A total of 11 abbreviations in TM 411488 (click here to see all clusters)

Text details
Publication ZPE 174 (2010), p. 280-281 no. 3
Provenance Hungary, Pannonia - Brigetio (Komárom) [found & written]
Date AD 236 - 238
All abbreviations:
Abbreviation Abbreviated word Combination
IMPImperatoriIMP for Imperatori
GERMGermanicoGERM for Germanico
MAXmaximoMAX for maximo
SARSarmaticoSAR for Sarmatico
MAXmaximoMAX for maximo
DACDacicoDAC for Dacico
MAXmaximoMAX for maximo
AUGAugustiAUG for Augusti
EQQeqquitesEQQ for eqquites
AUGAugustaeAUG for Augustae
THRThracumTHR for Thracum