A total of 5 abbreviation clusters in TM 122921 (click here to see all cluster components)

Text details
Publication Mazzer, I recinti funerari in area altinate 140
Provenance Italy, Venetia - Altinum (Altino) [found & written]
Date BC 30 - AD 30
All abbreviation clusters:
Abbreviation cluster Abbreviated words cluster Combination
F Pfronte pedesF P for fronte pedes
LOTOR Plotoribus pedesLOTOR P for lotoribus pedes
STRAT Pstrata pedesSTRAT P for strata pedes
LAT SINIST Platere sinistro pedesLAT SINIST P for latere sinistro pedes
S V Fsemis vivus fecitS V F for semis vivus fecit