A total of 15 abbreviations in TM 243921 (click here to see all clusters)

Text details
Publication Année épigraphique 1979 331
Provenance Portugal, Hispania - Goujoim [found & written]
Date AD 43 (Claudius; cf. HEp)
All abbreviations:
Abbreviation Abbreviated word Combination
IMPImperatoreIMP for Imperatore
AUGAugustoAUG for Augusto
GERGermanicoGER for Germanico
PONTpontificePONT for pontifice
MAXmaximoMAX for maximo
TRIBUtribuniciaTRIBU for tribunicia
POTESpotestatePOTES for potestate
IMPimperatoreIMP for imperatore
PpatreP for patre
PpatriaeP for patriae
COSconsuleCOS for consule
TERMIterminusTERMI for terminus
AUGAugustalisAUG for Augustalis
ARABRArabrigensesARABR for Arabrigenses
COILARCoilarnosCOILAR for Coilarnos