A total of 9 abbreviations in TM 385088 (click here to see all clusters)

Text details
Publication French, Roman roads and milestones of Asia Minor 3.6 38 (A) + French, Roman roads and milestones of Asia Minor 3.6 45 (A)
Provenance Turkey, Pisidia - Baris (Isparta) [found & written]
Date a: AD 313 - 317
b: AD 313 - 317
c: AD 324 - 326
d: AD 333 - 335
All abbreviations:
Abbreviation Abbreviated word Combination
DDDdominisDD for Ddominis
NNnnostrisNN for nnostris
FLFlavioFL for Flavio
VALValerioVAL for Valerio
VALValerioVAL for Valerio
PPPpiisPP for Ppiis
FFFfelicibusFF for Ffelicibus
AUGGAuggustisAUGG for Auggustis
CIVITcivitateCIVIT for civitate