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Total number of records found: 17226
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TM 48767 = Demotica 2 30 = Munich, Institut für Ägyptologie und Koptologie without number; Demotic / Greek; writing exercise - school text, papyrus; 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) (?); AD01
TM 48853 = P. Loeb 69 = Munich, Institut für Ägyptologie und Koptologie Loeb 69; Demotic; literary?, papyrus; Egypt; BC04 - BC01
TM 48854 = Griffith, High priests of Memphis p. 142-207 no. 2 = London, British Museum EA 10822 Vo; Demotic; Setne II, papyrus; U09 - Panopolites (?); AD01
TM 48855 = Jordan, Die demotischen Wissenstexte (Recht und Mathematik) des pMattha p. 247-341 (Recto) = Cairo, Egyptian Museum JdE 89127 Ro + Cairo, Egyptian Museum JdE 89128 Ro + Cairo, Egyptian Museum JdE 89129 Ro + Cairo, Egyptian Museum JdE 89130 Ro + Cairo, Egyptian Museum JdE 89137 Ro + Cairo, Egyptian Museum JdE 89138 Ro + Cairo, Egyptian Museum JdE 89139 Ro + Cairo, Egyptian Museum JdE 89140 Ro + Cairo, Egyptian Museum JdE 89141 Ro + Cairo, Egyptian Museum JdE 89142 Ro + Cairo, Egyptian Museum JdE 89143 Ro; Demotic; scientific: law handbook (legal code of Hermopolis), papyrus; U15 - Hermopolites; BC03
TM 48857 = Oriens Antiquus 2 (1963), p. 24-26 App. = London, British Museum EA 10856 (3) [App.]; Demotic; school text (school exercise), papyrus; 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) (?); BC04 - BC01
TM 48861 = P. Chronik Vo col. c, l. 6-16 (p. 30) = Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale 215 Vo col. c; Demotic; report on codification of laws during the reign of Dareios, papyrus; L01 - Memphis; BC03
TM 48871 = P. Chronik Vo col. a (p. 26-27) = Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale 215 Vo col. a; Demotic; narrative, Pharaoh Amasis and the sailor, papyrus; L01 - Memphis; BC03
TM 48874 = Short Texts 4 2837 = Paris, Louvre E 9846; Demotic; school text, wood, tablet; U04b - Memnoneia - Djeme (Thebes west); BC06
TM 48875 = P. Chronik Ro, p. 9-13 + Blasius / Schipper (ed.), Apokalyptik und Ägypten (OLA 107) p. 65-111 = Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale 215 Ro; Demotic; literary, Demotic Chronicle, papyrus; L01 - Memphis; BC03
TM 48883 = Studies Hughes p. 268 no. 2 = Paris, Louvre N 2380 Vo; Demotic; wisdom text, papyrus; L01 - Memphis, Saqqara, Serapeum; BC02
TM 48884 = Studies Hughes p. 264-266 no. 1 = Paris, Louvre N 2377 Ro [palimpsest old] + Paris, Louvre N 2377 Vo [Demotic]; Demotic; wisdom text, papyrus; L01 - Memphis, Saqqara, Serapeum; BC02
TM 48888 = Illuminating Osiris. Egyptological studies in honor of Mark Smith p. 37-69 = Vienna, Nationalbibliothek D 10000; Demotic; prophecy of the lamb of Bokchoris, papyrus; 00a - Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh) (?); AD01
TM 48893 = P. Schulübung p. 5-6 = Ann Arbor, Michigan University, Library P. 6445 a Ro + Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung P. 13639 Ro; Demotic; school text (teaching handbook?), papyrus; 00 - Arsinoites (Fayum) (?); BC03
TM 48899 = Papyrologica Lupiensia 14 (2005), p. 345-354 [P. Strasb. Dem. 31] descr. = Strasbourg, Bibliothèque Nationale P. dem. 31; Demotic; advocation of the god Sobek of Dimeh, with various sections listing his epithets, papyrus; 00a - Soknopaiou Nesos (Dimeh) (?); AD02 - AD03
TM 48900 = P. Strasb. Dem. p. 43 no. 39 (a) & 36 (b) = Strasbourg, Bibliothèque Nationale P. dem. 36 + Strasbourg, Bibliothèque Nationale P. dem. 39; Demotic; narrative, fragment, papyrus; Egypt; BC01 - AD01
TM 48901 = P. Strasb. Dem. p. 50 no. 37 descr. = Strasbourg, Bibliothèque Nationale P. dem. 37; Demotic; religious text, papyrus; Egypt; AD02 - AD03
TM 48957 = O. Bucheum 2 p. 67 no. O. 110 = Egypt, Armant, Bucheum, excavation EES 1928-1932 no. O.110; Demotic; list of months, no doubt followed by alphabet ("names of birds"), pottery, ostracon; U04a - Hermonthis (Armant), Bucheum; BC01
TM 48975 = O. Hor 8 = Egypt, Saqqara, excavations EES G7-31, EAS registration 460; Demotic; dream text, pottery, ostracon; L01 - Memphis, Saqqara, Serapeum; BC02
TM 48976 = O. Hor 9 = Egypt, Saqqara, excavations EES 71/2-130, EAS registration 5398; Demotic; dream text, pottery, ostracon; L01 - Memphis, Saqqara, Serapeum; BC02
TM 48977 = Kockelmann, Praising the Goddess 2 = Egypt, Saqqara, excavations EES H6-510, EAS registration 4133; Demotic; hymn to Isis / dream text, pottery, ostracon; L01 - Memphis, Saqqara, Serapeum; BC02
TM 48978 = O. Hor 11 = Egypt, Saqqara, excavations EES 71/2-191, EAS registration 5459; Demotic; dream text, pottery, ostracon; L01 - Memphis, Saqqara, Serapeum; BC02
TM 48980 = O. Hor 13 = Egypt, Saqqara, excavations EES 71/2-121, EAS registration 5389; Demotic; dream text, pottery, ostracon; L01 - Memphis, Saqqara, Serapeum; BC02
TM 48981 = O. Hor 14 = Egypt, Saqqara, excavations EES G7-32, EAS registration 461; Demotic; sheet, pottery, ostracon; L01 - Memphis, Saqqara, Serapeum; BC02
TM 48985 = Quack (ed.), Ägyptische Rituale der griechisch-römischen Zeit p. 83-119 = Egypt, Saqqara, excavations EES 71/2-112, EAS registration 5380; Demotic; liturgic text / dream text, pottery, ostracon; L01 - Memphis, Saqqara, Serapeum; BC02
TM 48990 = O. Hor 23 = Egypt, Saqqara, excavations EES 71/2-128, EAS registration 5396; Demotic; memorandum / dream text, pottery, ostracon; L01 - Memphis, Saqqara, Serapeum; BC02
TM 49001 = O. Hor 35 = Egypt, Saqqara, excavations EES G7-46, EAS registration 475; Demotic; drawing of a human head and one illegible Demotic line, pottery, ostracon; L01 - Memphis, Saqqara, Serapeum; BC02
TM 49005 = O. Hor 39 = Egypt, Saqqara, excavations EES 71/2-183, EAS registration 5451; Demotic; fragment with unidentified content (dream-text?), pottery, ostracon; L01 - Memphis, Saqqara, Serapeum; BC02
TM 49006 = O. Hor 40 = Egypt, Saqqara, excavations EES 71/2-184, EAS registration 5452; Demotic; fragment with unidentified content (dream-text?), pottery, ostracon; L01 - Memphis, Saqqara, Serapeum; BC02
TM 49007 = O. Hor 41 = Egypt, Saqqara, excavations EES 71/2-187, EAS registration 5455; Demotic; fragment with unidentified content (dream-text?), pottery, ostracon; L01 - Memphis, Saqqara, Serapeum; BC02
TM 49008 = O. Hor 42 = Egypt, Saqqara, excavations EES 71/2-190, EAS registration 5456; Demotic; fragment with unidentified content (dream-text?), pottery, ostracon; L01 - Memphis, Saqqara, Serapeum; BC02
TM 49009 = O. Hor 43 = Egypt, Saqqara, excavations EES 71/2-189, EAS registration 5457; Demotic; fragment with unidentified content (dream-text?), pottery, ostracon; L01 - Memphis, Saqqara, Serapeum; BC02
TM 49010 = O. Hor 44 = Egypt, Saqqara, excavations EES 71/2-190, EAS registration 5458; Demotic; fragment with unidentified content (dream-text?), pottery, ostracon; L01 - Memphis, Saqqara, Serapeum; BC02
TM 49025 = O. Hor 59 = Egypt, Saqqara, excavations EES H5-779 + 787, EAS registration 2526 + 2534; Demotic; dream record of two dreams, pottery, ostracon; L01 - Memphis, Saqqara, Serapeum; BC02
TM 49351 = O. Leiden Dem. 325 = Leiden, National Museum of Antiquities F 1901 / 9 . 246; Demotic; unclear: hymn?, pottery, ostracon; U04b - Thebes; BC04 - BC03
TM 49352 = O. Leiden Dem. 326 = Leiden, National Museum of Antiquities F 1901 / 9 . 210; Demotic; unclear: hymn?, pottery, ostracon; U04b - Thebes; BC01 - AD03
TM 49360 = O. Leiden Dem. 334 = Leiden, National Museum of Antiquities F 1897 / 6 . 5; Demotic; chemical prescription for the manufacture of aA.t-nTr to dip, pottery, ostracon; U04b - Dios Polis (Thebes east); BC01 - AD03
TM 49384 = O. Leiden Dem. 358 = Leiden, National Museum of Antiquities F 1901 / 1 . 202; Demotic; school text (school exercise, numbers), pottery, ostracon; U04b - Thebes; BC04 - BC01
TM 49385 = O. Leiden Dem. 359 = Leiden, National Museum of Antiquities F 1897 / 6 . 267; Demotic; school text (school exercise), pottery, ostracon; U04b - Thebes; BC04 - BC01
TM 49386 = O. Leiden Dem. 360 = Leiden, National Museum of Antiquities without number; Demotic; school text (school exercise, numbers), pottery, ostracon; U04b - Thebes; BC01 - AD03
TM 49387 = O. Leiden Dem. 361 = Leiden, National Museum of Antiquities F 1897 / 6 . 699; Demotic; school text (school exercise, numbers), pottery, ostracon; U04b - Thebes; BC01 - AD03
TM 49388 = O. Leiden Dem. 362 = Leiden, National Museum of Antiquities F 1897 / 6 . 309; Demotic; school text (school exercise, numbers), pottery, ostracon; U04b - Thebes; BC01 - AD03
TM 49389 = O. Leiden Dem. 363 = Leiden, National Museum of Antiquities F 1897 / 6 . 208; Demotic; school text (school exercise, numbers), pottery, ostracon; U04b - Thebes; BC01 - AD03
TM 49390 = O. Leiden Dem. 364 = Leiden, National Museum of Antiquities F 1899 / 1 . 1.... (?); Demotic; school text (school exercise, numbers), pottery, ostracon; U04b - Thebes; BC01 - AD02
TM 49513 = Mélanges Ola el-Aguizy (BdE 164) p. 81-82 = Leiden, National Museum of Antiquities without number; Demotic; list of body parts, pottery, ostracon; U04b - Thebes; BC01 - AD01
TM 50041 = O. Med. Habu Dem. 146 = Cairo, Egyptian Museum exc. 1929/30 MH 146; Demotic; writing exercise, pottery, ostracon; U04b - Memnoneia - Djeme (Thebes west), Medinet Habu; BC02 - AD01
TM 50132 = P. Äg. Handschr. 186 Vo descr. = Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung P. 23559 Vo; Demotic; narrative, papyrus; U01 - Elephantine (Geziret Assuan); BC01 - AD03
TM 50135 = P. Äg. Handschr. 199 descr. = Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung P. 23572; Demotic; list of professions, papyrus; U01 - Elephantine (Geziret Assuan); BC04 - BC01
TM 50136 = P. Äg. Handschr. 224 descr. = Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung P. 23597; Demotic; writing exercise, papyrus; U01 - Elephantine (Geziret Assuan); BC04 - BC01
TM 50137 = P. Äg. Handschr. 319 descr. = Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung P. 23692; Demotic; astronomical, horoscope, papyrus; U01 - Elephantine (Geziret Assuan); BC04 - BC03
TM 50138 = P. Carlsberg 11 30 = Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung P. 23701; Demotic; notes concerning a lot oracle, wood (palm branch or papyrus bark); U01 - Elephantine (Geziret Assuan); BC03 - AD02