A total of 10 abbreviations in TM 554021 (click here to see all clusters)

Text details
Publication Stelluti, Epigrafi di Larino e della bassa Frentania 74
Provenance Italy, Apulia - Larinum (Larino) [found & written]
Date BC 199 - AD 799?
All abbreviations:
Abbreviation Abbreviated word Combination
MERmerentiMER for merenti
SEXSextusSEX for Sextus
POSTERISQposterisque!POSTERISQ for posterisque!
VIXvixitVIX for vixit
ANannosAN for annos
MENmensesMEN for menses
FRfronteFR for fronte
PpedesP for pedes
AGagroAG for agro
PpedesP for pedes