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TM GeoRef id TM Geo id Publication and line TM id TM Authorwork id Date [▲] Provenance Language [▲] Attested Name [▲] Name Standard [▲] TM Geo id Full name Administrative situation Status Detail Biblio Note
45729 49 Epiphanios, De fide, 11, 2 [a] & passim521AD 315 - 403Greekκατὰ τὴν Αἰγυπτίων χώρανἡ Αἰγυπτίων χώρα521Egyptchora + adj. gen. pl.
45728 3081 Epiphanios, De fide, 11, 2 [b]521AD 315 - 403Greekκατὰ τὸν Προσωπίτην καλούμενον νομόνὁ Προσωπίτης καλούμενος νομός521L04 - Prosopitesnomos + adj. congr.
45730 3882 Epiphanios, De fide, 11, 3 [a]521AD 315 - 403Greekπαρὰ τὸν Βουτικόνὁ Βουτικός521L - Boutikos Potamos(potamos) + adj. congr.
45731 3685 Epiphanios, De fide, 11, 3 [b]521AD 315 - 403Greekπαρὰ ... αὐτὴν τὴν Βουτω τὴν πολίχνηνἡ Βουτω521L06 - Bouto (Tell el-Fara'un)polichne (apposition)
45732 1344 Epiphanios, De fide, 12, 1 [a]521AD 315 - 403Greekτὰς ΜεμφίτιδαςΜεμφῖτις521L01 - Memphisethnicon (group)
45733 761 Epiphanios, De fide, 12, 1 [b]521AD 315 - 403Greekτὰς ... ἩλιουπολίτιδαςἩλιουπολῖτις521L13 - Heliopolis (Tell Hisn)ethnicon (group)
45734 3731 Epiphanios, De fide, 12, 1 [c]521AD 315 - 403Greekἐπὶ τῆς Βαθείαςἡ Βαθεῖα521L - Batheia
45735 1358 Epiphanios, De fide, 12, 1 [d]521AD 315 - 403Greekἐν ΜενουθιτιδοςΜενουθιτις521L03? - Menouthis
45736 2072 Epiphanios, De fide, 12, 3 [a]521AD 315 - 403Greekἐν ΣαιΣαις521L05 - Sais (Sa el-Hagar)
45737 1662 Epiphanios, De fide, 12, 3 [b]521AD 315 - 403Greekἐν ΠηλουσίῳΠηλούσιον521L14? - Pelousion (Tell el-Farama)
45738 462 Epiphanios, De fide, 12, 3 [c]521AD 315 - 403Greekἐν ΒουβαστῳΒουβαστος521L18 - Boubastos (Tell Basta)
45739 34 Epiphanios, De fide, 12, 3 [d]521AD 315 - 403Greekἐν Ἀβυδῃ (sic)Ἀβυδη521U08 - Abydos
45740 2774 Epiphanios, De fide, 12, 3 [e]521AD 315 - 403Greekτά τε τοῦ Ἀντινόου τεμένητά τε τοῦ Ἀντινόου τεμένη521U15 - Antinoopolis (El-Sheikh Ibada)temene'the temene of the (god) Antinoos, and the mysteria there'
45741 1751 Epiphanios, De fide, 12, 3 [f]521AD 315 - 403Greekἐν ΦαρβητῳΦαρβητος521L19? - Pharbaithos (Horbeit)
45742 3090 Epiphanios, De fide, 12, 3 [g]521AD 315 - 403Greekτοῦ Μενδησίουὁ Μενδήσιος521L16 - Mendesios(nomos) + adj. congr.
45743 469 Epiphanios, De fide, 12, 3 [h]521AD 315 - 403Greekἐν ΒουσιριΒουσιρις521L09 - Bousiris (Abusir)
45744 2104 Epiphanios, De fide, 12, 3 [i]521AD 315 - 403Greekἐν ΣεβεννυτῳΣεβεννυτος521L12 - Sebennytos (Samanud)
45745 576 Epiphanios, De fide, 12, 3 [j]521AD 315 - 403Greekἐν Διὸς πόλειΔιὸς πόλις521U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east)polis + gen.