A total of 15 abbreviations in TM 447330 (click here to see all clusters)

Text details
Publication Inscriptions latines de Narbonnaise (ILN) 3 291
Provenance France, Gallia - Brignoles, near [found & written]
Date AD 58
All abbreviations:
Abbreviation Abbreviated word Combination
FfiliusF for filius
NEPneposNEP for nepos
TITiberiTI for Tiberi
AUGAugustiAUG for Augusti
PRONEPproneposPRONEP for pronepos
AUGAugustiAUG for Augusti
AUGAugustusAUG for Augustus
PONTIFpontifexPONTIF for pontifex
MAXmaximusMAX for maximus
TRtribuniciaTR for tribunicia
POTpotestatePOT for potestate
IMPimperatorIMP for imperator
COSconsulCOS for consul
PpaterP for pater
PpatriaeP for patriae