Seals and Stamps
from Graeco-Roman and Byzantine Egypt

SB 5 7823 (cf. Boak 1935 no. 6)

Seal ID: 1062
Publications: SB 5 7823 (cf. Boak 1935 no. 6)
Inventory number: P. 6177b
Online photo:
Description: Seal for tax (partly preserved): "two laureate busts, facing right, probably of Septimius Severus with Caracalla (or Geta) behind, and facing them was originally a bust of Geta (Caracalla); of the inscription remains π]ύλης Σοκ[νοπαίου ["gate of Soknopaiu Nesos"]". Attached to custom house receipt
Material (seal): Clay/mud
Material (seal matrix):
Type of document sealed: 10.Document with Untersiegelung
Type of recipient sealed:
Date: Roman
Place: Soknopaiu Nesos
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