A total of 12 abbreviations in TM 557225 (click here to see all clusters)

Text details
Publication CIL V.1 2834
Provenance Italy, Venetia - Patavium (Padova) [found & written]
Date AD 150 - 199
All abbreviations:
Abbreviation Abbreviated word Combination
LLucioL for Lucio
MILmilitiMIL for militi
CLASSclassicoCLASS for classico
sigelcenturiasigel for centuria
ANNannosANN for annos
ANNannosANN for annos
HEREDheredesHERED for heredes
FECERfeceruntFECER for fecerunt
QQQ for Q
LLuciumL for Lucium
FIDUCfiduciariumFIDUC for fiduciarium
HERheredemHER for heredem