
For practical reasons, repertories and large editions have been cited in the database without links; however, they are listed with their abbreviations (e.g., CPG and PG) in the file Frequently used Bibliography that can be downloaded HERE in PDF format.

Leroy 1970
= F.-J. Leroy, «Pseudo-Chrysostomica: Jean de Jérusalem. Vers une résurrection littéraire?», Studia Patristica X. Papers presented to the Fifth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford, 1967. I. Editiones, Critica, Philologica, Biblica, Historica, Liturgica et ascetica. Edited by F. L. Cross, Berlin 1970 (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur, 107), pp. 131-136.
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