A total of 7 abbreviations in TM 208879 (click here to see all clusters)

Text details
Publication Année épigraphique 1975 646
Inventory Leiden, National Museum of Antiquities I 1970/12.32
Provenance Netherlands, Gallia - Ganuenta (Colijnsplaat) [written]
Netherlands, Gallia - Zierikzee, near [found]
Date AD 227
All abbreviations:
Abbreviation Abbreviated word Combination
PHOEBPhoebiusPHOEB for Phoebius
DdecurioD for decurio
MmunicipiiM for municipii
BBatavorumB for Batavorum
LlibensL for libens
MmeritoM for merito
COSconsulibusCOS for consulibus