A total of 11 abbreviations in TM 201532 (click here to see all clusters)

Text details
Publication Année épigraphique 1998 1563
Provenance Tunisia, Africa - Carthago [found & written]
Date AD 300 - 399
All abbreviations:
Abbreviation Abbreviated word Combination
INPLETUinpleturINPLETU for inpletur
VOLVolVOL for Vol
ASascopaeAS for ascopae
BByzacenaB for Byzacena
NnumeroN for numero
TEBELBUCITANTebelbucitanTEBELBUCITAN for Tebelbucitan
CONDITconditorioCONDIT for conditorio
ZZeugitanoZ for Zeugitano
sigelsummasigel for summa
PpondoP for pondo
LlibrasL for libras