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Trismegistos' information is at least originally based upon that available in a variety of partner projects and institutions. Some of these were set up as part of TM from the beginning and have now been fully integrated: they do not appear in the list below. Most partners have their own website, and we link out to them. Some provide updates of their information on a regular, usually yearly basis; most just send us their new records to unambiguously identify them through the unique TM-identification number, e.g. TM 4523. With others Trismegistos has no formal cooperation as yet, but we hope to remedy this in the future. We see the spread of our TM identifiers as a step towards Linked Data, and hope that one day projects will be able to exchange information through APIs (see our section on Data Services).

The following is a list of partners in the alphabetical order of their abbreviations, including both university-based projects with their specific chronological, geographical, linguistical, or thematical limitations, and collection-based projects focusing on texts preserved in a specific place. Click on the icon to connect to the database.

4th century Christian Archaeological Record of Egypt / Deconstructing Early Christian Metanarratives (4CARE/DEChriM)
Number of links in TM Texts: 1338

Achemenet. L'empire perse achéménide (Achemenet)
Number of links in TM Texts: 460

Adopia. Atalas Digital Onomastique de la Péninsule Ibérique Antique (Adopia)
Number of links in TM Texts: 0
Number of links in TM People: 6226 (name variants)

Alexandrian Documents from the Reign of Augustus (ADRA)
Number of links in TM Texts: 121

Associations in the Graeco-Roman World (AGRW)
Number of links in TM Texts: 198

Attic Inscriptions Online (AIO)
Number of links in TM Texts: 2043

Altägyptische Kursivschriften (AKU)
Number of links in TM Texts: 0

Aphrodisias in Late Antiquity (online 2004) (ala2004)
Number of links in TM Texts: 275

AMS Hostorica. Collezione digitale di opere storiche (AMS Historica (Bologna))
Number of links in TM Texts: 9

Anglo-Saxons.net (Anglo-Saxons.net)
Number of links in TM Texts: 6

The Arabic Papyrology Database (APD)
Number of links in TM Texts: 2402

The Ashmolean Latin Inscriptions Project (AshmLatInscr)
Number of links in TM Texts: 283

Attalus (Attalus)
Number of links in TM Texts: 1360

Banque de données des textes coptes documentaires / Brussels Coptic Database (BCD)
Number of links in TM Texts: 0

Berliner Papyrusdatenbank (BerlPap)
Number of links in TM Texts: 6172

Bibliotheca Alexandrina Antiquities Museum (BibAlex)
Number of links in TM Texts: 57

Bibliothèque de Genève (BibGenève)
Number of links in TM Texts: 575

La Banque des images des papyrus de l'Aphrodite byzantine (BIPAb)
Number of links in TM Texts: 658

British Library Digitized Manuscripts (BL)
Number of links in TM Texts: 1417

The British Museum (BM)
Number of links in TM Texts: 11071

Bodmer papyri (Bodmer papyri)
Number of links in TM Texts: 28

Staat- und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen. Die Bremer Papyri (BremPap)
Number of links in TM Texts: 87

Cachette de Karnak (CachKarn)
Number of links in TM Texts: 1173

Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI)
Number of links in TM Texts: 6735

Collection of Greek Ritual Norms (CGRN)
Number of links in TM Texts: 178

Catalogo dei Papiri Ercolanesi online (Chartes)
Number of links in TM Texts: 353

Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (CIL)
Number of links in TM Texts: 20296

Celtic Inscribed Stones Project (CISP)
Number of links in TM Texts: 1309

Earlier Latin Manuscripts (CLA)
Number of links in TM Texts: 2046

Coptic Old Testament Project (CoptOT)
Number of links in TM Texts: 0

Corpus of Paraliterary Papyri (CPP)
Number of links in TM Texts: 551

Cretan institutional inscriptions (Cretan institutional inscriptions)
Number of links in TM Texts: 626

Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts (CSNTM)
Number of links in TM Texts: 187

Database of Mycenaean at Oslo (DAMOS)
Number of links in TM Texts: 5933

Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire (DARE)
Number of links in TM Texts: 0

Digital Archive for the Study of pre-Islamic Arabian Inscriptions (DASI)
Number of links in TM Texts: 7719

Database of Middle Nubian Texts (DBMNT)
Number of links in TM Texts: 4400

Digital Corpus of Literary Papyri (DCLP)
Number of links in TM Texts: 14624

Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri (DDbDP (PN))
Number of links in TM Texts: 114817

The Leon Levy Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Library (Dead Sea Scrolls)
Number of links in TM Texts: 1049

Death on the Nile (Death on the Nile)
Number of links in TM Texts: 619

The Deir el-Medina Database (DeM)
Number of links in TM Texts: 4020

The Demotic Palaeographical Database Project (DPDP)
Number of links in TM Texts: 216

Sächsische Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (Dresden Bibliothek)
Number of links in TM Texts: 1

Duke Papyrus Archive (Duke papyri)
Number of links in TM Texts: 110

DVCTVS. National Papyrological Funds (DVCTVS)
Number of links in TM Texts: 0

e-codices (e-codices)
Number of links in TM Texts: 105

Epigraphic Database Bari (EDB)
Number of links in TM Texts: 40283

Epigraphische Datenbank Clauss-Slaby (EDCS)
Number of links in TM Texts: 500857

Epigraphische Datenbank Heidelberg (EDH)
Number of links in TM Texts: 73070

Epigraphic Database Roma (EDR)
Number of links in TM Texts: 99287

Encyclopaedia Iranica (Encyclopaedia Iranica)
Number of links in TM Texts: 0

Erfgoed in zicht (Erfgoedinzicht)
Number of links in TM Texts: 22

Fontes epigraphici religionum Celticarum antiquarum / Keltische Götternamen in den Inschriften der römischen Provinz Germania Inferior (FerCan)
Number of links in TM Texts: 436

Stanford Digital Forma Urbis Romae Project (Forma Urbis Romae)
Number of links in TM Texts: 139

BnF Gallica (Gallica)
Number of links in TM Texts: 40

Ghent Database of Roman Guilds (GDRG)
Number of links in TM Texts: 2548

GeoNames (GeoNames)
Number of links in TM Texts: 0

Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent (Ghent papyri)
Number of links in TM Texts: 202

The Global Egyptian Museum (Global Egyptian Museum)
Number of links in TM Texts: 2

State Catalogue of the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation (Goskatalog)
Number of links in TM Texts: 51

Greek Verse Inscriptions of Cyrenaica (GVCyr)
Number of links in TM Texts: 55

Harvard Library (Harvard Library)
Number of links in TM Texts: 22

Griechische Papyri der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung (Heidelberg papyri)
Number of links in TM Texts: 100

Hesperia. Banco de datos de lenguas paleohispánicas (Hesperia)
Number of links in TM Texts: 2559

Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis der griechischen Urkunden aus Ägypten (HGV)
Number of links in TM Texts: 58606

Hispania Epigraphica (HispEpOl)
Number of links in TM Texts: 23693

Inscriptions of Aphrodisias 2007 (IAph)
Number of links in TM Texts: 806

Inscriptiones Graecae (IG)
Number of links in TM Texts: 4651

Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica (IGCyr)
Number of links in TM Texts: 919

Inscriptions grecques et latines d'égypte (IGLE)
Number of links in TM Texts: 0

Inscriptions of Israel / Palestine (IIP)
Number of links in TM Texts: 722

Innovating Knowledge (Innovating Knowledge)
Number of links in TM Texts: 67

Im Dialog mit der Antike - Inscriptiones Antiquae (Inscriptiones Antiquae)
Number of links in TM Texts: 85

Inscriptiones antiquae Orae Septentrionalis Ponti Euxini graecae et latinae (IOSPE)
Number of links in TM Texts: 495

Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitana (IRT)
Number of links in TM Texts: 1220

Inscriptiones Siciliae (ISic)
Number of links in TM Texts: 3159

Kölner Papyri (Kölner Papyri)
Number of links in TM Texts: 4348

Kölner Papyri (old) (Kölner Papyri [old])
Number of links in TM Texts: 301

Koptisch Ostraka Online (Koptoo)
Number of links in TM Texts: 814

Kyprianos Magical Text Database (Kyprianos)
Number of links in TM Texts: 1447

Libyco-Berber Inscriptions (LBI)
Number of links in TM Texts: 297

Lexikon Leponticum (LexLep)
Number of links in TM Texts: 442

Lexicon of Greek Personal Names (LGPN)
Number of links in TM Texts: 0
Number of links in TM People: 39691 (name variants)

LGPN-Ling: Etymology and semantics of Ancient Greek Personal Names (LGPN-Ling)
Number of links in TM Texts: 0
Number of links in TM People: 22168 (name variants)

LiLa: Linking Latin Building a Knowledge Base of Linguistic Resources for Latin (LiLa: Linking Latin)
Number of links in TM Texts: 0
Number of links in TM People: 1147 (name variants)

Livius.org (Livius)
Number of links in TM Texts: 7

Collections du Louvre (Louvre)
Number of links in TM Texts: 3210

Last Statues of Antiquity (LSA)
Number of links in TM Texts: 1380

Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua XI (MAMA XI)
Number of links in TM Texts: 386

Morgan Library and Museum (Morgan)
Number of links in TM Texts: 1

Mertens-Pack 3 (MP3)
Number of links in TM Texts: 7426

Museum of London (Museum of London)
Number of links in TM Texts: 2

Neo-Babylonian Cuneiform Corpus (NaBuCCo)
Number of links in TM Texts: 3051

New Testament Virtual Manuscript Room (NT.VMR)
Number of links in TM Texts: 326

New York University Excavations at Amheida (NYU Amheida)
Number of links in TM Texts: 848

Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of North Arabia (OCIANA)
Number of links in TM Texts: 37550

Ogham 3D (Ogham 3D)
Number of links in TM Texts: 166

Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (ÖNB)
Number of links in TM Texts: 7396

The Oxyrhynchos Papyri (old) (P. Oxy. (old))
Number of links in TM Texts: 534

Greek Papyrus Fragments from Oxyrhynchus in Glasgow University Library's Special Collections Department (P. Oxy. Glasgow (old))
Number of links in TM Texts: 19

Photographic Archive of Papyri in the Cairo Museum (PAPCM)
Number of links in TM Texts: 137

The Palaeography of the Papyri (PapPal)
Number of links in TM Texts: 3212

Papyrus Projekt (Papyrus Projekt)
Number of links in TM Texts: 17

Tracking Papyrus and Parchment Paths. An Archaeological Atlas of Coptic Literature (PAThs (CLM))
Number of links in TM Texts: 437

Penn Museum (Penn)
Number of links in TM Texts: 366

Programme d'Enregistrement, Traitement et Reconnaissance Automatique en Épigraphie (PETRAE)
Number of links in TM Texts: 2176

Searchable Greek Inscriptions (Packard Humanities Institute) (PHI)
Number of links in TM Texts: 223424

Die Inschriften von Philippi in Bild (Philippoi)
Number of links in TM Texts: 891

Practicalities of Greek Ruler Cult (PHRC)
Number of links in TM Texts: 23

Pleiades (Pleiades)
Number of links in TM Texts: 0

Advanced Papyrological Information System (now part of PN) (PN-APIS (Berenike))
Number of links in TM Texts: 260

Advanced Papyrological Information System (now part of PN) (PN-APIS (Berkeley))
Number of links in TM Texts: 69

Advanced Papyrological Information System (now part of PN) (PN-APIS (Chicago))
Number of links in TM Texts: 2

Advanced Papyrological Information System (now part of PN) (PN-APIS (Columbia))
Number of links in TM Texts: 5752

Advanced Papyrological Information System (now part of PN) (PN-APIS (Duke))
Number of links in TM Texts: 1786

Advanced Papyrological Information System (now part of PN) (PN-APIS (Fordham))
Number of links in TM Texts: 11

Advanced Papyrological Information System (now part of PN) (PN-APIS (Hermitage))
Number of links in TM Texts: 394

Advanced Papyrological Information System (now part of PN) (PN-APIS (Lund))
Number of links in TM Texts: 806

Advanced Papyrological Information System (now part of PN) (PN-APIS (Oslo))
Number of links in TM Texts: 150

Advanced Papyrological Information System (now part of PN) (PN-APIS (Perkins))
Number of links in TM Texts: 12

Advanced Papyrological Information System (now part of PN) (PN-APIS (Petra))
Number of links in TM Texts: 35

Advanced Papyrological Information System (now part of PN) (PN-APIS (Princeton))
Number of links in TM Texts: 731

Advanced Papyrological Information System (now part of PN) (PN-APIS (PSR))
Number of links in TM Texts: 8

Advanced Papyrological Information System (now part of PN) (PN-APIS (PTS))
Number of links in TM Texts: 12

Advanced Papyrological Information System (now part of PN) (PN-APIS (Pullmann))
Number of links in TM Texts: 9

Advanced Papyrological Information System (now part of PN) (PN-APIS (Sacramento))
Number of links in TM Texts: 1

Advanced Papyrological Information System (now part of PN) (PN-APIS (Stanford))
Number of links in TM Texts: 77

Advanced Papyrological Information System (now part of PN) (PN-APIS (Toronto))
Number of links in TM Texts: 43

Advanced Papyrological Information System (now part of PN) (PN-APIS (UPenn))
Number of links in TM Texts: 131

Advanced Papyrological Information System (now part of PN) (PN-APIS (UTS))
Number of links in TM Texts: 12

Advanced Papyrological Information System (now part of PN) (PN-APIS (Wisconsin))
Number of links in TM Texts: 101

Advanced Papyrological Information System (now part of PN) (PN-APIS (Yale))
Number of links in TM Texts: 6

PSIonline. Papyri della Società Italiana (PSI)
Number of links in TM Texts: 1765

La collezione dei Papiri dell'Università di Genova (PUG (Genova))
Number of links in TM Texts: 162

Papyri Universitatis Lupiensis (PUL)
Number of links in TM Texts: 453

Ramses Online (Ramses)
Number of links in TM Texts: 0

Roman Inscriptions of Britain (RIB)
Number of links in TM Texts: 3906

Royal Inscriptions of Babylonia online (RIBo)
Number of links in TM Texts: 168

The Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period (RINAP)
Number of links in TM Texts: 4519

Runenprojekt Kiel. Sprachwissenschaftliche Datenbank der Runeninschriften im älteren Futhark (Runenprojekt Kiel)
Number of links in TM Texts: 446

RuneS (RuneS)
Number of links in TM Texts: 552

State Archives of Assyria Online (SAAO)
Number of links in TM Texts: 4659

Institut de Papyrologie. Les Collections de Papyrus (Sorbonne papyri)
Number of links in TM Texts: 123

Spurlock Museum (Spurlock Museum)
Number of links in TM Texts: 27

The Inscriptions of Suhu online Project (Suhu)
Number of links in TM Texts: 34

Das Altägyptische Totenbuch. Ein digitales Textzeugenarchiv (TBP)
Number of links in TM Texts: 3086

Thesaurus d'Épigraphie Islamique (TEI)
Number of links in TM Texts: 835

Metropolitan Museum (The Met)
Number of links in TM Texts: 93

Thesaurus Inscriptionum Raeticarum (TIR)
Number of links in TM Texts: 401

Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae (TLA)
Number of links in TM Texts: 1328

Turin Papyrus Online Platform (TPOP)
Number of links in TM Texts: 242

Bilddatenbank zu antiken Steindenkmälern (Ubi erat Lupa)
Number of links in TM Texts: 12699

Handschriftenkatalog der UB Graz (Uni Graz)
Number of links in TM Texts: 53

US Epigraphic Project (US Epigraphy)
Number of links in TM Texts: 1117

Vindolanda Tablets Online (Vindolanda Tablets Online)
Number of links in TM Texts: 456

Vindolanda Tablets Online II (Vindolanda Tablets Online II)
Number of links in TM Texts: 736

Wikipedia (Wikipedia)
Number of links in TM Texts: 949

Würtembergisches Urkundenbuch (Würtembergisches Urkundenbuch)
Number of links in TM Texts: 114

Past funding

Trismegistos is the result of intense collaboration between the Universities of Leuven and Cologne, but would never have been possible without the support of many other projects. A detailed history of the project is available elsewhere. The following is a list of all funding agencies that have awarded project money to build out the Trismegistos platform in the past.

Sofja Kovalevskaja Award, Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung
Multilingualism and Multiculturalism in Graeco-Roman Egypt (M. Depauw - from Jan 2005 until Sep 2008 - University of Cologne in cooperation with KU Leuven)

Research grants (4) and Fellowships (2) of the 'Bijzonder Onderzoeksfonds'
Historical topography of the Fayum in the Greco-Roman period (W. Clarysse, K. Vandorpe - from Oct 1998 until Sep 2002 - KU Leuven)
Papyrus archives in Greco-Roman Egypt (W. Clarysse, K. Vandorpe - from Oct 2002 until Sep 2005 - KU Leuven)
Creating Identities in Graeco-Roman Egypt (M. Depauw, W. Clarysse, K. Vandorpe - from Oct 2008 until Sep 2012 - KU Leuven)
Authority and Social Interaction in Graeco-Roman Egypt (M. Depauw - from Oct 2012 until Sep 2016 - KU Leuven)

Research project (2), research grants (2) and a Small Infrastructure grant of the ‘Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek – Vlaanderen’
Institutional history of the Arsinoite nome (270 BC - AD 220) (W. Clarysse, K. Vandorpe - from Oct 1998 until Sep 2002 - KU Leuven)
A Codicological and Sociolinguistical Study of Literary and Subliterary Texts in Ancient Egypt from the Third Intermediate until the Byzantine period (ca. 1070 BC until 284 AD) (M. Depauw - from Feb until Aug 2005 - KU Leuven)
Egyptian names from the late pharaonic until the Roman period. The evolution of onomastic types in a multilingual and multicultural environment (M. Depauw, W. Clarysse - from Jan 2009 until Dec 2012 - KU Leuven)
Towards a Universal Facebook of the Ancient World (Y. Broux - from Jan 2016 until Dec 2018 - KU Leuven)

Grants (2) of the 'Hercules Stichting'
An interdisciplinary Database of proper names in late pharaonic, graeco-roman and byzantine Egypt (ca. 800BC – AD 640) (M. Depauw - from Oct 2008 until Apr 2014 - KU Leuven)
DARIAH: The Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (C. Verbruggen - from Jan until Dec 2015 - KU Leuven under the coordination of Ghent University)

Grant of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme
Europeana Network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy (S. Orlandi - from Apr 2013 until Mar 2016 - KU Leuven under the coordination of Sapienza, University of Rome, and collaboration of Promoter Srl, University of Bari "Aldo Moro", Heidelberg University, Oxford University, Univesity of Alcalà, Paris Lodron University Salzburg, Babeş-Bolyai University, Eötvös Loránd University, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts Institute of Archaeology, Institut de recherche sur l'Antiquité et le Moyen-Age "Ausonius", UMR 5607, University of Bordeaux 3 - CNRS, Italian National Research Council – CNR-ISTI, German Archeological Institute, The Cyprus Institute, Eureva, The British School at Rome, Gogate Srl)

Emil und Arthur Kießling Stiftung für Papyrusforschung
Förderung der Arbeiten an der 'Prosographia Ptolemaica' (W. Clarysse - from Jan 2008 until sep 2008 - KU Leuven)

Award of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) / National Endowment of the Humanities (NEH) Bilateral Digital Humanities Program
Digital Corpus of Literary Papyri (R. Ast / R. Bagnall - from late 2013 until late 2016 - KU Leuven under the coordination of NYU and Heidelberg University: Digital Corpus of Literary Papyri)

Grants (2) of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)
Digital Transformations in the Arts and Humanities: Big Data Projects Call

Standards for Networking Ancient Prosopographies (G. Bodard - from Jan until Dec 2014 - KU Leuven under the coordination of King's College, London)
Lexicon of Greek Personal Names- Lower Egypt and the Fayum (R. Parker - from Sep 2019 until Sep 2022 - KU Leuven under the coordination of Oxford University)

Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities (DARIAH) / CLARIAH-VL: Open Humanities Service Infrastructure
ESFRI Roadmap, ESFRI landmark: Integrated Digitization Workflow and Metadata (C. Verbruggen - from Jan 2016 until Dec 2018, from Jan 2019 until Dec 2020, and from Jan 2021 until Dec 2024 - funded by FWO)
Pilot project with in-kind contributions (KU Leuven under the coordination of Ghent University)

The Mellon Foundation - Scholarly Communications
The GODOT project: A gazetteer of dating systems from antiquity (F. Grieshaber - from Jun until Dec 2018 - KULeuven under the coordination of Heidelberg University)