A total of 12 abbreviations in TM 425641 (click here to see all clusters)

Text details
Publication CIL XIII.2.1 7509
Provenance Germany, Gallia - Bingium (Bingen am Rhein) [found & written]
Date BC 199 - AD 799?
All abbreviations:
Abbreviation Abbreviated word Combination
FfiliusF for filius
DELMATDelmatusDELMAT for Delmatus
MILmilesMIL for miles
COHcohortisCOH for cohortis
DELMATARDelmatarumDELMATAR for Delmatarum
ANNannorumANN for annorum
STIPstipendiorumSTIP for stipendiorum
HheresH for heres
PposuitP for posuit
HhicH for hic
SsitusS for situs
EestE for est