
For practical reasons, repertories and large editions have been cited in the database without links; however, they are listed with their abbreviations (e.g., CPG and PG) in the file Frequently used Bibliography that can be downloaded HERE in PDF format.

Hagedorn - Hagedorn 1994-2004
= Ursula Hagedorn - Dieter Hagedorn, Die älteren griechischen Katenen zum Buch Hiob. I. Einleitung, Prologe und Epiloge, Fragmente zu Hiob 1,1-8,22; II. Fragmente zu Hiob 9,1-22,30 [1997]; III. Fragmente zu Hiob 23,1-42,17 [2000]; IV. Register. Nachträge und Anhänge, Berlin - New York 1994-2004 (Patristische Texte und Studien, 40, 48, 53 & 59).
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