A total of 12 abbreviations in TM 200038 (click here to see all clusters)

Text details
Publication Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania (IRT) 111
Provenance Libya, Africa - Sabratha [find place, place of writing & preservation]
Date AD 300 - 399 (cf. IRT)
All abbreviations:
Abbreviation Abbreviated word Combination
LLuciL for Luci
FLflaminisFL for flaminis
PPperpetuiPP for perpetui
CONTINUMcontinuumCONTINUM for continuum
AURIBauribusAURIB for auribus
POPULpopulusPOPUL for populus
COLcoloniaeCOL for coloniae
SABRATSabrathensisSABRAT for Sabrathensis
PROVINCprovinciaePROVINC for provinciae
DEDICdedicaveruntDEDIC for dedicaverunt
CURcuranteCUR for curante
FLFlavioFL for Flavio