (akra) Ainesisphyra, and to (the) Tyndareian Rocks, which latter are four small islands with a harbour; then next to Drepanon, a promontory (akra), and to Ainesippeia, an island with a harbour, and to Apis, a village (kome), from which the distance to Paraitonion is one hundred stadia, and to (the temple) of Ammon, a five day's journey.'
41554 8349 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 14 [e] (C 799)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ Αἰνησίσφυρα ἄκραἡ Αἰνησίσφυρα ἄκρα371Western coast - Ainesisphyra (Sidi Barrani)akra'Now the run from Katabathmos to Paraitonion, if one sails in a straight course, is nine hundred stadia. ... In the interval, one comes to the village of (the) Egyptians, to the promontory (akra) Ainesisphyra, and to (the) Tyndareian Rocks, which latter are four small islands with a harbour; then next to Drepanon, a promontory (akra), and to Ainesippeia, an island with a harbour, and to Apis, a village (kome), from which the distance to Paraitonion is one hundred stadia, and to (the temple) of Ammon, a five day's journey.'
41555 7751 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 14 [f] (C 799)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΤυνδάρειοι σκόπελοιΤυνδάρειοι σκόπελοι371Western coast - Tyndarioi Skopeloi (Ishaila Rocks)skopelos; nesidia'Now the run from Katabathmos to Paraitonion, if one sails in a straight course, is nine hundred stadia. ... In the interval, one comes to the village of (the) Egyptians, to the promontory (akra) Ainesisphyra, and to (the) Tyndareian Rocks, which latter are four small islands with a harbour; then next to Drepanon, a promontory (akra), and to Ainesippeia, an island with a harbour, and to Apis, a village (kome), from which the distance to Paraitonion is one hundred stadia, and to (the temple) of Ammon, a five day's journey.'
41556 53074 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 14 [g] (C 799)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἄκρα ΔρέπανονΔρέπανον371Western coast - Drepanonakra'Now the run from Katabathmos to Paraitonion, if one sails in a straight course, is nine hundred stadia. ... In the interval, one comes to the village of (the) Egyptians, to the promontory (akra) Ainesisphyra, and to (the) Tyndareian Rocks, which latter are four small islands with a harbour; then next to Drepanon, a promontory (akra), and to Ainesippeia, an island with a harbour, and to Apis, a village (kome), from which the distance to Paraitonion is one hundred stadia, and to (the temple) of Ammon, a five day's journey.'
41557 8348 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 14 [h] (C 799)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekνῆσος ΑἰνησίππειαΑἰνησίππεια371Western coast - Ainesippeianesos (apposition)'Now the run from Katabathmos to Paraitonion, if one sails in a straight course, is nine hundred stadia. ... In the interval, one comes to the village of (the) Egyptians, to the promontory (akra) Ainesisphyra, and to (the) Tyndareian Rocks, which latter are four small islands with a harbour; then next to Drepanon, a promontory (akra), and to Ainesippeia, an island with a harbour, and to Apis, a village (kome), from which the distance to Paraitonion is one hundred stadia, and to (the temple) of Ammon, a five day's journey.'
41558 245 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 14 [i] (C 799)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekκώμη ἈπιςἈπις371Western coast - Apis (Bun Aguba)kome (apposition)'Now the run from Katabathmos to Paraitonion, if one sails in a straight course, is nine hundred stadia. ... In the interval, one comes to the village of (the) Egyptians, to the promontory (akra) Ainesisphyra, and to (the) Tyndareian Rocks, which latter are four small islands with a harbour; then next to Drepanon, a promontory (akra), and to Ainesippeia, an island with a harbour, and to Apis, a village (kome), from which the distance to Paraitonion is one hundred stadia, and to (the temple) of Ammon, a five day's journey.'
41559 149 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 14 [j] (C 799)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekεἰς δὲ ἌμμωνοςἌμμωνος371Western desert, Ammoniake - Ammonos Hieron (Siwa)'Now the run from Katabathmos to Paraitonion, if one sails in a straight course, is nine hundred stadia. ... In the interval, one comes to the village of (the) Egyptians, to the promontory (akra) Ainesisphyra, and to (the) Tyndareian Rocks, which latter are four small islands with a harbour; then next to Drepanon, a promontory (akra), and to Ainesippeia, an island with a harbour, and to Apis, a village (kome), from which the distance to Paraitonion is one hundred stadia, and to (the temple) of Ammon, a five day's journey.'
41560 5463 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 14 [k] (C 799)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΛευκὴ Ἀκτή καλουμένηΛευκὴ Ἀκτή371Western coast - Leuke Akte (Ras el-Abja)akra'The distance from Paraitonion to Alexandria is approximately one thousand three hundred stadia; and in the interval one comes first to a promontory (akra) of white earch, Leuke Akte, as it is called, and then to Phoinikous, a harbour, and to Pnigeus, a village, (and) then to Pedonia, an island with a harbour, (and) then to Antiphrai, which is at only a little distance from the sea.'
41561 7951 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 14 [l] (C 799)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΦοινικοῦς λιμήνΦοινικοῦς λιμήν371Western coast - Phoinikous Limenlimen (apposition)'The distance from Paraitonion to Alexandria is approximately one thousand three hundred stadia; and in the interval one comes first to a promontory (akra) of white earch, Leuke Akte, as it is called, and then to Phoinikous, a harbour, and to Pnigeus, a village, (and) then to Pedonia, an island with a harbour, (and) then to Antiphrai, which is at only a little distance from the sea.'
41563 6789 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 14 [m] (C 799)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΠνιγεύς κώμηΠνιγεύς371Western coast - Pnigeus (Matan el-Qutt)kome (apposition)'The distance from Paraitonion to Alexandria is approximately one thousand three hundred stadia; and in the interval one comes first to a promontory (akra) of white earch, Leuke Akte, as it is called, and then to Phoinikous, a harbour, and to Pnigeus, a village, (and) then to Pedonia, an island with a harbour, (and) then to Antiphrai, which is at only a little distance from the sea.'
41564 6563 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 14 [n] (C 799)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekνῆσος Πηδωνία (var. lect.: Σιδονία)Πηδωνία371Western coast - Pedonia (Mersa Abu Samra)nesos (apposition)'The distance from Paraitonion to Alexandria is approximately one thousand three hundred stadia; and in the interval one comes first to a promontory (akra) of white earch, Leuke Akte, as it is called, and then to Phoinikous, a harbour, and to Pnigeus, a village, (and) then to Pedonia, an island with a harbour, (and) then to Antiphrai, which is at only a little distance from the sea.'
41565 8554 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 14 [o] (C 799)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἈντίφραιἈντίφραι371Western coast - Antiphrai (Marina el-Alamein)'The distance from Paraitonion to Alexandria is approximately one thousand three hundred stadia; and in the interval one comes first to a promontory (akra) of white earch, Leuke Akte, as it is called, and then to Phoinikous, a harbour, and to Pnigeus, a village, (and) then to Pedonia, an island with a harbour, (and) then to Antiphrai, which is at only a little distance from the sea. The whole of this country (chora) is without good wine, since the wine-jars receive more sea-water than wine; and this they call "Libyan" wine, which, as also beer, is used by most of the tribe (phylon) of the Alexandrians; but Antiphrai is ridiculed most.'
41566 4014 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 14 [p] (C 799)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὁ Δέρρις λιμήνὁ Δέρρις371Western coast - Derris (Ras Gibeisa)limen (apposition)'The distance from Paraitonion to Alexandria is approximately one thousand three hundred stadia; ... (and) then to Antiphrai, which is at only a little distance from the sea. ... Then one comes to the harbour Derris, so called because of the black rock near by, which resembles a derris (sc. a hide); and the neighbouring place is also called Zephyrion; then to another harbour, Leukaspis, and several others'
41567 4310 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 14 [q] (C 799)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΖεφύριονΖεφύριον371Western coast - Zephyriontopos (§ 14)'The distance from Paraitonion to Alexandria is approximately one thousand three hundred stadia; ... (and) then to Antiphrai, which is at only a little distance from the sea. ... Then one comes to the harbour Derris, so called because of the black rock near by, which resembles a derris (sc. a hide); and the neighbouring place is also called Zephyrion; then to another harbour, Leukaspis, and several others'
41568 5462 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 14 [r] (C 799)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΛεύκασπιςΛεύκασπις371Western coast - Leukaspis (Mersa el-Hamra)limen (§14)'The distance from Paraitonion to Alexandria is approximately one thousand three hundred stadia; ... (and) then to Antiphrai, which is at only a little distance from the sea. ... Then one comes to the harbour Derris, so called because of the black rock near by, which resembles a derris (sc. a hide); and the neighbouring place is also called Zephyrion; then to another harbour, Leukaspis, and several others'
41569 11797 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 14 [s] (C 799)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΚυνὸς ΣῆμαΚυνὸς Σῆμα371Western coast - Kynos Sema'The distance from Paraitonion to Alexandria is approximately one thousand three hundred stadia; ... then to another harbour, Leukaspis, and several others; (and) then to Kynos Sema; (and) then to Taposiris, not on the sea, which holds a great public festival.'
41571 2260 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 14 [t] (C 799)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΤαποσειριςΤαποσειρις371Western coast - Taposiris (Abusir)'The distance from Paraitonion to Alexandria is approximately one thousand three hundred stadia; ... then to another harbour, Leukaspis, and several others; (and) then to Kynos Sema; (and) then to Taposiris, not on the sea, which holds a great public festival. (There is also another Taposiris on the other side of the city (sc. of Alexandria) and quite far from it.) And near it there is a rocky place on the sea where likewise crowds of pepole in the prime of life assemble during every season of the year.'
41572 2261 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 14 [u] (C 799)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΤαποσειριςΤαποσειρις371L03? - Taposiris (Mandara)'(and) then to Taposiris, not on the sea, which holds a great public festival. (There is also another Taposiris on the other side of the city (sc. of Alexandria) and quite far from it.) And near it there is a rocky place on the sea where likewise crowds of pepole in the prime of life assemble during every season of the year.'
41573 2808 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 14 [v] (C 799)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ Πλινθίνηἡ Πλινθίνη371Western coast - Plinthine'And then one comes to Plinthine and to the village Nikiou / the village of Nikias, and to Cherronesos, a stronghold, where we are now near Alexandria and the Nekropolis, a distance of seventy stadia.'
41574 5999 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 14 [w] (C 799)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΝικίου κώμηΝικίου κώμη371Western coast - Nikiou Komekome + gen.'And then one comes to Plinthine and to the village Nikiou / the village of Nikias, and to Cherronesos, a stronghold, where we are now near Alexandria and the Nekropolis, a distance of seventy stadia.'
41575 8039 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 14 [x] (C 799)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΧερρόνησος φρούριονΧερρόνησος371Western coast - Chersonesos Mikraphrourion'And then one comes to Plinthine and to the village Nikiou / the village of Nikias, and to Cherronesos, a stronghold, where we are now near Alexandria and the Nekropolis, a distance of seventy stadia.'
41577 11794 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 14 [y] (C 799)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπλησίον ... τῆς Νεκροπόλεωςἡ Νεκρόπολις371L00 - Nekropolis'And then one comes to Plinthine and to the village Nikiou / the village of Nikias, and to Cherronesos, a stronghold, where we are now near Alexandria and the Nekropolis, a distance of seventy stadia.'
41579 2718 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 14 [za] (C 799)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΜαρεώτηνΜαρεώτης371Western coast - Mareia (Kom el-Idris)adjective'and the vintages in this region are so good that the Mareotic wine is racked off with a view to ageing it.'
41578 3431 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 14 [z] (C 799)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ δὲ Μάρεια λίμνηἡ ... Μάρεια λίμνη371Western coast - Mareia (Lake Maryut)limne'The lake Mareia, which extends even as far as this, has a breadth of more than one hundred and fifty stadia and a lenght of less than three hundred. It contains eight islands; and all the shores round it are well inhabited; and the vintages in this region are so good that the Mareotic wine is racked off with a view to ageing it.'
41580 58666 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 16 [a] (C 800)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτῆς Κανωβικῆς πύληςἠ Κανωβικὴ πύλη371L00 - Kanobike Pylepyle + adj. congr.(in Alexandria:) 'On the right of the Kanobic gate, as one goes out, one comes to the canal which is connected with the lake and leads to Kanopos; and it is by this canal that one sails, not only to Schedia, that is, to the Great River, but also to Kanopos, though first to Eleusis.'
41581 11798 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 16 [b] (C 800)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ διῶρυξ ... ἡ ἐπὶ Κάνωβονἡ διῶρυξ ... ἡ ἐπὶ Κάνωβον371L03? - Kanobike Dioryxdioryx(in Alexandria:) 'On the right of the Kanobic gate, as one goes out, one comes to the canal which is connected with the lake and leads to Kanopos; and it is by this canal that one sails, not only to Schedia, that is, to the Great River, but also to Kanopos, though first to Eleusis.'
41582 2096 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 16 [c] (C 800)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐπὶ ΣχεδίανΣχεδία371L07? - Schedia (El-Giza)(in Alexandria:) 'On the right of the Kanobic gate, as one goes out, one comes to the canal which is connected with the lake and leads to Kanopos; and it is by this canal that one sails, not only to Schedia, that is, to the Great River, but also to Kanopos, though first to Eleusis.'
41583 60 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 16 [d] (C 800)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐπὶ τὸν Μέγαν ποταμόνὁ Μέγας ποταμός371L - Agathos Daimon (Mamoudia Canal)potamos(in Alexandria:) 'On the right of the Kanobic gate, as one goes out, one comes to the canal which is connected with the lake and leads to Kanopos; and it is by this canal that one sails, not only to Schedia, that is, to the Great River, but also to Kanopos, though first to Eleusis.'
41586 1001 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 16 [e] (C 800)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐπὶ τὸν Κάνωβονὁ Κάνωβος371L03? - Kanopos (Abuqir)(in Alexandria:) 'On the right of the Kanobic gate, as one goes out, one comes to the canal which is connected with the lake and leads to Kanopos; and it is by this canal that one sails, not only to Schedia, that is, to the Great River, but also to Kanopos, though first to Eleusis.'
41584 625 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 16 [f] (C 800)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐπὶ τὴν Ἐλευσῖναἡ Ἐλευσίς371L00 - Eleusis'... first to Eleusis. It is a settlement near both Alexandria and Nikopolis, situated on the Kanobic canal itself, and has lodging-places and commanding views for thos who wish to engage in revelry, both men and women, and is a beginning, as it were, of the 'Kanobic' life and the shamelessness there current.'
41585 1469 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 16 [g] (C 800)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπλησίον ... τῆς Νικοπόλεωςἡ Νικόπολις371L00 - Nikopolis (Sidi Gaber)polis + gen.'... first to Eleusis. It is a settlement near both Alexandria and Nikopolis, situated on the Kanobic canal itself, and has lodging-places and commanding views for thos who wish to engage in revelry, both men and women, and is a beginning, as it were, of the 'Kanobic' life and the shamelessness there current.'
41587 1001 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 16 [h] (C 800)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΚανωβισμοῦΚανωβισμός371L03? - Kanopos (Abuqir)'... first to Eleusis. It is a settlement near both Alexandria and Nikopolis, situated on the Kanobic canal itself, and has lodging-places and commanding views for thos who wish to engage in revelry, both men and women, and is a beginning, as it were, of the 'Kanobic' life and the shamelessness there current.'
41589 2766 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 16 [i] (C 800)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekεἰς τὴν Ἆνω χώρανἡ Ἆνω χώρα371U - Upper Egyptchora'Schedia is four schoinoi distant from Alexandria; it is a settlement of the city, and contains the station of the cabin-boats on which the praefecti sail to Upper Egypt.'
41590 1752 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 16 [j] (C 800)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἀπὸ ΦάρουΦάρος371L00 - Pharos'After the canal which leads to Schedia, one's next voyage, to Kanopos, is parallel to that part of the coast-line which extends from Pharos to the Kanobic mouth'
41591 4356 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 16 [k] (C 800)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμέχρι τοῦ Κανωβικοῦ στόματοςτὸ Κανωβικὸν στόμα371L03? - Kanobikon Stomastoma + adj. congr.'After the canal which leads to Schedia, one's next voyage, to Kanopos, is parallel to that part of the coast-line which extends from Pharos to the Kanobic mouth'
41592 2261 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 16 [l] (C 800)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἥ τε Μικρὰ Ταποσειριςἡ ...Μικρὰ Ταποσειρις371L03? - Taposiris (Mandara)'for a narrow ribbon-like strip of land extends between the sea and the canal, and on this lies the Little (Mikra) Taposiris, after Nikopolis, and the Zephyrion, a promontory (akra) which contains a shrine of Aphrodite Arsinoe.'
41593 2516 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 16 [m] (C 800)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸ Ζεφύριοντὸ Ζεφύριον371L03? - Zephyrionakra'for a narrow ribbon-like strip of land extends between the sea and the canal, and on this lies the Little (Mikra) Taposiris, after Nikopolis, and the Zephyrion, a promontory (akra) which contains a shrine of Aphrodite Arsinoe.'
41594 4565 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 16 [n] (C 800)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΘωνίν τινα πόλινΘωνις371L03? - Thonispolis (apposition)'In ancient times, it is said, there was also a city called Thonis here, which was named after the king who received Menelaos and Helene with hospitality. At any rate, the poet (sc. Homeros, Odyssea, 4, 228) speaks of Helene's drugs as follows: "goodly drugs which Polydamna, the wife of Thon, had giver her".'
41595 1001 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 17 [a] (C 801)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΚάνωβοςΚάνωβος371L03? - Kanopos (Abuqir)polis (§ 17)
41596 11799 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 17 [b] (C 801)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸ τοῦ Σαράπιδος ἱερόντὸ τοῦ Σαράπιδος ἱερόν371L03? - Serapeumhieron
41609 1001 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 18 [a] (C 801)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμετὰ δὲ τὸν Κάνωβονὁ Κάνωβος371L03? - Kanopos (Abuqir)
41610 4346 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 18 [b] (C 801)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸ Ἡρακλεῖοντὸ Ἡρακλεῖον371L03? - Herakleion
41613 4356 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 18 [c] (C 801)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸ Κανωβικὸν στόματὸ Κανωβικὸν στόμα371L03? - Kanobikon Stomastoma + adj. congr.
41611 11798 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 18 [d] (C 801)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτῆς Κανωβικῆς διώρυγοςἡ Κανωβικὴ διῶρυξ371L03? - Kanobike Dioryxdioryx + adj. congr.
41612 3085 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 18 [e] (C 801)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὁ Μενελαίτης ἐστὶ νομόςὁ Μενελαίτης371L07 - Menelaites(nomos) + adj. congr.; nomos
41614 3839 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 18 [f] (C 801)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸ Βολβίτινοντὸ Βολβίτινον371L - Bolbitinon Stomastoma + adj. congr.
41615 6313 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 18 [g] (C 801)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸ Σεβεννυτικόντὸ Σεβεννυτικόν371L - Sebennytikon Stomastoma + adj. congr.
41616 6187 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 18 [h] (C 801)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸ Φατνιτικόντὸ Φατνιτικόν371L - Phatnitikon Stomastoma + adj. congr.
41617 5697 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 18 [i] (C 801)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸ Μενδήσιοντὸ Μενδήσιον371L16 - Mendesion Stomastoma + adj. congr.
41618 7031 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 18 [j] (C 801)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸ Τανιτικόντὸ Τανιτικόν371L19 - Saitikon Stomastoma + adj. congr.
41619 11131 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 18 [k] (C 801)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸ Πηλουσιακόντὸ Πηλουσιακόν371L14? - Pelousiakon Stomastoma + adj. congr.
41620 8293 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 18 [l] (C 801)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἈγνοῦ ΚέραςἈγνοῦ Κέρας371L - Agnou Keras (Cape Rosetta)akra
41621 11801 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 18 [m] (C 801)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ Περσέως σκοπήἡ Περσέως σκοπή371L - Perseos Skopeskope
41622 11802 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 18 [n] (C 801)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸ Μιλησίων τεῖχοςτὸ Μιλησίων τεῖχος371L - Milesion Teichosteichos; ethnicon (group) part of toponym
41623 11566 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 18 [o] (C 801)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekεἰς τὸν Σαιτικὸν νομόνὁ Σαιτικὸς νομός371L05 - Saitesnomos + adj. congr.
41624 11803 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 18 [p] (C 801)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἸναρων πόλινἸναρως371L05? - Inarospolis (apposition)
41625 1424 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 18 [q] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΝαύκρατινΝαύκρατις371L05 - Naukratis (Kom Gajef)
41626 2096 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 18 [r] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτῆς Σχεδίας ὕπερθενἡ Σχεδία371L07? - Schedia (El-Giza)
41627 3881 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 18 [s] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ ... Βουτικήἡ ... Βουτική371L06 - Boutike Limnelimne
41628 3685 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 18 [t] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἀπὸ Βουτου πόλεωςΒουτος371L06 - Bouto (Tell el-Fara'un)polis (apposition)
41629 2104 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 18 [u] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ Σεβεννυτικὴ δὲ πόλιςἡ Σεβεννυτικὴ ... πόλις371L12 - Sebennytos (Samanud)polis + adj. congr.
41630 2072 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 18 [v] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ Σαις μητρόπολις ...ἡ Σαις371L05 - Sais (Sa el-Hagar)Kato chorametropolis (apposition)'Sais, (the) metropolis of the lower country, in which Athena is worshipped; and in her temple lies the tomb of Psammitichos.'
41631 4819 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 18 [w] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτῆς Κάτω χώραςἡ Κάτω χώρα371L - Kato Chorachora
41632 814 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 18 [x] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἙρμοῦ πόλιςἙρμοῦ πόλις371L06 - Hermopolispolis + gen.
41654 6313 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 19 [a] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὑπὲρ τοῦ Σεβεννυτικοῦ ... στόματοςτὸ Σεβεννυτικὸν ... στόμα371L - Sebennytikon Stomastoma + adj. congr.'In the interior above the Sebennytic and Phatnitic mouth (stoma) lies Xois, both an island (nesos) and a city in the Sebennytic nomos.'
41655 6187 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 19 [b] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὑπὲρ τοῦ ... Φατνιτικοῦ στόματοςτὸ ... Φατνιτικόν στόμα371L - Phatnitikon Stomastoma + adj. congr.'In the interior above the Sebennytic and Phatnitic mouth (stoma) lies Xois, both an island (nesos) and a city in the Sebennytic nomos.'
41656 2507 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 19 [c] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΞοιςΞοις371L06 - Xois (Sakha)Sebennytesnesos (§ 19); polis (§ 19)'In the interior above the Sebennytic and Phatnitic mouth (stoma) lies Xois, both an island (nesos) and a city in the Sebennytic nomos.'
41657 2715 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 19 [d] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐν τῷ Σεβεννυτικῷ νομῷὁ Σεβεννυτικὸς νομός371L12 - Sebennytesnomos + adj. congr.'In the interior above the Sebennytic and Phatnitic mouth (stoma) lies Xois, both an island (nesos) and a city in the Sebennytic nomos.'
41658 815 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 19 [e] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἙρμοῦ πόλιςἙρμοῦ πόλις371L16 - Hermopolis (El-Baqliya)polis + gen.'Here, also, are Hermopolis and Lykopolis and Mendes ...'
29954 5520 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 19 [f] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΛύκου πόλιςΛύκου πόλις371L09? - Lykopolispolis + gen.'Here, also, are Hermopolis and Lykopolis and Mendes ...'
41659 1351 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 19 [g] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΜενδηςΜενδης371L16 - Mendes (Tell el-Rub’a)'Here, also, are Hermopolis and Lykopolis and Mendes, at which place they worship Pan and, among animals, a he-goats; ...'
41660 575 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 19 [h] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΔιὸς πόλιςΔιὸς πόλις371L17 - Dios Polis (Tell el-Balamun)polis + gen.'Near Mendes lie also Diospolis and the lakes near that (place) and Leontopolis; ...'
41661 1238 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 19 [i] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΛεοντόπολιςΛεοντόπολις371L11 - Leontopolis (Tell el-Moqdam)polis + gen.'Near Mendes lie also Diospolis and the lakes near that (place) and Leontopolis; ...'
41662 469 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 19 [j] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ Βουσιρις πόλιςἡ Βουσιρις371L09 - Bousiris (Abusir)Bousiritespolis (apposition)'Near Mendes lie also Diospolis and the lakes near that (place) and Leontopolis; and then, at a greater distance, the city Bousiris in the Bousirites nomos and Kynopolis.'
41663 3115 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 19 [k] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐν τῷ Βουσιρίτῃ νομῷὁ Βουσιρίτης νομός371L09 - Bousiritesnomos + adj. congr.'Near Mendes lie also Diospolis and the lakes near that (place) and Leontopolis; and then, at a greater distance, the city Bousiris in the Bousirites nomos and Kynopolis.'
41664 5392 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 19 [l] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΚυνὸς πόλιςΚυνὸς πόλις371L09 - Kynopolispolis + gen.'Near Mendes lie also Diospolis and the lakes near that (place) and Leontopolis; and then, at a greater distance, the city Bousiris in the Bousirites nomos and Kynopolis.'
41719 1752 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 19 [m] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπρὸς τῇ Φάρῳἡ Φάρος371L00 - Pharos'... and also the fact that even the harbour (limen) which Egypt did have, the one at Pharos, gave no access, but was guarded by shepherds (boukoloi) who were pirates and who attacked those who tried to bring ships to anchor there'
41720 3086 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 20 [a] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὁ Ἀθριβίτης νομόςὁ Ἀθριβίτης νομός371L10 - Athribitesnomos + adj. congr.
41721 369 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 20 [b] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἈθριβις πόλιςἈθριβις371L10 - Athribis (Tell el-Atrib)polis (apposition)
41722 3081 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 20 [c] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὁ Προσωπίτης νομόςὁ Προσωπίτης νομός371L04 - Prosopitesnomos + adj. congr.
41723 745 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 20 [d] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἈφροδίτης πόλιςἈφροδίτης πόλις371L04 - HatarbechisProsopitespolis + gen.
41724 5697 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 20 [e] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὑπὲρ δὲ τὸ Μενδήσιον στόματὸ Μενδήσιον στόμα371L16 - Mendesion Stomastoma + adj. congr.
41725 7031 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 20 [f] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὑπὲρ δὲ ... τὸ Τανιτικόντὸ Τανιτικόν371L19 - Saitikon Stomastoma + adj. congr.
41726 3090 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 20 [g] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὁ Μενδήσιός ἐστι νομόςὁ Μενδήσιος371L16 - Mendesios(nomos) + adj. congr.; nomos
41727 3087 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 20 [h] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὁ Λεοντοπολίτηςὁ Λεοντοπολίτης371L11 - Leontopolites(nomos) + adj. congr.; nomos
41728 3219 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 20 [i] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπόλις Ἀφροδίτηςπόλις Ἀφροδίτης371L - Aphroditopolispolis + gen.
41729 3074 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 20 [j] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὁ Φαρβηθίτης νομόςὁ Φαρβηθίτης νομός371L19? - Pharbaithitesnomos + adj. congr.
41730 7031 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 20 [k] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸ Τανιτικόν στόμα ὅ τινες Σαιτικὸν λέγουσιτὸ Τανιτικόν στόμα ὅ τινες Σαιτικὸν λέγουσι371L19 - Saitikon Stomastoma + adj. congr.
41732 2957 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 20 [l] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὁ Τανίτης νομόςὁ Τανίτης νομός371L19 - Tanitesnomos + adj. congr.
41733 2252 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 20 [m] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΤανιςΤανις371L19 - Tanis (San el-Hagar)polis megale (§ 20)
41734 7031 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 21 [a] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμεταξὺ δὲ τοῦ Τανιτικοῦτὸ Τανιτικόν371L19 - Saitikon Stomastoma + adj. congr.
41735 11131 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 21 [b] (C 802)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμεταξὺ δὲ ... τοῦ Πηλουσιακοῦτὸ Πηλουσιακόν371L14? - Pelousiakon Stomastoma + adj. congr.
41736 1662 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 21 [c] (C 802-803)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸ Πηλούσιοντὸ Πηλούσιον371L14? - Pelousion (Tell el-Farama)
41737 2687 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 21 [d] (C 803)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΒάραθραΒάραθρα371L14? - Barathra [near Pelousion]
41738 829 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 21 [e] (C 803)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekκαθʼ Ἡρώων πόλινἩρώων πόλις371L08 - Heroopolispolis + gen.
41739 2096 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 22 [a] (C 803)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἀπὸ δὲ ΣχεδίαςΣχεδία371L07? - Schedia (El-Giza)'From Schedia, as one sails towards Memphis, there are, on the right, a very large number of villages (komai), extending as far as lake Mareia, among which is the Village of Chabrias, as it is called'
41740 1344 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 22 [b] (C 803)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐπὶ ΜεμφινΜεμφις371L01 - Memphis'From Schedia, as one sails towards Memphis, there are, on the right, a very large number of villages (komai), extending as far as lake Mareia, among which is the Village of Chabrias, as it is called'
41741 3431 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 22 [c] (C 803)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμἐχρι τῆς Μαρείας λίμνηςἡ Μάρεια λίμνη371Western coast - Mareia (Lake Maryut)limne'From Schedia, as one sails towards Memphis, there are, on the right, a very large number of villages (komai), extending as far as lake Mareia, among which is the Village of Chabrias, as it is called'
41742 7981 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 22 [d] (C 803)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ Χαβρίου κώμη καλουμένηἡ Χαβρίου κώμη καλουμένη371L - Chabriou Komekome + gen.'From Schedia, as one sails towards Memphis, there are, on the right, a very large number of villages (komai), extending as far as lake Mareia, among which is the Village of Chabrias, as it is called'
41743 817 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 22 [e] (C 803)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἙρμοῦ πόλιςἙρμοῦ πόλις371L03 - Hermopolis (Damanhur)polis + gen.'and, on the river, one comes to Hermopolis, and then to Gynaikopolis and (the) nomos Gynaikonpolites'Bernand, I. Delta, 1970, p. 515
41744 725 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 22 [f] (C 803)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΓυναικῶν πόλιςΓυναικῶν πόλις371L03 - Gynaikopolispolis + gen.'and, on the river, one comes to Hermopolis, and then to Gynaikopolis and (the) nomos Gynaikonpolites'
41745 3080 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 22 [g] (C 803)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekνομὸς Γυναικοπολίτηςνομὸς Γυναικοπολίτης371L03 - Gynaikopolitesnomos + adj. congr.'and, on the river, one comes to Hermopolis, and then to Gynaikopolis and (the) nomos Gynaikonpolites'
41746 1148 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 22 [h] (C 803)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΜωμεμφιςΜωμεμφις371L03 - Momemphis (Kom el-Hisn)'next in order, to Momemphis and the Momemphites nomos; but in the interval there are several canals which empty into lake Maretotis. The Momemphitai honour Aphrodite; an a sacred cow is kept there, as is Apis in Memphis and Mneuis in Heliopolis.'
41747 11808 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 22 [i] (C 803)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΜωμεμφίτης νομόςΜωμεμφίτης νομός371L03 - Momemphitesnomos + adj. congr.'next in order, to Momemphis and the Momemphites nomos; but in the interval there are several canals which empty into lake Maretotis. The Momemphitai honour Aphrodite; an a sacred cow is kept there, as is Apis in Memphis and Mneuis in Heliopolis.'
41748 3431 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 22 [j] (C 803)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekεἰς τὴν Μαρεῶτινἡ Μαρεῶτις371Western coast - Mareia (Lake Maryut)'next in order, to Momemphis and the Momemphites nomos; but in the interval there are several canals which empty into lake Maretotis. The Momemphitai honour Aphrodite; an a sacred cow is kept there, as is Apis in Memphis and Mneuis in Heliopolis.'
41749 1148 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 22 [k] (C 803)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekοἱ δὲ ΜωμεμφῖταιΜωμεμφίτης371L03 - Momemphis (Kom el-Hisn)ethnicon (group)'next in order, to Momemphis and the Momemphites nomos; but in the interval there are several canals which empty into lake Maretotis. The Momemphitai honour Aphrodite; an a sacred cow is kept there, as is Apis in Memphis and Mneuis in Heliopolis.'
239630 1344 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 22 [l] (C 803)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐν ΜεμφειΜεμφις371L01 - Memphis'next in order, to Momemphis and the Momemphites nomos; but in the interval there are several canals which empty into lake Maretotis. The Momemphitai honour Aphrodite; an a sacred cow is kept there, as is Apis in Memphis and Mneuis in Heliopolis.'
41750 761 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 22 [m] (C 803)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐν Ἡλίου πόλειἩλίου πόλις371L13 - Heliopolis (Tell Hisn)polis + gen.'next in order, to Momemphis and the Momemphites nomos; but in the interval there are several canals which empty into lake Maretotis. The Momemphitai honour Aphrodite; an a sacred cow is kept there, as is Apis in Memphis and Mneuis in Heliopolis.'
41751 1148 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 23 [a] (C 803)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὐπὲρ δὲ ΜωμεμφεωςΜωμεμφις371L03 - Momemphis (Kom el-Hisn)
41752 11809 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 23 [b] (C 803)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekνομὸς Νιτριώηςνομὸς Νιτριώης371L03? - Nitriotesnomos + adj. congr.
41753 5703 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 23 [c] (C 803)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπόλις ΜενέλαοςΜενέλαος371L03? - MenelaosNitriotespolis (apposition)
41754 1424 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 23 [d] (C 803)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΝαύκρατιςΝαύκρατις371L05 - Naukratis (Kom Gajef)
41755 2072 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 23 [e] (C 803)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ Σαιςἡ Σαις371L05 - Sais (Sa el-Hagar)
41756 6123 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 23 [f] (C 803)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸ τοῦ Ὀσιριδος ἄσυλοντὸ τοῦ Ὀσιριδος ἄσυλον371L05 - Osiridos Asylon
41758 1767 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 23 [g] (C 803)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὰς Φιλαςαἱ Φιλαι371U01 - Philai
41759 2207 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 23 [h] (C 803)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὑπὲρ ΣυηνηςΣυηνη371U01 - Syene (Assuan)
41760 621 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 23 [i] (C 803)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὑπὲρ ... τῆς Ἐλεφαντίνηςἡ Ἐλεφαντίνη371U01 - Elephantine (Geziret Assuan)
41761 1344 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 24 [a] (C 804)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἀπὸ μὲν γὰρ ΜεμφεωςΜεμφις371L01 - Memphis
41762 2982 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 24 [b] (C 804)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμέχρι ΘηβαίδοςΘηβαίς371U - Thebais
41763 2207 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 24 [c] (C 804)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμέχρι ΣυηνηςΣυηνη371U01 - Syene (Assuan)
41764 1662 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 24 [d] (C 804)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἀπὸ δὲ ΠηλουσίουΠηλούσιον371L14? - Pelousion (Tell el-Farama)
41765 3089 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 24 [e] (C 804)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekνομὸς Σεθρωίτηςνομὸς Σεθρωίτης371L14 - Sethroitesnomos + adj. congr.
105485 7695 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 25 [a] (C 804)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἄλλη (sc. διῶρυξ) - ἡ διῶρυξἡ διῶρυξ371L08 - Traianos Potamosdioryx (no toponym)'There is another (canal) which empties into the Red Sea and the Arabian Gulf near the city Arsinoe, which some call Kleopatris. It flows also through the Bitter Lakes, as they are called, which were indeed bitter in earlier times, but when the above-mentioned canal was cut they underwent a change because of the mixing with the river, and now are well supplied with fish and full also of aquatic birds. The canal (dioryx) ...'Dizionario IV, p. 206
41766 3660 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 25 [b] (C 804)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekκατὰ πόλιν Ἀρσινόην ἣν ἔνιοι Κλεοπατρίδα καλοῦσιπόλις Ἀρσινόη ἣν ἔνιοι Κλεοπατρίδα καλοῦσι371Eastern desert - Arsinoe [Kleopatris]polis (apposition)'There is another (canal) which empties into the Red Sea and the Arabian Gulf near the city Arsinoe, which some call Kleopatris. It flows also through the Bitter Lakes, as they are called, which were indeed bitter in earlier times, but when the above-mentioned canal was cut they underwent a change because of the mixing with the river, and now are well supplied with fish and full also of aquatic birds. The canal (dioryx) ...'
41767 5002 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 25 [c] (C 804)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekδιὰ τῶν Πικρῶν καλουμένων λιμνῶναἱ Πικραὶ καλούμεναι λίμναι371Eastern desert - Bitter Lakeslimnai'There is another (canal) which empties into the Red Sea and the Arabian Gulf near the city Arsinoe, which some call Kleopatris. It flows also through the Bitter Lakes, as they are called, which were indeed bitter in earlier times, but when the above-mentioned canal was cut they underwent a change because of the mixing with the river, and now are well supplied with fish and full also of aquatic birds. The canal (dioryx) ...'
41768 3660 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 26 [a] (C 804)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπλησίον δὲ τῆς Ἀρσινόηςἡ Ἀρσινόη371Eastern desert - Arsinoe [Kleopatris]'Near Arsinoe one comes also to city of the Heroes / Heroopolis and Kleopatris, in the recess of the Arabian Gulf towards Egypt, and to harbours and settlements, and near there, to several canals and lakes.'
41769 829 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 26 [b] (C 804)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ τῶν Ἡρώων ἐστὶ πόλιςἡ τῶν Ἡρώων ... πόλις371L08 - Heroopolispolis + gen.'Near Arsinoe one comes also to city of the Heroes / Heroopolis and Kleopatris, in the recess of the Arabian Gulf towards Egypt, and to harbours and settlements, and near there, to several canals and lakes.'
41770 3660 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 26 [c] (C 804)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ Κλεοπατρίςἡ Κλεοπατρίς371Eastern desert - Arsinoe [Kleopatris]'Near Arsinoe one comes also to city of the Heroes / Heroopolis and Kleopatris, in the recess of the Arabian Gulf towards Egypt, and to harbours and settlements, and near there, to several canals and lakes.' [does this imply that Arsinoe and Kleopatris are separate places? in Strabon, 17, 1, 25, however: 'near the city Arsinoe, which some call Kleopatris']
41771 11810 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 26 [d] (C 805)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὁ Φαγρωριοπολίτης νομόςὁ Φαγρωριοπολίτης νομός371L - Phagroriopolitesnomos + adj. congr.
41772 7802 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 26 [e] (C 805)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπόλις ΦαγρωριόπολιςΦαγρωριόπολις371L - Phagroriopolispolis (apposition); polis + gen.
41773 1729 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 26 [f] (C 805)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἀπὸ κώμης ... ΦακουσσηςΦακουσσα371L20 - Phakoussai (Faqus)kome (apposition)
41774 7927 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 26 [g] (C 805)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ Φίλωνος κώμηἡ Φίλωνος κώμη371L20 - Philonos Komekome + gen.
41775 462 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 27 [a] (C 805)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ Βουβαστος πόλιςΒουβαστος371L18 - Boubastos (Tell Basta)polis (apposition)
41776 11742 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 27 [b] (C 805)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὁ Βουβαστίτης νομόςὁ Βουβαστίτης νομός371L18 - Boubastitesnomos + adj. congr.
41777 3088 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 27 [c] (C 805)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὁ Ἡλίοπολίτης νομόςὁ Ἡλίοπολίτης νομός371L13 - Heliopolitesnomos + adj. congr.
41779 761 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 27 [d] (C 805)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ τοῦ Ἡλίου πόλιςἡ τοῦ Ἡλίου πόλις371L13 - Heliopolis (Tell Hisn)Heliopolitespolis + gen.
41780 1344 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 27 [e] (C 805)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐν ΜεμφειΜεμφις371L01 - Memphis
41781 576 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 27 [f] (C 805)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐν Θήβαις τῇ νῦν Διὸς πόλειΘῆβαι ἡ νῦν Διὸς πόλις371U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east)polis + gen.
41782 1344 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 28 (C 806)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐν ΜεμφειΜεμφις371L01 - Memphis
41783 761 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 29 [a] (C 806)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐν δὲ τῇ Ἡλίου πόλειἡ Ἡλίου πόλις371L13 - Heliopolis (Tell Hisn)polis + gen.
41784 100 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 29 [b] (C 806)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐξ ἈλεξανδρείαςἈλεξάνδρεια371L00 - Alexandria
41785 11811 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 30 [a] (C 806)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΛιβύηνΛιβύη371Libya
41786 100 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 30 [b] (C 806)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπερὶ τὴν Ἀλεξάνδρειανἡ Ἀλεξάνδρεια371L00 - Alexandria
41787 3431 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 30 [c] (C 806)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπερὶ ... τὴν Μαρεῶτινἡ Μαρεῶτις371Western coast - Mareia (Lake Maryut)
41788 10930 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 30 [d] (C 806)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἈραβίανἈραβία371Arabia
41789 761 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 30 [e] (C 806-807)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ μὲν οὖν Ἡλίου πόλιςἡ ... Ἡλίου πόλις371L13 - Heliopolis (Tell Hisn)polis + gen.
41790 1048 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 30 [f] (C 806)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΚερκεσουρα πόλιςΚερκεσουρα371L02 - KerkasorosLetopolitespolis (apposition)
41791 3079 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 30 [g] (C 807)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὁ δὲ νομὸς Λητοπολίτηςὁ ... νομὸς Λητοπολίτης371L02 - Letopolitesnomos + adj. congr.
41792 389 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 30 [h] (C 807)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΒαβυλώνΒαβυλών371L13 - Babylon (Fostat)phrourion; stratopedon
41793 716 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 30 [i] (C 807)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekαἱ πυραμίδεςαἱ πυραμίδες371L01 - Giza
41794 1344 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 30 [j] (C 807)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐν ΜεμφειΜεμφις371L01 - Memphis
41796 10880 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 31 [a] (C 807)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸ τε τοῦ Ἄπιδοςτὸ ... τοῦ Ἄπιδος371L01 - Apieionhieron'It (sc. Memphis) contains temples, one of which is that of the Apis, who is the same as Osiris; it is here that the bull Apis is kept in a kind of sanctuary, being regarded, as I have said, as god. ... In front of the sanctuary is situated a court, in which there is another sanctuary beloning to the bull's mother. Into this court they set the Apis loose at a certain hour, particularly that he may be shown to foreigners.'
41795 1344 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 31 [a] - 32 (C 807-808)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ Μεμφιςἡ Μεμφις371L01 - Memphis
41797 4364 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 31 [b] (C 807)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτῷ Ἡφαιστείῳτὸ Ἡφαιστεῖον371L01 - Hephaisteion
41798 10638 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 32 [a] (C 807)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΣαράπιονΣαράπιον371L01 - Serapeum
41799 100 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 32 [b] (C 807)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμετὰ ἈλεξάνδρειανἈλεξάνδρεια371L00 - Alexandria
41800 716 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 33 [a] - 34 (C 808-809)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπυραμίδεςπυραμίδες371L01 - Giza
41801 1424 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 33 [b] (C 808)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekεἰς ΝαύκρατινΝαύκρατις371L05 - Naukratis (Kom Gajef)
41802 1344 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 33 [c] (C 808)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekεἰς ΜεμφινΜεμφις371L01 - Memphis
41803 1424 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 33 [d] (C 808)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐν τῇ πόλει τῶν Ναυκρατιτῶνἡ πόλις τῶν Ναυκρατιτῶν371L05 - Naukratis (Kom Gajef)polis + adj. gen. pl.
41804 10930 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 34 [a] (C 809)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐν τῇ Ἀραβίᾳἡ Ἀραβία371Arabia
41805 7725 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 34 [b] (C 809)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΤρωικόν τι ... ὄροςΤρωικὸν ... ὄρος371L01 - Troikon Orosoros + adj. congr.
41806 2480 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 34 [c] (C 809)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΤροίαΤροία371L01 - Troe (Tura)kome (§ 34)
41807 1344 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 35 [a] (C 809)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμετὰ δὲ ΜεμφινΜεμφις371L01 - Memphis'After Memphis one comes to a city Akanthos, likewise situated in the Libya, and to the temple of Osiris and the grove of the Thebaic acantha, from which the gum is obtained.'
41808 3677 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 35 [b] (C 809)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἌκανθος πόλιςἌκανθος πόλις371L01 - Akanthopolis (Kafr Ammar)polis + gen.?'After Memphis one comes to a city Akanthos, likewise situated in the Libya (sc. west of the Nile), and to the temple of Osiris and the grove of the Thebaic acantha, from which the gum is obtained.'
41809 11811 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 35 [c] (C 809)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐν τῇ Λιβύῃἡ Λιβύη371Libya'After Memphis one comes to a city Akanthos, likewise situated in the Libya (sc. west of the Nile), and to the temple of Osiris and the grove of the Thebaic acantha, from which the gum is obtained.'
41810 2982 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 35 [d] (C 809)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΘηβαικῆςΘηβαικός371U - Thebaisadjective'After Memphis one comes to a city Akanthos, likewise situated in Libya, and to the temple of Osiris and the grove of the Thebaic acantha (sc. the Mimosa Nilotica), from which the gum is obtained'
41811 2724 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 35 [e] (C 809)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὁ Ἀφροδιτοπολίτης νομόςὁ Ἀφροδιτοπολίτης νομός371U22 - Aphroditopolitesnomos + adj. congr.'Then to the Aphroditopolites nomos, and to the city of like name in the Arabia (sc. east of the Nile), where is kept a white cow which is sacred.'
41812 236 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 35 [f] (C 809)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ ὁμώνυμος πόλις (sc. Ἀφροδίτης πόλις)ἡ ὁμώνυμος πόλις371U22 - Aphroditopolis (Atfih)polis (no toponym)'Then to the Aphroditopolites nomos, and to the city of like name in the Arabia (sc. east of the Nile), where is kept a white cow which is sacred.'
41813 10930 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 35 [g] (C 809)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐν τῇ Ἀραβίᾳἡ Ἀραβία371Arabia'Then to the Aphroditopolites nomos, and to the city of like name in the Arabia (sc. east of the Nile), where is kept a white cow which is sacred.'
41814 2713 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 35 [h] (C 809)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὁ Ἡρακλεώτης νομόςὁ Ἡρακλεώτης νομός371U20 - Herakleopolitesnomos + adj. congr.'Then to the Herakleotes nomos, on a large island, where, on the right, is the canal which leads into the Libya to the Arsinoites nomos, so that the canal has two mouths, a part of the island intervening between the two.'
41815 11811 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 35 [i] (C 809)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekεἰς τὴν Λιβύηνἡ Λιβύη371Libya'Then to the Herakleotes nomos, on a large island, where, on the right, is the canal which leads into the Libya to the Arsinoites nomos, so that the canal has two mouths, a part of the island intervening between the two.'
41816 332 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 35 [j] (C 809)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐπὶ τὸν Ἀρσινοίτην νομόνὁ Ἀρσινοίτης νομός37100 - Arsinoites (Fayum)nomos + adj. congr.'Then to the Herakleotes nomos, on a large island, where, on the right, is the canal which leads into the Libya to the Arsinoites nomos, so that the canal has two mouths, a part of the island intervening between the two. This nomos is the most noteworthy of all in respect to its appearance, its fertility, and its material development, for it alone is planted with olive trees that are large and full-grown and bear fine fruit, and it would also producre good olive oil if the olives were carefully gathered. But since they neglect this matter, although they make much oil, it has a bad smell. ... And it produces wine in no small quantity, as well as grain (sitos), pulse, and other seed-plants in very great varieties.'
41817 100 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 35 [k] (C 809)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekκατʼ ἈλεξάνδρειανἈλεξάνδρεια371L00 - Alexandria'the rest of Egypt has no olive trees, excempt the gardens near Alexandria, which are sufficient for supplying olives, but furnish no oil.'
41818 1384 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 35 [l] (C 809)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὴν λίμνην ... τὴν Μοιριδος καλουμένηνἡ λίμνη ... ἡ Μοιριδος καλουμένη37100 - Moiris (Birket Qarun)Arsinoiteslimne'It also contains the wonderful lake called the (lake) of Moiris, which is an open sea in size and like a sea in colour; and its shores, also, resemble those of a sea, ...'
41819 149 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 35 [m] (C 809)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπερὶ τῶν κατὰ Ἄμμωνα τόπωνοἱ κατὰ Ἄμμωνα τόποι371Western desert, Ammoniake - Ammonos Hieron (Siwa)topoi'... so that one may make the same supposition about the places (topoi) near Ammon and these (places) (in fact, they are not very far distant from one another or from Paraitonion), that, just as from the numerous evidences one may surmise that that temple was in earlier times situated on the sea, so likewise these districts were in earlier times on the sea.'
41820 3668 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 35 [n] (C 809)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτοῦ Παραιτονίουτὸ Παραιτόνιον371Western coast - Paraitonion (Mersa Matruh)'... so that one may make the same supposition about the places (topoi) near Ammon and these (places) (in fact, they are not very far distant from one another or from Paraitonion), that, just as from the numerous evidences one may surmise that that temple was in earlier times situated on the sea, so likewise these districts were in earlier times on the sea.'
41821 2712 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 35 [o] (C 809)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ δὲ Κάτω Αἴγυπτοςἡ ... Κάτω Αἴγυπτος371L - Lower Egypt'And Lower Egypt and the parts extending as far as the lake the Sirbonitis / Serbonis were sea - this sea being confluent, perhaps with the Red Sea in the neighbourhood of Heroopolis and the Ailanites Gulf.'
21308 2125 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 35 [p] (C 809)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμέχρι τῆς λίμνης τῆς Σιρβωνίτιδοςἡ λίμνη ἡ Σιρβωνῖτις371Northern Sinai - Serbonis (Sabkhat Bardawil)limne + adj. congr.'And Lower Egypt and the parts extending as far as the lake the Sirbonitis / Serbonis were sea - this sea being confluent, perhaps with the Red Sea in the neighbourhood of Heroopolis and the Ailanites Gulf.'
41822 829 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 35 [q] (C 809)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekκατὰ Ἡρώων πόλινἩρώων πόλις371L08 - Heroopolispolis + gen.'And Lower Egypt and the parts extending as far as the lake the Sirbonitis / Serbonis were sea - this sea being confluent, perhaps with the Red Sea in the neighbourhood of Heroopolis and the Ailanites Gulf.'
41823 1384 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 37 [a] (C 810)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ δʼ οὖν Μοιριδος λίμνηἡ ... Μοιριδος λίμνη37100 - Moiris (Birket Qarun)limne
10315 1212 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 37 [b] (C 811)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτοῦ Λαβυρίνθουὁ Λαβύρινθος37100a - Labyrinthos
41824 716 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 37 [c] (C 811)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekταῖς πυραμίσιναἱ πυραμίδες371L01 - Giza
41825 327 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 38 (C 811)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπόλις ἐστὶν Ἀρσινόη, Κροκοδείλων δὲ πόλις ἐκαλεῖτο πρότερονἈρσινόη, Κροκοδείλων δὲ πόλις ἐκαλεῖτο πρότερον37100d - Krokodilopolis (Medinet el-Fayum)polis + gen.
41826 332 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 39 [a] (C 812)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμετὰ δὲ τὸν Ἀρσινοίτηνὁ Ἀρσινοίτης37100 - Arsinoites (Fayum)(nomos) + adj. congr.'After the Arsinoites and the Herakleotikos nomos, one comes to Herakleopolis, where the people hold in honour the ichneumon, the very opposite of the practice of the Arsinoitai; for whereas the latter hold the crocodile in honour - and on this account both their canal and the lake of Moiris are full of crocodiles, for the people revere them and abstain from harming them - the former hold in honour the ichneumons, ...'
41827 2713 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 39 [b] (C 812)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμετὰ δὲ ... τὸν Ἡρακλεωτικὸν νομόνὁ Ἡρακλεωτικὸς νομός371U20 - Herakleopolitesnomos + adj. congr.'After the Arsinoites and the Herakleotikos nomos, one comes to Herakleopolis, where the people hold in honour the ichneumon, the very opposite of the practice of the Arsinoitai; for whereas the latter hold the crocodile in honour - and on this account both their canal and the lake of Moiris are full of crocodiles, for the people revere them and abstain from harming them - the former hold in honour the ichneumons, ...'
41828 801 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 39 [c] (C 812)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἩρακλέους πόλιςἩρακλέους πόλις371U20 - Herakleopolis (Ihnasya el-Medina)polis + gen.'After the Arsinoites and the Herakleotikos nomos, one comes to Herakleopolis, where the people hold in honour the ichneumon, the very opposite of the practice of the Arsinoitai; for whereas the latter hold the crocodile in honour - and on this account both their canal and the lake of Moiris are full of crocodiles, for the people revere them and abstain from harming them - the former hold in honour the ichneumons, ...'
41829 332 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 39 [d] (C 812)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτοῖς ἈρσινοίταιςἈρσινοίτης37100 - Arsinoites (Fayum)ethnicon (group)'After the Arsinoites and the Herakleotikos nomos, one comes to Herakleopolis, where the people hold in honour the ichneumon, the very opposite of the practice of the Arsinoitai; for whereas the latter hold the crocodile in honour - and on this account both their canal and the lake of Moiris are full of crocodiles, for the people revere them and abstain from harming them - the former hold in honour the ichneumons, ...'
41830 1384 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 39 [e] (C 812)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ τοῦ Μοιριδος λίμνηἡ τοῦ Μοιριδος λίμνη37100 - Moiris (Birket Qarun)limne'After the Arsinoites and the Herakleotikos nomos, one comes to Herakleopolis, where the people hold in honour the ichneumon, the very opposite of the practice of the Arsinoitai; for whereas the latter hold the crocodile in honour - and on this account both their canal and the lake of Moiris are full of crocodiles, for the people revere them and abstain from harming them - the former hold in honour the ichneumons, ...'
41831 3032 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 40 [a] (C 812)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὁ Κυνοπολίτης νομόςὁ Κυνοπολίτης νομός371U17 - Kynopolitesnomos + adj. congr.'One comes next to the Kynopolites nomos, and to Kynopolis, where Anoubis is held in honour and where a form of worship and sacred feeding has been organised for all dogs.'
41832 1196 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 40 [b] (C 812)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΚυνῶν πόλιςΚυνῶν πόλις371U17 - Kynopolis (El-Qeis)polis + gen.'One comes next to the Kynopolites nomos, and to Kynopolis, where Anoubis is held in honour and where a form of worship and sacred feeding has been organised for all dogs.'Litinas, AfP 40 (1994), p. 148
41833 1524 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 40 [c] (C 812)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekὈξύρυγχος πόλιςὈξύρυγχος371U19 - Oxyrynchos (Bahnasa)polis (apposition)'On the far side of the river lie the city Oxyrynchos and a nomos bearing the same name. They hold in honour the oxyrynchos (sc. a kind of fish) and have a temple sacred to Oxyrynchos, though the other Egyptians in common also hold in honour the oxyrynchos.'Hagedorn, ZPE 12 (1973), p. 292 n. 52
41834 2722 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 40 [d] (C 812)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekνομὸς ὁμώνυμος (sc. Ὀξυρυγχίτης νομός)νομὸς ὁμώνυμος371U19 - Oxyrynchitesnomos (no toponym)'On the far side of the river lie the city Oxyrynchos and a nomos bearing the same name. They hold in honour the oxyrynchos (sc. a kind of fish) and have a temple sacred to Oxyrynchos, though the other Egyptians in common also hold in honour the oxyrynchos.'
41835 2072 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 40 [e] (C 812)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΣαῖταιΣαίτης371L05 - Sais (Sa el-Hagar)ethnicon (group)'but there are other animals which are honoured by separate groups independently of the rest, as, for example, a sheep by (the) Saitai and also by (the) Thebaitai'
41836 576 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 40 [f] (C 812)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΘηβαῖταιΘηβαίτης371U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east)ethnicon (group)'but there are other animals which are honoured by separate groups independently of the rest, as, for example, a sheep by (the) Saitai and also by (the) Thebaitai (sc. the inhabitants of U04b Thebai or of the Thebais in general?; cf. also the reference to 'Thebaioi' further in this passage)'
41837 1227 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 40 [g] (C 812)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΛατοπολῖταιΛατοπολίτης371U03 - Latopolis (Esna)ethnicon (group)'but there are other animals which are honoured by separate groups independently of the rest, as, for example, ...; a latos, a fish of the Nile, by (the) Latopolitai; ...'Dizionario III, p. 182 (2)
41838 1271 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 40 [h] (C 812)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΛυκοπολῖταιΛυκοπολίτης371U13 - Lykopolis (Assiut)ethnicon (group)'but there are other animals which are honoured by separate groups independently of the rest, as, for example, ...; a lykos by (the) Lykopolitai; ...'
41839 816 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 40 [i] (C 812)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἙρμοπολῖταιἙρμοπολίτης371U15 - Hermopolis (El-Ashmunein)ethnicon (group)'but there are other animals which are honoured by separate groups independently of the rest, as, for example, ...; a kynokephaols by (the) Hermpolitai; ...'
41840 389 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 40 [j] (C 812)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΒαβυλώνιοιΒαβυλώνιος371L13 - Babylon (Fostat)ethnicon (group)'but there are other animals which are honoured by separate groups independently of the rest, as, for example, ...; a kebos by (the) Babylonioi who live near Memphis (the kebos has a face like a satyr, is between a dog and a bear in other respects, and is bred in Aethiopia); ...'
41841 1344 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 40 [k] (C 812)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekκατὰ ΜεμφινΜεμφις371L01 - Memphis'but there are other animals which are honoured by separate groups independently of the rest, as, for example, ...; a kebos by (the) Babylonioi who live near Memphis (the kebos has a face like a satyr, is between a dog and a bear in other respects, and is bred in Aethiopia); ...'
41842 576 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 40 [l] (C 813)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΘηβαῖοιΘηβαῖος371U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east)ethnicon (group)'but there are other animals which are honoured by separate groups independently of the rest, as, for example, ...; an eagle by (the) Thebaioi; ...'
41843 1238 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 40 [m] (C 813)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΛεοντοπολῖταιΛεοντοπολίτης371L11 - Leontopolis (Tell el-Moqdam)ethnicon (group)'but there are other animals which are honoured by separate groups independently of the rest, as, for example, ...; a lion by (the) Leontopolitai; ...'
41844 1351 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 40 [n] (C 813)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΜενδήσιοιΜενδήσιος371L16 - Mendes (Tell el-Rub’a)ethnicon (group)'but there are other animals which are honoured by separate groups independently of the rest, as, for example, ...; a female and male goat by (the) Mendesioi; ...'
41845 369 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 40 [o] (C 813)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἈθριβῖταιἈθριβίτης371L10 - Athribis (Tell el-Atrib)ethnicon (group)'but there are other animals which are honoured by separate groups independently of the rest, as, for example, ...; a shrew-mouse by (the) Athribitai, and other animals by other peoples'
41846 10470 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 41 [a] (C 813)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἙρμοπολιτικὴ φυλακήἙρμοπολιτικὴ φυλακή371U15 - Hermopolitike Phylakephylake + adj. congr.'Next comes to Hermopolitic garrison (Hermopolitike Phylake), a kind of toll-station for goods brought down from the Thebais; here begins the reckoning of schoinoi at sixty stadia, extending as far as Syene and Elephantine'
41847 2982 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 41 [b] (C 813)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐκ τῆς Θηβαίδοςἡ Θηβαίς371U - Thebais'Next comes to Hermopolitic garrison (Hermopolitike Phylake), a kind of toll-station for goods brought down from the Thebais; here begins the reckoning of schoinoi at sixty stadia, extending as far as Syene and Elephantine'
41848 2207 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 41 [c] (C 813)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἕως ΣυηνηςΣυηνη371U01 - Syene (Assuan)'Next comes to Hermopolitic garrison (Hermopolitike Phylake), a kind of toll-station for goods brought down from the Thebais; here begins the reckoning of schoinoi at sixty stadia, extending as far as Syene and Elephantine'
41849 621 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 41 [d] (C 813)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἕως ... ἘλεφαντίνηςἘλεφαντίνη371U01 - Elephantine (Geziret Assuan)'Next comes to Hermopolitic garrison (Hermopolitike Phylake), a kind of toll-station for goods brought down from the Thebais; here begins the reckoning of schoinoi at sixty stadia, extending as far as Syene and Elephantine'
41850 10312 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 41 [e] (C 813)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ Θηβαικὴ φυλακήἡ Θηβαικὴ φυλακή371U15 - Thebaikephylake'then the Thebaïc garrison (Thebaike Phylake) and (the) canal that leads to Tanis; then Lykopolis and Aphroditopolis and Panopolis, an old settlement of linen-workers and stone-workers.'
41851 2309 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 41 [f] (C 813)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐπὶ ΤανινΤανις371U15 - Tenis - Hakoris (Tehna)'then the Thebaïc garrison (Thebaike Phylake) and (the) canal that leads to Tanis; then Lykopolis and Aphroditopolis and Panopolis, an old settlement of linen-workers and stone-workers.'Drew-Bear, Hermopolite, 1979, p. 293
41852 1271 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 41 [g] (C 813)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΛύκων πόλιςΛύκων πόλις371U13 - Lykopolis (Assiut)polis + gen.'then the Thebaïc garrison (Thebaike Phylake) and (the) canal that leads to Tanis; then Lykopolis and Aphroditopolis and Panopolis, an old settlement of linen-workers and stone-workers.'
41853 237 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 41 [h] (C 813)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἈφροδίτηςἈφροδίτης371U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau)(polis) + gen.'then the Thebaïc garrison (Thebaike Phylake) and (the) canal that leads to Tanis; then Lykopolis and Aphroditopolis and Panopolis, an old settlement of linen-workers and stone-workers.'Fournet, REG 105 (1992), p. 235; Marthot, Pap. Congr. XXVI (Geneva 2010), 2012, p. 488 & n. 6
41854 1589 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 41 [i] (C 813)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΠανῶν πόλιςΠανῶν πόλις371U09 - Panopolis (Akhmim)polis + gen.'then the Thebaïc garrison (Thebaike Phylake) and (the) canal that leads to Tanis; then Lykopolis and Aphroditopolis and Panopolis, an old settlement of linen-workers and stone-workers.'
41855 2023 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 42 [a] (C 813)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΠτολεμαικὴ πόλιςΠτολεμαικὴ πόλις371U08 - Ptolemais Hermeiou (El-Mansha)polis + adj. congr.'Then the city of Ptolemais, the largest of the (cities) in the Thebais and no smaller than Memphis, having also a form of government modelled on that of the Greeks.'
41856 2982 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 42 [b] (C 813)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐν τῇ Θηβαίδιἡ Θηβαίς371U - Thebais'Then the city of Ptolemais, the largest of the (cities) in the Thebais and no smaller than Memphis, having also a form of government modelled on that of the Greeks.'
41857 1344 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 42 [c] (C 813)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΜεμφεωςΜεμφις371L01 - Memphis'Then the city of Ptolemais, the largest of the (cities) in the Thebais and no smaller than Memphis, having also a form of government modelled on that of the Greeks.'
41858 34 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 42 [d] (C 813)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ Ἀβυδοςἡ Ἀβυδος371U08 - Abydos'Above this (city) lies Abydos, where is the Memnoneion, a royal building, which is a remarkable structure built of solid stone, and of the same workmanship as that which I ascribed to the Labyrinthos, though not multiplex; and also a fountain (krene) which lies at a great depth, so that one descends to it down vaulted galleries made of monoliths of surpassing size and workmanship.'
41859 11812 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 42 [e] (C 813)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸ Μεμνόνιοντὸ Μεμνόνιον371U08 - Memnonion'Above this (city) lies Abydos, where is the Memnoneion, a royal building, which is a remarkable structure built of solid stone, and of the same workmanship as that which I ascribed to the Labyrinthos, though not multiplex; and also a fountain (krene) which lies at a great depth, so that one descends to it down vaulted galleries made of monoliths of surpassing size and workmanship.'
41860 1212 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 42 [f] (C 813)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸν Λαβύρινθονὁ Λαβύρινθος37100a - Labyrinthos'Above this (city) lies Abydos, where is the Memnoneion, a royal building, which is a remarkable structure built of solid stone, and of the same workmanship as that which I ascribed to the Labyrinthos, though not multiplex; and also a fountain (krene) which lies at a great depth, so that one descends to it down vaulted galleries made of monoliths of surpassing size and workmanship. There is a canal leading to the place from the great river; and in the neighbourhood of the canal is a grove of Egyptian acantha, sacred to Apollon.'
41861 576 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 42 [g] (C 813)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμετὰ τὰς Θήβαςαἱ Θῆβαι371U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east)'Abydos appears once to have been a great city, second only to Thebai, but it is now only a small settlement.'
41862 619 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 42 [h] (C 813)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ ... αὔασιςἡ ... αὔασις371Western desert, Oasis Magna - Oasis Magna (El-Kharga)'Opposite Abydos is the first oasis of the above-mentioned three (oases) in Libya; it is a seven day's journey distant from Abydos through a desert; and it is a settlement which abounds in water and in wine, and is sufficiently supplied with other things.'
41863 11811 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 42 [i] (C 813)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐν τῇ Λιβύῃἡ Λιβύη371Libya'opposite Abydos is the first oasis of the above-mentioned three (oases) in Libya'
41864 1384 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 42 [j] (C 813)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekκατὰ τὴν Μοιριδος λίμνηνἡ Μοιριδος λίμνη37100 - Moiris (Birket Qarun)limne'The second oasis is that in the neighbourhood of the Lake of Moiris'
41865 149 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 42 [k] (C 813)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐν ἌμμωνιἌμμων371Western desert, Ammoniake - Ammonos Hieron (Siwa)'and the third (oasis) is that in the neighbourhood of the oracle in Ammon; and these, also, are noteworthy settlements.'
41866 149 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 43 [a] (C 813)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐν ἌμμωνιἌμμων371Western desert, Ammoniake - Ammonos Hieron (Siwa)'Now that I have already said much about Ammon, I wish to add only this: among the ancients both divination in general and oracles were held in greater honour ... and on this account, also, the oracle at Ammon has been almost abandoned, though it was held in honour in earlier times'
41867 3668 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 43 [b] (C 814)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐκ ΠαραιτονίουΠαραιτόνιον371Western coast - Paraitonion (Mersa Matruh)'since he (sc. Alexandros III) had heard that Perseus, as also Herakles, had done so in earlier times; and that he started from Paraitonion, although the south winds had set in, and forced his way'
41868 1344 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 43 [c] (C 814)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekεἰς ΜεμφινΜεμφις371L01 - Memphis'yet at Alexander’s arrival the spring began to flow again and that many oracles were carried by the Milesian ambassadors to Memphis concerning Alexander’s descent from Zeus, ...'
41869 34 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 44 [a] (C 814)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐν δὲ τῇ Ἀβυδῳἡ Ἀβυδος371U08 - Abydos'At Abydos they hold in honour Osiris; and in the temple (hieron) of Osiris neither singer nor flute-player nor harp-player is permitted to begin the rites in honour of the gods, as is the custom in the case of the other gods. After Abydos one comes to Dios Polis he Mikra and to the city Tentyra, ...'
41870 11813 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 44 [b] (C 814)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐν δὲ τῷ ἱερῷ τοῦ Ὀσιριδοςτὸ ἱερὸν τοῦ Ὀσιριδος371U08 - Osirieionhieron'At Abydos they hold in honour Osiris; and in the temple (hieron) of Osiris neither singer nor flute-player nor harp-player is permitted to begin the rites in honour of the gods, as is the custom in the case of the other gods. After Abydos one comes to Dios Polis he Mikra and to the city Tentyra, ...'
239631 34 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 44 [c] (C 814)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμετὰ δὲ τὴν Ἀβυδονἡ Ἀβυδος371U08 - Abydos'At Abydos they hold in honour Osiris; and in the temple (hieron) of Osiris neither singer nor flute-player nor harp-player is permitted to begin the rites in honour of the gods, as is the custom in the case of the other gods. After Abydos one comes to Dios Polis he Mikra and to the city Tentyra, ...'
41871 577 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 44 [d] (C 814)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΔιὸς πόλις ἡ ΜικράΔιὸς πόλις ἡ Μικρά371U07 - Dios Polis (Hiou)polis + gen.'After Abydos one comes to Dios Polis he Mikra and to the city Tentyra, where the people, as compared with the other Egyptians, hold in particular dishonour the crocodile and deem it the most hateful of all animals. ...'
41872 2312 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 44 [e] (C 814)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΤεντυρα πόλιςΤεντυρα371U06 - Tentyris (Dendera)polis (apposition)'After Abydos one comes to Dios Polis he Mikra and to the city Tentyra, where the people, as compared with the other Egyptians, hold in particular dishonour the crocodile and deem it the most hateful of all animals. ...'
41873 2312 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 44 [f] (C 814)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτοὺς ΤεντυρίταςΤεντυρίτης371U06 - Tentyris (Dendera)ethnicon (group)'Some say that, just as there is a kind of natural antipahty between the Psylloi near Kyrenaia and reptiles, so there is between the Tentyritai and crocodiles, ...'
239632 2312 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 44 [g] (C 815)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekοἰ ΤεντυρῖταιΤεντυρίτης371U06 - Tentyris (Dendera)ethnicon (group)'When the crocodiles were brought to Rome for exhibition, they were attended by the Tentyritai; ...'
41874 1159 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 44 [h] (C 815)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekεἰς ΚοπτονΚοπτος371U05 - Koptos (Qift)polis (§ 44)'And then one comes to the Typhonia, as they are called, and to the canal that leads to Koptos, a city common to the Egyptians and the Arabians.'
41875 416 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 45 [a] (C 815)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekκατὰ πόλιν ΒερενίκηνΒερενίκη371Eastern desert - Berenike (Bender el-Kebir)polis (apposition)'Thence one crosses an isthmos, which extends to the Red Sea, near a city Berenike. The city has no harbrour, but on account of the favourable lay of the isthmos has convenient landing-places.
230828 19931 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 45 [b] (C 815)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὴν ὁδὸν ταύτηνἡ ὁδός371Eastern desert - Berenikes Hodoshodos'Thence one crosses an isthmos, which extends to the Red Sea, near a city Berenike. The city has no harbrour, but on account of the favourable lay of the isthmos has convenient landing-places. It is said that Philadelphos was the first person, by means of an army, to cut this road, which is without water, and to build stations, as though for the travels of merchants on camels, and that he did this because the Red Sea was hard to navigate, particularly for those who set sail from its innermost recess. ... Now in earlier times the camel-merchants travelled only by night, looking to the stars for guidance, and, like the mariners, also carried water with them when they travelled; but now they have constructed watering-places, having dug down to a great depth, and, although rain-water is scarce, still they have made cisterns for it. The journey takes six or seven days.'
41876 1159 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 45 [c] (C 815)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekεἰς ΚοπτονΚοπτος371U05 - Koptos (Qift)emporion (§ 45)'So the utility of his plan was shown by experience to be great, and now all the Indian merchandise, as well as the Arabian and such of the Aethiopian as is brought down by the Arabian Gulf, is carried to Koptos, which is the emporion for such cargoes.'
230826 416 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 45 [d] (C 815)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἄπωθεν δὲ τῆς Βερενίκηςἡ Βερενίκη371Eastern desert - Berenike (Bender el-Kebir)'Thence one crosses an isthmos, which extends to the Red Sea, near a city Berenike. ... Not far from Berenike lies Myos Hormos, a city containing the naval station for sailors; and not far distant from Koptos lies Apollonopolis, as it is called, so that on either side there are two cities which form the boundaries of the isthmos. But now it is Koptos and Myos Hormos that have high repute; and people frequent these places.'
41877 3156 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 45 [e] (C 815)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΜυὸς ὍρμοςΜυὸς Ὅρμος371Eastern desert - Myos Hormos (Quseir el-Qadim)hormos + gen.'Thence one crosses an isthmos, which extends to the Red Sea, near a city Berenike. ... Not far from Berenike lies Myos Hormos, a city containing the naval station for sailors; and not far distant from Koptos lies Apollonopolis, as it is called, so that on either side there are two cities which form the boundaries of the isthmos. But now it is Koptos and Myos Hormos that have high repute; and people frequent these places.'
230827 1159 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 45 [f] (C 815)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτῆς Κοπτουἡ Κοπτος371U05 - Koptos (Qift)'Thence one crosses an isthmos, which extends to the Red Sea, near a city Berenike. ... Not far from Berenike lies Myos Hormos, a city containing the naval station for sailors; and not far distant from Koptos lies Apollonopolis, as it is called, so that on either side there are two cities which form the boundaries of the isthmos. But now it is Koptos and Myos Hormos that have high repute; and people frequent these places.'
41878 270 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 45 [g] (C 815)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ καλουμένη Ἀπόλλωνος πόλιςἡ καλουμένη Ἀπόλλωνος πόλις371U05 - Apollonopolis (Qus)polis + gen.'Thence one crosses an isthmos, which extends to the Red Sea, near a city Berenike. ... Not far from Berenike lies Myos Hormos, a city containing the naval station for sailors; and not far distant from Koptos lies Apollonopolis, as it is called, so that on either side there are two cities which form the boundaries of the isthmos. But now it is Koptos and Myos Hormos that have high repute; and people frequent these places.'
230829 1159 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 45 [h] (C 815)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ Κοπτοςἡ Κοπτος371U05 - Koptos (Qift)'Thence one crosses an isthmos, which extends to the Red Sea, near a city Berenike. ... Not far from Berenike lies Myos Hormos, a city containing the naval station for sailors; and not far distant from Koptos lies Apollonopolis, as it is called, so that on either side there are two cities which form the boundaries of the isthmos. But now it is Koptos and Myos Hormos that have high repute; and people frequent these places.'
230830 3156 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 45 [i] (C 815)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὁ Μυὸς Ὅρμοςὁ Μυὸς Ὅρμος371Eastern desert - Myos Hormos (Quseir el-Qadim)hormos + gen.'Thence one crosses an isthmos, which extends to the Red Sea, near a city Berenike. ... Not far from Berenike lies Myos Hormos, a city containing the naval station for sailors; and not far distant from Koptos lies Apollonopolis, as it is called, so that on either side there are two cities which form the boundaries of the isthmos. But now it is Koptos and Myos Hormos that have high repute; and people frequent these places.'
41879 270 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 46 [a] (C 815)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμετὰ τὴν Ἀπόλλωνος πόλινἡ Ἀπόλλωνος πόλις371U05 - Apollonopolis (Qus)polis + gen.'After Apollonospolis one comes to Thebai (now called Dios Polis), “Thebai of the hundred gates, whence sally forth two hundred men through each with horses and chariots.” So Homeros; and he speaks also of its wealth, “even all the revenue of Egyptian Thebai, where lies in treasure-houses the greatest wealth.” And others also say things of this kind, making this city the metropolis of Egypt.'
41880 576 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 46 [b] (C 815-816)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekαἱ Θῆβαιαἱ Θῆβαι371U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east)'After Apollonospolis one comes to Thebai (now called Dios Polis), “Thebai of the hundred gates, whence sally forth two hundred men through each with horses and chariots.” So Homeros; and he speaks also of its wealth, “even all the revenue of Egyptian Thebai, where lies in treasure-houses the greatest wealth.” And others also say things of this kind, making this city the metropolis of Egypt.'
116053 576 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 46 [c] (C 815-816)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΔιὸς πόλιςΔιὸς πόλις371U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east)polis + gen.'After Apollonospolis one comes to Thebai (now called Dios Polis), “Thebai of the hundred gates, whence sally forth two hundred men through each with horses and chariots.” So Homeros; and he speaks also of its wealth, “even all the revenue of Egyptian Thebai, where lies in treasure-houses the greatest wealth.” And others also say things of this kind, making this city the metropolis of Egypt.'
41883 10930 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 46 [d] (C 816)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐν τῇ Ἀραβίᾳἡ Ἀραβία371Arabia'and now (Thebai) is only a collection of villages, a part of it being in Arabia, where was the city, and a part on the far side of the river, where was the Memnonion.'
41884 1341 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 46 [e] (C 816)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸ Μεμνόνιοντὸ Μεμνόνιον371U04b - Memnoneia - Djeme (Thebes west)'and now (Thebai) is only a collection of villages, a part of it being in Arabia, where was the city, and a part on the far side of the river, where was the Memnonion.'
41885 576 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 47 [a] (C 817)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμετὰ δὲ ΘήβαςΘῆβαι371U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east)'After Thebai lies Hermonthis, a city where both Apollon and Zeus are worshipped; and there, too, a bull is kept. '
41886 812 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 47 [b] (C 817)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἙρμωνθις πόλιςἙρμωνθις371U04a - Hermonthis (Armant)polis (apposition)'After Thebai lies Hermonthis, a city where both Apollon and Zeus are worshipped; and there, too, a bull is kept. '
41887 1183 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 47 [c] (C 817)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΚροκοδείλων πόλιςΚροκοδείλων πόλις371U04a - Krokodilopolispolis + gen.'Then Krokodilopolis, which holds in honour that animal. Then Aphroditopolis, and, after this, Latopolis, which holds in honour Athena and the latos fish; then Eileithyiopolis and a temple; and on the far side (of the river) lies Hierakopolis, which holds the hawk in honour; then Apollonopolis, which also carries on war against the crocodiles.'
37549 1628 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 47 [d] (C 817)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἈφροδίτης πόλιςἈφροδίτης πόλις371U04a - Pathyris (Gebelein)polis + gen.'Then Krokodilopolis, which holds in honour that animal. Then Aphroditopolis, and, after this, Latopolis, which holds in honour Athena and the latos fish; then Eileithyiopolis and a temple; and on the far side (of the river) lies Hierakopolis, which holds the hawk in honour; then Apollonopolis, which also carries on war against the crocodiles.'
41888 1227 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 47 [e] (C 817)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΛατόπολιςΛατόπολις371U03 - Latopolis (Esna)polis + gen.'Then Krokodilopolis, which holds in honour that animal. Then Aphroditopolis, and, after this, Latopolis, which holds in honour Athena and the latos fish; then Eileithyiopolis and a temple; and on the far side (of the river) lies Hierakopolis, which holds the hawk in honour; then Apollonopolis, which also carries on war against the crocodiles.'
41889 611 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 47 [f] (C 817)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΕἰλειθυίας πόλιςΕἰλειθυίας πόλις371U03 - Eileithyiopolis (El-Kab)polis + gen.'Then Krokodilopolis, which holds in honour that animal. Then Aphroditopolis, and, after this, Latopolis, which holds in honour Athena and the latos fish; then Eileithyiopolis and a temple; and on the far side (of the river) lies Hierakopolis, which holds the hawk in honour; then Apollonopolis, which also carries on war against the crocodiles.'
41890 848 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 47 [g] (C 817)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἹεράκων πόλιςἹεράκων πόλις371U03 - Hierakopolis (Kom el-Ahmar)polis + gen.'Then Krokodilopolis, which holds in honour that animal. Then Aphroditopolis, and, after this, Latopolis, which holds in honour Athena and the latos fish; then Eileithyiopolis and a temple; and on the far side (of the river) lies Hierakopolis, which holds the hawk in honour; then Apollonopolis, which also carries on war against the crocodiles.'
41891 269 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 47 [h] (C 817)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἈπόλλωνος πόλιςἈπόλλωνος πόλις371U02 - Apollonopolis (Edfu)polis + gen.'Then Krokodilopolis, which holds in honour that animal. Then Aphroditopolis, and, after this, Latopolis, which holds in honour Athena and the latos fish; then Eileithyiopolis and a temple; and on the far side (of the river) lies Hierakopolis, which holds the hawk in honour; then Apollonopolis, which also carries on war against the crocodiles.'
41892 2207 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 48 [a] (C 817)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ δὲ Συηνηἡ ... Συηνη371U01 - Syene (Assuan)polis (§ 48)'As for Syene and Elephantine, the former is a city on the borders of Aethiopia and Egypt, and the latter is an island in the Nile, being situated in front of Syene at a distance of half a stadion, and a city therein which has a temple of Knouphis and, like Memphis, a nilometer.'
41893 621 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 48 [b] (C 817)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἡ Ἐλεφαντίνηἡ Ἐλεφαντίνη371U01 - Elephantine (Geziret Assuan)nesos (§ 48); polis (§ 48)'As for Syene and Elephantine, the former is a city on the borders of Aethiopia and Egypt, and the latter is an island in the Nile, being situated in front of Syene at a distance of half a stadion, and a city therein which has a temple of Knouphis and, like Memphis, a nilometer.'
41894 11778 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 48 [c] (C 817)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἱερὸν Κνουφιδοςἱερὸν Κνουφιδος371U01 - Chnoubieionhieron'As for Syene and Elephantine, the former is a city on the borders of Aethiopia and Egypt, and the latter is an island in the Nile, being situated in front of Syene at a distance of half a stadion, and a city therein which has a temple of Knouphis and, like Memphis, a nilometer.'
41895 1344 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 48 [d] (C 817)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΜεμφιςΜεμφις371L01 - Memphis'As for Syene and Elephantine, the former is a city on the borders of Aethiopia and Egypt, and the latter is an island in the Nile, being situated in front of Syene at a distance of half a stadion, and a city therein which has a temple of Knouphis and, like Memphis, a nilometer.'
41896 621 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 49 [a] (C 817-818)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὑπὲρ τῆς Ἐλεφαντίνηςἡ Ἐλεφαντίνη371U01 - Elephantine (Geziret Assuan)'A little above Elephantine is the little cataract, on which the boatmen exhibit a kind of spectacle for the praefecti for the cataract is at the middle of the river, and is a brow of rock, as it were, which is flat on top, so that it receives the river, but ends in a precipice, down which the water dashes'
41897 4808 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 49 [b] (C 817-818)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὁ Μικρός Καταράκτηςὁ Μικρός Καταράκτης371U01 - Katarraktes Mikros'A little above Elephantine is the little cataract, on which the boatmen exhibit a kind of spectacle for the praefecti for the cataract is at the middle of the river, and is a brow of rock, as it were, which is flat on top, so that it receives the river, but ends in a precipice, down which the water dashes'
41898 1767 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 49 [c] (C 818)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὰς Φιλαςαἱ Φιλαι371U01 - Philai'A little above the cataract lies Philai, a common settlement of Aethiopians and Egyptians, which is built like Elephantine and is equal to it in size; and it has Egyptian temples.
41899 1767 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 50 [a] (C 818)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekεἰς ΦιλαςΦιλαι371U01 - Philai
41900 2207 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 50 [b] (C 818)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἑκ ΣυηνηςΣυηνη371U01 - Syene (Assuan)
41901 100 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 51 [a] (C 818)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπερὶ τὴν Ἀλεξάνδρειανἡ Ἀλεξάνδρεια371L00 - Alexandria
41902 2982 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 51 [b] (C 818)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐν τῇ Θηβαίδιἡ Θηβαίς371U - Thebais
41903 2982 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 51 [c] (C 818)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΘηβαικόςΘηβαικός371U - Thebaisadjective'there are two kinds in the Thebais as well as in Iudaea, both the caryotic and the other; and the Thebaic date is harder, but more agreeable to the taste'
41904 2207 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 52 [a] (C 819)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπρὸς τῇ Συηνῃἡ Συηνη371U01 - Syene (Assuan)
41905 621 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 52 [b] (C 819)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπρὸς ... τῇ Ἐλεφαντίνῃἡ Ἐλεφαντίνη371U01 - Elephantine (Geziret Assuan)
41906 2481 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 53 [a] (C 819)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΤρωγλοδύταιΤρωγλοδύτης371Eastern desert - Trogodytikeethnicon (group)'Now Egypt was generally inclined to peace from the outset, because of the self-sufficiency of the country and of the difficulty of invasion by outsiders, being protected on the north by a harbourless coast and by the Egyptian Sea, and on the east and west by the desert mountains of Libya and Arabia, as I have said; and the remaining parts, those towards the south, are inhabited by Troglodytai, Blemmyes, Noubai and Megabaroi, whose Aethiopians who live above Syene. These are nomads, and not numerous, or warlike either, though they were thought to be so by the ancients, because often, like brigands, they would attack defenceless persons.'
41907 444 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 53 [b] (C 819)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΒλέμμυεςΒλέμμυς371Eastern desert - Blemmyesethnicon (group)'Now Egypt was generally inclined to peace from the outset, because of the self-sufficiency of the country and of the difficulty of invasion by outsiders, being protected on the north by a harbourless coast and by the Egyptian Sea, and on the east and west by the desert mountains of Libya and Arabia, as I have said; and the remaining parts, those towards the south, are inhabited by Troglodytai, Blemmyes, Noubai and Megabaroi, whose Aethiopians who live above Syene. These are nomads, and not numerous, or warlike either, though they were thought to be so by the ancients, because often, like brigands, they would attack defenceless persons.'
41908 11244 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 53 [c] (C 819)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΝοῦβαιΝοῦβαι371Noubaiethnicon (group)'Now Egypt was generally inclined to peace from the outset, because of the self-sufficiency of the country and of the difficulty of invasion by outsiders, being protected on the north by a harbourless coast and by the Egyptian Sea, and on the east and west by the desert mountains of Libya and Arabia, as I have said; and the remaining parts, those towards the south, are inhabited by Troglodytai, Blemmyes, Noubai and Megabaroi, whose Aethiopians who live above Syene. These are nomads, and not numerous, or warlike either, though they were thought to be so by the ancients, because often, like brigands, they would attack defenceless persons.'
41909 1326 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 53 [d] (C 819)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΜεγάβαροιΜεγάβαροι371Megabarroiethnicon (group)'Now Egypt was generally inclined to peace from the outset, because of the self-sufficiency of the country and of the difficulty of invasion by outsiders, being protected on the north by a harbourless coast and by the Egyptian Sea, and on the east and west by the desert mountains of Libya and Arabia, as I have said; and the remaining parts, those towards the south, are inhabited by Troglodytai, Blemmyes, Noubai and Megabaroi, whose Aethiopians who live above Syene. These are nomads, and not numerous, or warlike either, though they were thought to be so by the ancients, because often, like brigands, they would attack defenceless persons.'
41910 2207 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 53 [e] (C 819)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὑπὲρ ΣυηνηςΣυηνη371U01 - Syene (Assuan)'Now Egypt was generally inclined to peace from the outset, because of the self-sufficiency of the country and of the difficulty of invasion by outsiders, being protected on the north by a harbourless coast and by the Egyptian Sea, and on the east and west by the desert mountains of Libya and Arabia, as I have said; and the remaining parts, those towards the south, are inhabited by Troglodytai, Blemmyes, Noubai and Megabaroi, whose Aethiopians who live above Syene. These are nomads, and not numerous, or warlike either, though they were thought to be so by the ancients, because often, like brigands, they would attack defenceless persons.'
41911 51 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 53 [f] (C 819)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekοἱ ... ΑἰθίοπεςΑἰθίοψ371Aethiopia - Aethiopiaethnicon (group)
41912 3460 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 53 [g] (C 819)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπρὸς ... ΜεροηνΜεροη371Meroe (Begrawiya)
41913 829 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 53 [h] (C 819)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὴν τὲ Ἡρώων πόλινἡ ... Ἡρώων πόλις371L08 - Heroopolispolis + gen.
41914 2982 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 53 [i] (C 819)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐν τῇ Θηβαίδιἡ Θηβαίς371U - Thebais
41915 100 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 53 [j] (C 819)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἈλεξανδρέωνἈλεξανδρεύς371L00 - Alexandriaethnicon (group)
41916 2982 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 54 [a] (C 820)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτῇ Θηβαίδιἡ Θηβαίς371U - Thebais
41917 2207 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 54 [b] (C 820)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekκατὰ ΣυηνηνΣυηνη371U01 - Syene (Assuan)
41918 621 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 54 [c] (C 820)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτῆν Ἐλεφαντίνηνἡ Ἐλεφαντίνη371U01 - Elephantine (Geziret Assuan)
41919 1767 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 54 [d] (C 820)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΦιλαςΦιλαι371U01 - Philai
41920 1949 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 54 [e] (C 820)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekεἰς ΨελχινΨελχις371Aethiopia - Pselkis (El-Dakka)Aethiopiapolis (§ 54)
41921 100 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 54 [f] (C 820)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekεἰς ἈλεξάνδρειανἈλεξάνδρεια371L00 - Alexandria
41922 1916 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 54 [g] (C 820)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekεἰς ΠρημνινΠρημνις371Aethiopia - Primis (Qasr Ibrim)polis (§ 54)
41923 3453 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 1, 54 [h] (C 820)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐπὶ ΝαπατωνΝαπατα371Napata (Gebel Barkal)
230841 2481 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 3, 07 (C 828)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΤρωγλοδυτικῶςΤρωγλοδυτικός371Eastern desert - Trogodytikeadverb'Some of them are said to live like Trogodytai, digging homes in the earth.'
239777 1201 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 3, 22 [a] (C 837)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΚυρηναῖοςΚυρηναῖος371Cyrenaica - Kyrene (Shahhat)ethnicon'Kallimachos, also, was a Kyrenaios, and Eratosthenes, both of whom were held in honour by the Egyptian kings, ...'
41576 8038 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 3, 22 [b] (C 838)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἄκρα ΧερρόνησοςΧερρόνησος371Marmarica - Chersonesos Megale (Ras el-Tin)akra
41931 3668 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 3, 22 [c] (C 838)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμέχρι ΠαραιτονίουΠαραιτόνιον371Western coast - Paraitonion (Mersa Matruh)
41932 100 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 3, 22 [d] (C 838)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekεἰς ἈλεξάνδρειανἈλεξάνδρεια371L00 - Alexandria
41933 49 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 3, 22 [e] (C 838)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΑἱγυπτιακοῖςΑἱγυπτιακός371Egyptadjective
41930 8762 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 3, 23 [a] (C 838)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekεἰς ΑὔγιλαΑὔγιλα371Africa - Augila (Aujelah)topos'Now it is said that persons going on feet from the recess of the Great Syrtis, from about the neighbourhood of Automala, approximately in the direction of winter sunrise, arrive at Augila on the fourth day. This region (topos) resembles Ammon, being productive of palm trees and also well supplied with water. It lies above Kyrenaia to the south, ...'
41935 149 Strabon, Geographia, 17, 3, 23 [b] (C 838)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτῷ Ἄμμωνιὁ Ἄμμων371Western desert, Ammoniake - Ammonos Hieron (Siwa)'Now it is said that persons going on feet ... arrive at Augila on the fourth day. This region (topos) resembles Ammon, being productive of palm trees and also well supplied with water.'
41431 1662 Strabon, Geographia, 2, 1, 31 [a] (C 85)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμέχρι ... ΠηλουσίουΠηλούσιον371L14? - Pelousion (Tell el-Farama)
41432 4356 Strabon, Geographia, 2, 1, 31 [b] (C 85)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμέχρι ... τοῦ Κανωβικοῦ στόματοςτὸ Κανωβικὸν στόμα371L03? - Kanobikon Stomastoma + adj. congr.
41433 829 Strabon, Geographia, 2, 1, 33 [a] (C 85)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekδιὰ ... Ἡρώων πόλεωςἩρώων πόλις371L08 - Heroopolispolis + gen.
41436 1001 Strabon, Geographia, 2, 1, 33 [b] (C 85)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπερὶ ΚάνωβονΚάνωβος371L03? - Kanopos (Abuqir)
41435 100 Strabon, Geographia, 2, 1, 33 [c] (C 85)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπερὶ ... ἈλεξάνδρειανἈλεξάνδρεια371L00 - Alexandria
41437 4356 Strabon, Geographia, 2, 1, 33 [d] (C 85)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸ ... στόμα τὸ καλούμενον Κανωβικόν τε καὶ Ἡρακλεωτικόντὸ ... στόμα τὸ καλούμενον Κανωβικόν τε καὶ Ἡρακλεωτικόν371L03? - Kanobikon Stomastoma + adj. congr.
44109 4356 Strabon, Geographia, 2, 1, 33 [e] (C 85)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸ ... στόμα τὸ καλούμενον Κανωβικόν τε καὶ Ἡρακλεωτικόντὸ ... στόμα τὸ καλούμενον Κανωβικόν τε καὶ Ἡρακλεωτικόν371L03? - Kanobikon Stomastoma + adj. congr.
41439 1662 Strabon, Geographia, 2, 1, 36 (C 88-89)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἀπὸ ΠηλουσίουΠηλούσιον371L14? - Pelousion (Tell el-Farama)
41440 4356 Strabon, Geographia, 2, 1, 39 (C 91)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekδιὰ τοῦ Κανωβικοῦ στόματοςτὸ Κανωβικὸν στόμα371L03? - Kanobikon Stomastoma + adj. congr.
240101 1208 Strabon, Geographia, 2, 3, 4 (C 98)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΚυζικηνόνΚυζικηνός371Mysia - Kyzikos (Belkiz Kale)ethnicon'he tells the story of a certain Eudoxos Kyzikenos, a sacred amabassador and peace herald at the festival of Persephone'
230408 100 Strabon, Geographia, 2, 5, 12 [a] (C 118)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐκ τῆς Ἀλεξανδρείαςἡ Ἀλεξάνδρεια371L00 - Alexandria'since the merchants from Alexandria are already sailing with floots by way of the Nile and of the Arabian Gulf as far as India, these regions also have become far better known to us of to-day than to our predecessors.'
230409 3943 Strabon, Geographia, 2, 5, 12 [b] (C 118)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekδιὰ τοῦ Νείλουὁ Νεῖλος371Nile'since the merchants from Alexandria are already sailing with floots by way of the Nile and of the Arabian Gulf as far as India, these regions also have become far better known to us of to-day than to our predecessors.'
230410 3632 Strabon, Geographia, 2, 5, 12 [c] (C 118)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekδιὰ ... τοῦ Ἀραβίου κόλπουὁ Ἀράβιος κόλπος371Red Seakolpos'since the merchants from Alexandria are already sailing with floots by way of the Nile and of the Arabian Gulf as far as India, these regions also have become far better known to us of to-day than to our predecessors.'
230411 11202 Strabon, Geographia, 2, 5, 12 [d] (C 118)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμέχρι τῆς Ἰνδικῆςἡ Ἰνδική371Indikon Pelagos(thalassa) + adj. congr.'since the merchants from Alexandria are already sailing with floots by way of the Nile and of the Arabian Gulf as far as India, these regions also have become far better known to us of to-day than to our predecessors.'
230412 49 Strabon, Geographia, 2, 5, 12 [e] (C 118)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτῆς Αἰγύπτουἡ Αἴγυπτος371Egypt'At any rate, when Gallus was praefectus of Egypt, I accompanietd him and ascended the Nile as far as Syene and the frontiers of Aethiopia, and I learned that as many as one hundred and twenty vessels were sailing from Myos Hormos to India, whereas formerly, under the Ptolemaeic kings, only a very few ventured to undertake the voyage and to carry on traffic in Indian merchandise.'
230413 2207 Strabon, Geographia, 2, 5, 12 [f] (C 118)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμέχρι ΣυηνηςΣυηνη371U01 - Syene (Assuan)'At any rate, when Gallus was praefectus of Egypt, I accompanietd him and ascended the Nile as far as Syene and the frontiers of Aethiopia, and I learned that as many as one hundred and twenty vessels were sailing from Myos Hormos to India, whereas formerly, under the Ptolemaeic kings, only a very few ventured to undertake the voyage and to carry on traffic in Indian merchandise.'
230414 51 Strabon, Geographia, 2, 5, 12 [g] (C 118)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΑἰθιοπικῶνΑἰθιοπικός371Aethiopia - Aethiopiaadjective'At any rate, when Gallus was praefectus of Egypt, I accompanietd him and ascended the Nile as far as Syene and the frontiers of Aethiopia, and I learned that as many as one hundred and twenty vessels were sailing from Myos Hormos to India, whereas formerly, under the Ptolemaeic kings, only a very few ventured to undertake the voyage and to carry on traffic in Indian merchandise.'
230415 3156 Strabon, Geographia, 2, 5, 12 [h] (C 118)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekἐκ Μυὸς ὍρμουΜυὸς Ὅρμος371Eastern desert - Myos Hormos (Quseir el-Qadim)hormos + gen.'At any rate, when Gallus was praefectus of Egypt, I accompanietd him and ascended the Nile as far as Syene and the frontiers of Aethiopia, and I learned that as many as one hundred and twenty vessels were sailing from Myos Hormos to India, whereas formerly, under the Ptolemaeic kings, only a very few ventured to undertake the voyage and to carry on traffic in Indian merchandise.'
230416 11202 Strabon, Geographia, 2, 5, 12 [i] (C 118)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπρὸς τῆν Ἰνδικήνἡ Ἰνδική371Indikon Pelagos(thalassa) + adj. congr.'At any rate, when Gallus was praefectus of Egypt, I accompanietd him and ascended the Nile as far as Syene and the frontiers of Aethiopia, and I learned that as many as one hundred and twenty vessels were sailing from Myos Hormos to India, whereas formerly, under the Ptolemaeic kings, only a very few ventured to undertake the voyage and to carry on traffic in Indian merchandise.'
230417 903 Strabon, Geographia, 2, 5, 12 [j] (C 118)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἸνδικόνἸνδικός371India - Indiaadjective'At any rate, when Gallus was praefectus of Egypt, I accompanietd him and ascended the Nile as far as Syene and the frontiers of Aethiopia, and I learned that as many as one hundred and twenty vessels were sailing from Myos Hormos to India, whereas formerly, under the Ptolemaeic kings, only a very few ventured to undertake the voyage and to carry on traffic in Indian merchandise.'
230831 2481 Strabon, Geographia, 2, 5, 33 [a] (C 131)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekδιά τε ... τῆς τε Τρωγλοδυτικῆςἡ ... Τρωγλοδυτική371Eastern desert - Trogodytike(ge) + adj. congr.'and the same is also true of the straight prolongation of this region through Aethiopia, the Trogodytike, Arabia, and Gedrosia, where the Ichthyophagoi live.'
230832 41661 Strabon, Geographia, 2, 5, 33 [b] (C 131)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτῶν ἸχθυοφάγωνἸχθυοφάγοι371Gedrosia - Ichthyophagoiethnicon (group)'and the same is also true of the straight prolongation of this region through Aethiopia, the Trogodytike, Arabia, and Gedrosia, where the Ichthyophagoi live.'
41523 1752 Strabon, Geographia, 3, 1, 9 (C 140)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekὁ Φάροςὁ Φάρος371L00 - Pharos
229549 25886 Strabon, Geographia, 3, 3, 1 (C 152)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὴν Ὀλυσιπῶναἡ Ὀλυοσίπων371Hispania - Olisipo (Lisboa)'And, to command the bar of the river, he (sc. consul Decimus Iunius Brutus Callaicus) fortified Olisipo, in order that the voyages inland and the importation of provisions might be unimpeded; so that among the cities (poleis) about the Tagus these are strongest.'
220130 20704 Strabon, Geographia, 4, 1, 14 (C 189)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekεἰς ἈρουέρνουςἈρούερνος371Gallia - Arverniethnicon (group)'that is, all the traffic that is conveyed to the Arverni and the Liger river'
220244 20724 Strabon, Geographia, 4, 2, 1 (C 190)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekμεταξὺ ... ΝαμνιτῶνΝαμνίτης371Gallia - Namnetesethnicon (group)'The Liger, however, discharges its waters between the Pictones and the Namnitai.'
220128 20704 Strabon, Geographia, 4, 2, 2 [a] (C 190)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἈρουέρνοιςἈρούερνος371Gallia - Arverniethnicon (group)'and then, after them, the Vellavii, who were once included within the boundaries of the Arverni, though they are now ranked as autonomous; then the Arverni, the Lemovices, and the Petrocorii; ...'
220129 20704 Strabon, Geographia, 4, 2, 2 [b] (C 190)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἈρούερνοιἈρούερνος371Gallia - Arverniethnicon (group)'and then, after them, the Vellavii, who were once included within the boundaries of the Arverni, though they are now ranked as autonomous; then the Arverni, the Lemovices, and the Petrocorii; ...'
220131 20704 Strabon, Geographia, 4, 2, 3 [a] (C 191)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἈρούερνοιἈρούερνος371Gallia - Arverniethnicon (group)'The Arverni are situated on the Liger; their metropolis is Nemossos, a city situated on the Liger.
220132 22956 Strabon, Geographia, 4, 2, 3 [b] (C 191)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΝεμωσσόςΝεμωσσός371Gallia - Augustonemetum (Clermont-Ferrand)metropolis (§ 3)'The Arverni are situated on the Liger; their metropolis is Nemossos, a city situated on the Liger.
220034 3277 Strabon, Geographia, 4, 2, 3 [c] (C 191)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekπαρὰ ΚήναβονΚήναβον371Gallia - Cenabum (Orléans)emporion (§ 3)'... the Liger. This river, after flowing past Cenabum (the emporion of the Carnutes at about the middle of the voyage, an emporion that is jointly peopled), discharges its waters towards the ocean.'
220033 19889 Strabon, Geographia, 4, 2, 3 [d] (C 191)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτῶν ΚαρνούτωνΚαρνούτης371Gallia - Carnutesethnicon (group)'... the Liger. This river, after flowing past Cenabum (the emporion of the Carnutes at about the middle of the voyage, an emporion that is jointly peopled), discharges its waters towards the ocean.'
242153 20704 Strabon, Geographia, 4, 2, 3 [e] (C 191)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἈρούερνοιἈρούερνος371Gallia - Arverniethnicon (group)'As for their former power, (the) Arverni hold out as a great proof thereof the fact that they oftentimes warred against the Romans, ...'
220133 20704 Strabon, Geographia, 4, 2, 3 [f] (C 191)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτῶν ἈρουέρνωνἈρούερνος371Gallia - Arverniethnicon (group)'Now the struggles against Caesar took place near Gergovia (a city of the Arverni, situated on a high mountain), where Vercingetorix was born, and also near Alesia (a city of the Mandubii - a tribe which has a common boundary with the Arverni - ...'
220134 20704 Strabon, Geographia, 4, 2, 3 [g] (C 191)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτοῖς ἈρουέρνοιςἈρούερνος371Gallia - Arverniethnicon (group)'Now the struggles against Caesar took place near Gergovia (a city of the Arverni, situated on a high mountain), where Vercingetorix was born, and also near Alesia (a city of the Mandubii - a tribe which has a common boundary with the Arverni - ...'
220135 20704 Strabon, Geographia, 4, 2, 3 [h] (C 191)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekοἱ ἈρούερνοιἈρούερνος371Gallia - Arverniethnicon (group)'Again, the Arverni not only had extended their empire as far as Narbo and the boundaries of Massiliotis, but they were also masters of the tribes as far as the Pyrenees, and as far as the ocean and the Rhenus.'
231721 44990 Strabon, Geographia, 4, 3, 3 (C 193)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸ ναυπήγιοντὸ ναυπήγιον371Gallia - Portus Itiusnaupegion'... Here, too, the Deified Caesar established his navy-yard (naupegion) when he sailed to Britannia.'
231643 24745 Strabon, Geographia, 4, 3, 4 [a] (C 193)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΛεῦκοιΛεύκος371Gallia - Leuciethnicon (group)'So it is beyond the Helvetii and the Sequani, towards the west, that the Aedui and the Lingones dwell; and beyond the Mediomatrici, that the Leuci and a part of the Lingones dwell.'
220136 20704 Strabon, Geographia, 4, 3, 4 [b] (C 193)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτῶν ἈρουέρνωνἈρούερνος371Gallia - Arverniethnicon (group)'and of these tribes the most conspicuous are those of the Arverni and the Carnutes, through both of whose territories the Liger runs on its way out to the ocean.'
220035 19889 Strabon, Geographia, 4, 3, 4 [c] (C 193)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτῶν ΚαρνούτωνΚαρνούτης371Gallia - Carnutesethnicon (group)'and of these tribes the most conspicuous are those of the Arverni and the Carnutes, through both of whose territories the Liger runs on its way out to the ocean.'
243873 42899 Strabon, Geographia, 4, 3, 4 [d] (C 194)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΟὔβιοιΟὔβιος371Gallia - Ubiiethnicon (group)'The Ubii used to live opposite this region, across the Rhenus, though by their own consent they were transferred by Agrippa to the country this side the Rhenus.'
238421 19953 Strabon, Geographia, 4, 3, 4 [e] (C 194)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΜενάπιοιΜενάπιος371Gallia - Menapiiethnicon (group)'Next after the Treveri are the Nervii, who are also a Germanic tribe. Last come the Menapii, who dwell on both sides of the river (sc. the Rhenus) near its mouths, in marches and woods (not of tall timber, but dense and thorny). It is opposite to these that the Sugambri are situated, a Germanic people.'
231629 20703 Strabon, Geographia, 4, 3, 5 [a] (C 194)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἈτρεβάτιοιἈτρεβάτιος371Gallia - Atrebatesethnicon (group)'West of the Treveri and the Nervii dwell the Senones and the Remi, and farther on, the Atrebates and the Eburones; and after the Menapii, on the sea, are, in their order, the Morini, the Bellovaci, the Ambiani, the Suessiones, and the Caleti, as far as the outlet of the Sequana river.'
243874 20716 Strabon, Geographia, 4, 3, 5 [b] (C 194)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἘβούρωνεςἘβούρωνες371Gallia - Eburonesethnicon (group)'West of the Treveri and the Nervii dwell the Senones and the Remi, and farther on, the Atrebates and the Eburones; and after the Menapii, on the sea, are, in their order, the Morini, the Bellovaci, the Ambiani, the Suessiones, and the Caleti, as far as the outlet of the Sequana river.'
238920 19953 Strabon, Geographia, 4, 3, 5 [c] (C 194)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτοῖς ΜεναπίοιςΜενάπιος371Gallia - Menapiiethnicon (group)'West of the Treveri and the Nervii dwell the Senones and the Remi, and farther on, the Atrebates and the Eburones; and after the Menapii, on the sea, are, in their order, the Morini, the Bellovaci, the Ambiani, the Suessiones, and the Caleti, as far as the outlet of the Sequana river.'
231630 20734 Strabon, Geographia, 4, 3, 5 [d] (C 194)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΣουεσσίωνεςΣουεσσίων371Gallia - Suessionesethnicon (group)'West of the Treveri and the Nervii dwell the Senones and the Remi, and farther on, the Atrebates and the Eburones; and after the Menapii, on the sea, are, in their order, the Morini, the Bellovaci, the Ambiani, the Suessiones, and the Caleti, as far as the outlet of the Sequana river.'
238921 19953 Strabon, Geographia, 4, 3, 5 [e] (C 194)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτῶν ΜεναπίωνΜενάπιος371Gallia - Menapiiethnicon (group)'Both the country of the Morini and that of the Atrebates and Eburones resemble that of the Menapii; for much of it, though not so much as the historians have said (four thousand stadia), is a forest, consisting of trees that are not tall; the forest is called Arduenna.'
231631 20703 Strabon, Geographia, 4, 3, 5 [f] (C 194)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτῶν ἈτρεβατίωνἈτρεβάτιος371Gallia - Atrebatesethnicon (group)'Both the country of the Morini and that of the Atrebates and Eburones resemble that of the Menapii; for much of it, though not so much as the historians have said (four thousand stadia), is a forest, consisting of trees that are not tall; the forest is called Arduenna.'
243875 20716 Strabon, Geographia, 4, 3, 5 [g] (C 194)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτῶν ... ἘβουρώνωνἘβούρωνες371Gallia - Eburonesethnicon (group)'Both the country of the Morini and that of the Atrebates and Eburones resemble that of the Menapii; for much of it, though not so much as the historians have said (four thousand stadia), is a forest, consisting of trees that are not tall; the forest is called Arduenna.'
243876 53050 Strabon, Geographia, 4, 3, 5 [h] (C 194)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekἈρδουέννανἈρδουέννα371Gallia - Arduenna (Ardennes)ethnicon (group)'Both the country of the Morini and that of the Atrebates and Eburones resemble that of the Menapii; for much of it, though not so much as the historians have said (four thousand stadia), is a forest, consisting of trees that are not tall; the forest is called Arduenna.'
231632 20734 Strabon, Geographia, 4, 4, 3 (C 196)371AD 15 - 23 about?GreekΣουεσσίωναςΣουεσσίων371Gallia - Suessionesethnicon (group)'But of the Belgae themselves, they say, the Bellovaci are bravest, and after them the Suessiones.'
220242 20724 Strabon, Geographia, 4, 4, 6 (C 198)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτῶν ΣαμνιτῶνΣαμνίτης371Gallia - Namnetes (?)ethnicon (group)'In the ocean, he (sc. Poseidonios) says, there is a small island, not very far out to sea, situated off the outlet of the Liger river; and the island is inhabited by the women of the Samnitai, and they are possessed by Dionysos ...'
238423 19953 Strabon, Geographia, 4, 5, 2 (C 200)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτοῖς ΜεναπίοιςΜενάπιος371Gallia - Menapiiethnicon (group)'Their weather (sc. in Britannia) is more rainy than snowy; and on the days of clear sky fog prevails so long a time that throughout a whole day the sun is to be seen for only three or four hours round about midday. And this is the case also among the Morini and the Menapii and all the neighbours of the latter.'
238422 19953 Strabon, Geographia, 4, 5, 2 [a] (C 199)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτοῖς ΜεναπίοιςΜενάπιος371Gallia - Menapiiethnicon (group)'However, the people who put to sea from the regions that are near the Rhenus make the voyage, not from the mouths themselves, but from the coast of those Morini, who have a common boundary with the Menapii.'
231720 44990 Strabon, Geographia, 4, 5, 2 [b] (C 199)371AD 15 - 23 about?Greekτὸ Ἴτιοντὸ Ἴτιον371Gallia - Portus Itiusnaustathmos (§ 2)'... but from the coast of those Morini who have a common boundary with the Menapii. On their coast, also, is Itium, which the Deified Caesar used as a naval station (naustathmos) when he set sail for the island. He put to sea by night and landed on the following day about the fourth hour, thus having completed three hundred and twenty stadia in his voyage across'CIL XIII.1.2, 1904, p. 561