A total of 13 abbreviations in TM 210205 (click here to see all clusters)

Text details
Publication CIL XIII.4 11812
Inventory Mainz, Landesmuseum number unknown
Provenance Germany, Gallia - Mogontiacum (Mainz) [found & written]
Date AD 217
All abbreviations:
Abbreviation Abbreviated word Combination
IIoviI for Iovi
OOptimoO for Optimo
MMaximoM for Maximo
DOLICENODolichenoDOLICENO for Dolicheno
GGaius!G for Gaius!
IULIuliusIUL for Iulius
NEGnegotiatorNEG for negotiator
PposuitP for posuit
PRESENTEPraesentePRESENTE for Praesente
COSconsulibusCOS for consulibus
KKalendasK for Kalendas
IUNIuniasIUN for Iunias
SACEsacerdoteSACE for sacerdote